View Full Version : Working with CanCoat

08-21-2017, 08:43 AM
I installed two coats of CanCoat on a prepped surface, about 2 hours apart, and finished yesterday evening. The car was garaged overnight and just now I sealed the surface with Reload. The car is being picked up in 2 hours. There`s quite a bit more product left in the CanCoat container. Would you suggest adding another coat or two, for additional gloss, depth, and protection, at a later date? Perhaps sooner than later?

08-21-2017, 08:51 AM
it sounds like you have a great amount of protection on the car with the 2 coats of cancoat and reload.
I think anything after this point wouldnt really make much of a difference to your customer at least.
Definitely save whats left for another car or to reapply to your clients car after the product has diminished. I have heard of folks getting 6-8 months out of it.

08-21-2017, 09:13 AM
I`m at 8+ months with the only real maintenance being Bathe+ monthly. I did two coats on the whole car. With the front end and mirrors receiving two additional coats. Sept. 1st will be 9months. Can Coat is still going very strong. It is outside daily and garaged at night. I did the four coats on the front and mirrors simple because I commute 73 hwy. miles daily. Really hoping it makes 12months. Time will tell.

08-21-2017, 09:24 AM
I`m at 8+ months with the only real maintenance being Bathe+ monthly. I did two coats on the whole car. With the front end and mirrors receiving two additional coats. Sept. 1st will be 9months. Can Coat is still going very strong. It is outside daily and garaged at night. I did the four coats on the front and mirrors simple because I commute 73 hwy. miles daily. Really hoping it makes 12months. Time will tell.

Thats pretty awesome from a durability perspective. I know Gyeon always comes in under on the durability they claim on their products and people generally see more from the stated with proper care/ maintenance. I have a bottle I have been planning to use on my DD as well but just have not got around to correcting it yet.

08-21-2017, 11:17 AM
I have been taking pictures for hopefully a year long reveal. Unfortunately, My computer crashed last month and I lost all my High res pics. Still have crappy phone pics. Which of course I`ll share.

The Guz
08-21-2017, 01:42 PM
1-2 coats is all one needs with can coat. Don`t forget to rinse out the sprayer with warm water or it will clog up on you.