View Full Version : Gyeon can coat /Gyeon Fabric / IGL window

08-13-2018, 09:10 PM
Below are a few Mini Reviews.

Gyeon can coat. I used it tonight on my door jambs and trunk and hood shuts. Product is super easy to use and looks good. I have used it before on my full vehicle but I’m now using it for these areas.

Gyeon fabric I used this on a convertible top. I hope it protects like crazy but if you use this make sure you tape off all glass and paint. It’s super sticky to get off. Let’s hope it protect and lasts on the top !

IGL window. This product was very easy to use. The kit comes with a mineral removing glass cleaner / polish that worked excellently. It’s a bit of work to shake up the cleaner as there is some powder in the formula to incorporate. It was worth the work because it cleans up the glass fast and easily. I like the fact that there was very little excess glass coating to buff off. Application was very easy. The actual glass coating is a 2 part product. You mix equal amounts and apply witn the included applicator

I will update these reviews once I see the performance.



08-14-2018, 05:18 AM
Update Gyeon Fabric did not dry invisible after 7 hours. I see the spray marks. It may we’ll be the proximity I sprayed the product at but the over spray was so hard to remove. If it looks like this tomorrow I have to wash top and start again. :(

I hate it when a product sets me back.

Mike lambert
08-14-2018, 06:25 AM
Try putting it out in the sun, I’ve had that happen and it just takes longer to completely dry.

08-14-2018, 09:20 AM
Thanks Mike, I will when I get home.

I appreciate you sharing your experience !.

Try putting it out in the sun, I’ve had that happen and it just takes longer to completely dry.

08-14-2018, 08:16 PM
Update. The Gyeon fabric is not for convertible tops despite what I was told by geyon. It dries splotchy due to the poor spray pattern. And it’s sticky as hell. Have fun getting it off the glass , paint and trim after application. Came home today after a long day of work and neeed to wash out the Gyeon fabric coat. I used my Raggtop cleaner. It looked like it came out but when it dried the splotches are back.

I wet entire cAr. Then applied the cleaner to the top. Brushed with horse hair brush. Washed car and rinsed top until it was clear. Well the portion that came out mucked up the glass and trim.

Trust me wear sunscreen and don’t put this time wasting , non performing stuff on your top. Wish I could rewind and just use Raggtop again.

I’m waiting for Gyeon to respond on how to remove it otherwise I have a problem and I don’t like problems.

08-14-2018, 08:40 PM
The only fabric coat I have experience with is Carpro fabric but it is pretty similar to Gyeon in that it is sticky and you need to tape up everything/ use plastic or a old bed sheet to cover the car and windows.

I usually spray it on thin about a 1ft. from the surface and spread it out with a MF applicator to work it in. Then wait for it to dry and then apply a 2nd coat.

I hope you get it resolved with Gyeon and sorry you had a bad experience with the product!

08-14-2018, 09:29 PM
Sorry to hear about the problem(s) with Gyeon Fabric. I don’t currently have a convertible but I have wondered about these new fabric coatings on exterior fabrics. I used CarPro Fabric on my interior carpet with no spotting or drying problems. Hope you get an answer from Gyeon. It’s got to be difficult to remove without using a specific chemical. Water would just bead off of it. In my head I’m seeing a gummy, sticky mess. Got any pictures?

Mike lambert
08-15-2018, 09:27 AM
Good luck getting answers!