View Full Version : Windshield Haze

02-01-2019, 01:06 AM
Hi all. I have a 2012 tacoma and the windshield has a haze over half of it. The other half is fine. At some point, some product either created the haze on half or took off the haze on the other half. I have no idea which but there`s a clear line right down the middle. :blink:

I tried water spot remover, a quick over with carpro ceriglass by hand, and a good wipe down. The haze remains. I could not get it off.

Any suggestions on how to get the haze off windshield?

02-01-2019, 09:43 AM
I would try a mild polish in a corner of the haze to see if a mild abrasive puts a dent in it. Try it on a microfiber, not a DA. Are you able to tell with certainty if the haze is on the inside or outside of the glass?

02-01-2019, 12:49 PM
It`s definitely the outside I checked like 5 times.

I`m thinking the plan of action is nanoskin and then some cleaner of some sort. I`m thinking about trying a full ceriglass polish or trying bar keepers friend.

Mike lambert
02-01-2019, 02:18 PM
Before you do anything, check with Toyota, I think I heard about them having a problem with some of the cars? Worth a call.

Anthony O.
02-01-2019, 02:38 PM
Hi all. I have a 2012 tacoma and the windshield has a haze over half of it. The other half is fine. At some point, some product either created the haze on half or took off the haze on the other half. I have no idea which but there`s a clear line right down the middle. :blink:

I tried water spot remover, a quick over with carpro ceriglass by hand, and a good wipe down. The haze remains. I could not get it off.

Any suggestions on how to get the haze off windshield?

Can you feel it? If so then it`s some form of an overspray. Soapy water and a clean fresh razor blade.

If it can`t be felt then it`s perhaps a chemical/product burn or etch onto the glass. I have seen this on some cars when something was sprayed onto their car from another vehicle, even at dealers I have seen where fluids have spilled or sprayed onto glass and etched it. If that`s the case then a replacement is your best bet. Try to buff your glass out will most likely cause more problems.

Was it in a repair shop recently or body shop?


02-01-2019, 02:57 PM
Can`t feel it. It`s unlikely a chemical from another car, never in body shop.

When I drove to work this morning I noticed it most severe where the wipers contact the glass. It`s pretty bad.

02-01-2019, 06:18 PM
If the haze is where the wipers contact the glass, it is probably due to wipers that were never cleaned when the car was washed, and they eventually wore down and kept abrading the glass, breaking down the rubber, and perhaps some dirt along with them over that contact area for years..

I have used Carpro ceriglass polish recently on my 12 year old Acura TL Type-S huge front windshield and all the rest of the glass with a machine and some purple foam wool pads and it worked great to clean the glass really well for application of Flyby30.. https://www.autopia-carcare.com/carpro-flyby30-glass-coating.html#.XFTTOlWQH3g
Dan F

02-01-2019, 07:38 PM
Thanks all. I`ll give it a go this evening.

02-02-2019, 02:59 AM
Clayed, nanoskin, ceriglass and bar keepers friend. Haze still there. Need help!

02-03-2019, 11:50 AM
Windshields is laminated in the glass to get it not spread it out if you crash or it breaks some how. It could be that plastic has got some reaction so it hazes. So as Mike Lambert suggested I would give Toyota a call. It can be dangerous if you get in a accident and the glass don`t hold it together when it breaks. So not worth spending more time on it until you check with them if it`s a manufacture problem and you still will be needed to replace it.

02-04-2019, 07:37 PM
Thanks SWETM. Calling toyota is like calling a black hole. I`ll see if I can actually talk to someone.

02-04-2019, 10:20 PM
Hi all. I have a 2012 tacoma and the windshield has a haze over half of it. The other half is fine. At some point, some product either created the haze on half or took off the haze on the other half. I have no idea which but there`s a clear line right down the middle. :blink:

I tried water spot remover, a quick over with carpro ceriglass by hand, and a good wipe down. The haze remains. I could not get it off.

Any suggestions on how to get the haze off windshield?

If Cergiglass doesn`t remove the haze, there is a bigger issue at hand. Like others said, give Toyota a call and also maybe check your comprehensive to see if they cover windshields.

There is one step that could work if it was a coating that is creating the haze, maybe M101 on a glass pad, however that may do nothing to the actual glass. When using Cergiglass, did you use a glass polishing pad, and if so, who makes the pad?

02-05-2019, 12:57 PM
I have a friend of a friend that works at toyota. He said the windshield will likely have to be replaced.

MeanGreen, I used a microfiber pad and also a foam pad with ceriglass. I did test a spot with Griots correcting cream (medium) and it did nothing. I also tried ZAIO as I have had good results cleaning glass with it.