View Full Version : Mckee`s 37 Paint Coating or FK1000P on Jet Black

06-09-2017, 12:54 PM
Looking for a reasonably priced product that will keep my black car (cleaner even when its dirty). Something with great sheeting, good durability and super protection from water spotting, bird bombs and any kind of etching. I am tired of seemingly having to polish too often to keep really sharp clarity in the paint. I recently used HD Speed and the car looks fantastic but it just doesn`t seem to stay that way after a few washes and being out in the weather. I need something that can give me good looks for a longer period of time with less maintenance. I have been eyeing the Mckees 37 Paint Coating or the FK1000P Sealant. Thanks

06-09-2017, 01:14 PM
bswombaugh- While I`m all about the durability/protection/dirt shedding of FK1000P, the more, uhm...Autopian folks are gonna find its appearance not to their liking on some colors, including Jet Black.

IF you like how Zaino looks on black you`ll probably think it`s fine. IF, OTOH, you prefer how Souveran/M26/etc. looks on black, then you`ll say FK1000P lacks "depth and jetting".

Would *I* use the FK in your situation, absolutely. But eh, that`s just me and LSP-specific looks are unimportant to me compared to a lot of other criteria.

06-09-2017, 01:35 PM
I am to the point that I would favor the durability /maintenance and fudge a little in the looks dept. I can deal with a little less depth. As long as its glossy and protects the paint where it has great clarity, I think I can live with it. Tired of fighting with this color. My wife thinks I am too much of a perfectionist and maybe I am. I try to keep all of my vehicles as swirl free and shiny as I can. I can get away with a lot more on my other colored cars but this dang black has me pulling my hair out at times.

06-09-2017, 02:00 PM
It`s a tuff call, I prefer coatings slightly more than FK1000P over all but FK1000P dealt with bird bombs better than the coating I currently have on (i got some minor etching on my hood from bird bombs on ceramic coating).

If I were you I`d give FK1000P a try because it seams to meet your criteria best.

Sheets water as good as any coating (CHECK)
Protects from bird bombs slightly better than a coating (CHECK)
Never had water spotting issues with FK1000p were as I do get some very minor water spotting on my ceramic coating (CHECK)

The only con that comes to mind with FK1000P is that it`s not as durable as a ceramic coating and in my case FK1000P attracted fly`s.

Note: Isn`t HD speed part polish+glaze? Maybe it`s filling more than you think?
Note 2: I am referring to a different coating that Mckee`s 37 (never tried that one).

06-09-2017, 02:02 PM
bswombaugh- I do indeed sympathize; I simply couldn`t own Jet Black.

4u2nvinmtl- Hey, that`s interesting about the bird-bomb etching through a coating!

Still haven`t had that fly-attraction...thank goodness :D It was Souveran that did that for me.

06-09-2017, 02:23 PM
It would be McKees for me on jet black. A coating should help with minor swirling and it sheds dirt. Mckees is real easy to apply. I would suggest a second coat 24 hours after the first coat for maximum protection.

06-09-2017, 03:32 PM
I have another question concerning the FK1000P. Can I put it over the HD Speed that I currently have on the car? The HD Speed protection is basically HD Poxy Sealant/Wax. Also would putting the FK1000P over a glaze such as Black Hole or Amigo affect its characteristics or its durability in any way ?

06-10-2017, 01:59 AM
I`ve used FK1000 over Amigo with no issues at all. No experience with speed or black hole so can`t comment on that.

06-10-2017, 02:23 PM
bswombaugh- I`d sure *expect* it to work OK over speed, since I`ve used it over other AIOs with zero issues. But AFAIK the ones I use it over all have *synthetic* LSP components (well, AFAIK...) as opposed to carnauba and I`m ignorant about just what`s in Speed.

Didn`t Ron or somebody use it OK over PBBH? I keep thinking that I vaguely remember that...

06-10-2017, 02:34 PM
Don`t think I`d put synthetic over organic. Organic over synthetic, sure.

06-10-2017, 02:38 PM
Boden- That`s my general line of thought on this one, but OTOH with FK1000P...well, that stuff can surprise ya, usually in a good way.