View Full Version : Has something happened to Polish Angel?

03-26-2019, 09:31 AM
I tried contacting Travis (as I have in the past), and receive no response. I went ahead and placed an order online for the items I needed anyhow. It`s been well over a month and I`ve still not received notification of shipping...which also isn`t normal. I`ve tried contacting someone via the website and facebook messenger...NO answer.
Has something gone wrong? Are others receiving product from them?

Bill D
03-26-2019, 09:40 AM
I sure hope your credit card wasn’t charged.

03-26-2019, 10:53 AM
I would contact the banking institution that has issued your credit card and see if and where your CC payment has gone to and when.
Please let us know what you find out.
Since trying to reach them by internet methods is not working, I would suggest try calling them on a land line phone.

Who knows; maybe this has something to do with the Mueller Investigation into Russian Hacking (OK I could not resist. It is highly inappropriate and unethical in a detailing forum like Autopia to make such comments. We`ll leave such "investigative reporting and journalistic analysis" to CNBC or CNN!)

03-26-2019, 11:02 AM
(Please NO FAKE NEWS accounts about how this may be related to the Russian Hacking and the Mueller Investigation! It is highly inappropriate and unethical in a detailing forum like Autopia to make such comments. We will leave that to CNBC and CNN)
Nah, Polish Angel US has been `less than reliable` as of late.

Edit: Funny...about 1 minute after posting, this shows up in my e-mail Inbox


03-26-2019, 04:16 PM
I tried putting multiple PA products in my cart after the coupon came out and they were out of stock on all my items.

i know that back in October/November they were moving to a larger location in Germany but haven’t heard from Travis since that time frame.

Bill D
03-26-2019, 04:38 PM
Sounds like a company that needs to improve quite a bit when it comes to business communication. I tried one PA product and ordered it from Autopia/AG with no issues

Mike lambert
03-26-2019, 06:00 PM
Exactly why we left them, always had trouble and never could get Travis to answer!

03-27-2019, 07:04 AM
Hmm it can be something with the company hq in Germany. As I have seen a lot of products not offered any more on PA Sweden website. Since they work with small batches and often freshly done. It can be fast to being low on products that way.

bob m
03-27-2019, 08:43 AM
Up until a few months ago, I had my own online tool company (Festool) and I can say emphatically that proper/timely communication is critical to that company`s success and viability. There are simply no excuses for this lack of communication - especially if it concerns order placed/charged by customers. They seem to have good products, so I hope this is a glitch and they can turn it around.

03-27-2019, 04:54 PM
Since PA products are made in small batches it will take longer than normal to get your order. Most everyone that has placed an order with PA has complained about the slow shipping. I agree they need to improve their customer support. They should let you know how long it will take before your order is shipped. That’s just good business.

04-18-2019, 09:27 PM
Someone just posted in AG. Same issues, no contact.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mary B
04-21-2019, 05:41 AM
I ordered from them last year.
Took about 4-5 weeks, only a notice from carrier, then a few weeks more it just showed up one day.
My bank account told me money was paid.
I like their products, sure hope this is a small glitch.

04-21-2019, 08:43 PM
I received an Easter Discount ad via email on Friday from them. I assume they’re still there.