View Full Version : Ceramic coat needs some rejuvenation?

07-23-2018, 05:19 AM
Hello folks,
Back in April when I got a new car, I put on Dr Beasley`s plasma coat. The initial impressions were:
Looks: Fine, I guess. It`s a new car anyway, so hard to tell any difference from stock.
Beading: Moderate, but not as much as a carnauba wax. Diminishes a lot when splashed with road water from the rain.
Washing: cloth slides easily over paint, all dirt and bug splatter comes off easily.
Drying: Griot`s PFM cloth slides over paint easily, picks up water completely.
Dirt attraction: picks up dirt and pollen very easily, and I have to wash the car every weekend.

Now it`s 3 months later, and the difference is:
Looks : same.
Beading : a bit less, but water still beads or sheets off. Does not leave webs like neglected paint.
Washing : cloth still slides easily, but now I am noticing that I am missing some bug splatters after my wash and dry. I have to go back over the area with Poorboy`s Spray and Wipe, and I actually have to scrub moderately to get them off.
Drying: PFM drying towel now drags across the paint with more friction and leaves tiny micro-beads of water which quickly evaporate. The paint feels squeaky clean instead of slick clean.
Dirt attraction: Seems to have less static, and picks up less dirt. I only need to wash every other weekend now. (This is a good thing)

Beading does not necessarily indicate a coating is wearing, but Dr Beasley recommends rejuvenating the coating with one of their small expensive bottles of liquid every 3 months. I am not going to buy that because I still have most of my original tub of the Plasma Coat. I also ordered some CarPro ecH2O and FK 1000P because people said good things about them. So next time I wash the car, which one of the three should I put on? The highest priorities are to have bug splats come off easily, but still be anti-static to stay clean longer.

07-23-2018, 09:45 AM
What soap product/s are you using to wash this car ?
Dan F

07-23-2018, 11:25 AM
Could be soap residue buildup, bonded contaminants (shouldn`t be this at only 3 months), or the coating is actually degrading. I`m not framiliar with Dr Beasley. Actually still have a bottle of their resin coating I haven`t used. I would try using a soap like Reset to make sure everything is off the coating, then if it`s still not performing that great use a booster, which there are several out there.

07-23-2018, 01:50 PM
What soap product/s are you using to wash this car ?
Dan F

Meguiar`s Hyper wash from a foam cannon, then using a soaked, folded microfiber towel as a wash mitt.

07-25-2018, 09:51 AM
My car looks fine in the daylight, but at night when I can catch reflections from the street lights, I see that the paint has lots of little spots, imprints from bug splats or bird poop, etc. This was in an area where I only gave two light wipes with the soapy washcloth. It`s possible that if I scrubbed harder, maybe these spots would go away, but more likely my coating is getting some attack or embedded dirt.

07-25-2018, 07:32 PM
is it garage kept or outside most of the time? I`ve used a "mild" clay to bring back finishes like that before.

07-26-2018, 02:05 AM
is it garage kept or outside most of the time? I`ve used a "mild" clay to bring back finishes like that before.

It gets covered parking during the day and night, but not garage.

07-26-2018, 07:12 AM
probably the result of surface contamination. try using a mild clay to clean things up after a wash. i haven`t had any marring problems afterwards. i also always use a spray wax for some added protection and as a drying aid.