View Full Version : CSL Exo 3 question

09-19-2017, 07:24 PM
Ok so I`ve used csl/exo on 3 different cars now. First 2 I used csl and one coat of exo 2. On the third, I used csl and 2 coats of exo 3. After the first coat of exo 3 the finish was super slick. After applying the second coat of exo 3, the finish wasn`t as slick, in fact it seems somewhat "grippy." It has stayed that way. It`s still a solid, shiny, awesome coating but I wish it had the slickness it did after the first coat of exo 3.

Any ideas on why this happened? Is it suppose to be this way? Did I do something wrong? Thanks all!

09-20-2017, 04:09 PM

09-20-2017, 04:16 PM
I don`t know...I haven`t experienced this issue..how long did you wait for the second coat of exo?

I have csl + exo v2 (both with one and two top coats of exo) on my truck
on my car I have csl+ex0 v3 but just one coat. I didn`t do two coats of exov3

that doesn`t seem normal to be happening though