View Full Version : Ult Fast Finish - the whole car or one panel at a time?

07-02-2017, 11:01 AM
Today I put yet another application of UFF on the Camaro. Like usual, I applied it to the entire car, then wiped it off. While doing it today, it occurred to me that in the videos and the instructions, they go one section at a time, applying then immediately removing the UFF and I started to wonder if I should change my method of application to doing one or 1/2 panel at a time then removing the UFF.

I was also wondering if there were any benefits to leaving the Ult Fast Finish on that extra time, or am I just hurting myself and making it harder to remove (not that it`s difficult to remove)?

Too, how much should I be spraying on the applicator for each section? I don`t use the supplied MF cloth, I use a round, microfiber covered sponge to apply it. In the videos, I`m seeing people (in the Meguiar`s videos too) spraying - what I consider - to be quite a bit of Ult Fast Finish on the applicator towel, so I started using a bit more and while the water behavior is excellent using a bit more & 24 hours have passed, it`s now more than just a simple `wipe` to remove - still not difficult, but more than just a light wipe. How many towels should it take to remove the residue left by the Ult Fast Finish from a car the size of a Camaro?

I know, I sound like a newbie, but I`m starting to really like Ult Fast Finish and I don`t want to start hating it because *I* am doing it wrong.