View Full Version : How much heat can products take?

07-03-2006, 04:18 PM
I am wondering now if all the detailing products that I have bought over the last few months (the usual stuff, detailing spray, polishes, VRT spray, waxes, metal polilsh, etc. etc.) can stand the heat day after day in my very hot garage. I have a thermometer on the wall and it will get between 100-102 degrees during this hot summer in Southern California. Can anybody tell me if this is detrimental to the range of "normal" products that a person who likes to detail might have?
p.s. I do not have any kind of roof ventilation in my garage. I rent my house.

Thank you.

Jack in WC

07-03-2006, 08:07 PM
The only thing I can say about it is, check the label to see what the "storing the product" info on the label says. I know most spray cans say not to be kept in hot places and most soaps say not to store in freezing places (in your shed or garage in the winter).

07-03-2006, 10:29 PM
im in central ca and i havent had any problem with products going bad on me and its been 111 here recently . of course the products are much thinner than they are in the winter but no probs here