View Full Version : The state of paint

09-30-2018, 08:45 AM
Well yesterday was an epic beautiful day here in Jersey. Seems for the last several weeks the forecast was rain. And for once that forecast was correct.So it was nice to see a brief reprieve from the doldrums.
Every year at this time Kerbeck Corvette host`s a Toy`s for Tots run. In general about 300 or so meet up at a service plaza and caravan to an old air field where other Corvettes join in, Food,music, cars,and such makes for a good time for a nice cause.
While at the plaza I had the chance to walk the field of Corvette`s from all years. Some beauties for sure ( C2`s from 63 -67 are rolling art). What blew my mind was the paint. I believe I only saw approx 2 cars that did not have scratches,swirls,rids. I was sick. Now I know these are not anything real special or exotic,but they are not Corolla`s. Seems like too many have them as garage queens with 2K on them. Good god people.WTH. I saw one guy on the phone complaining that the shop doing work on his car didn`t do a good job of detailing -all while rubbing the fender with a paper towel sprayed with glass cleaner.
I`ve been rather busy and did not have the luxury of a nice full detail on mine. A couple with a 2017 pulled behind me and walked around it for a bit,then asked what year it was a
2010. They said they couldn`t believe how shiny it was.I hated to tell them it sits in the street24/7.
I think for the first time in 40 years or so I cried. The barbarians

09-30-2018, 09:55 AM
pics or it didn`t happen

09-30-2018, 10:16 AM
Probably didn`t.Too much dang Tequila has me having that nightmare again.

09-30-2018, 10:20 AM
Yamabob ... I know, right?

My Camaro is a 5 (almost 6) year old, daily driver with over 85,000 miles on it and it still looks better than over 85% of cars I see at shows ... what`s wrong with people?


09-30-2018, 08:24 PM
it`s that Obsessive Compulsive Detailer`s eye we all suffer from. :blink: