View Full Version : hiding/covering imperfections in a bad paint job

06-21-2006, 07:11 PM
I had someone call me saying he had a lot of swirls on his black Jeep Cherokee. After looking at it, I found that they weren`t swirls as much as they are the marks left by the orbital sander used befroe it was painted (he had it re-painted a few years ago after hailstone damage)

Is there a product or a method that will either minimize or fill in the marks. I realize that filling it is temporary, but he wants them gone so he can try to sell it.

06-21-2006, 07:17 PM
did you try wetsanding an area? if that didn`t work or doesn`t work, then a product with a high filler % may help reduce the marks

06-22-2006, 05:16 AM
yeah wet sanding should get it if theres enough paint on there

06-22-2006, 10:27 AM
did you try wetsanding an area? if that didn`t work or doesn`t work, then a product with a high filler % may help reduce the marks
I was hoping for something a little less drastic than wetsanding. I don`t really have the skill or experience to do it yet, and I don`t think he wants to spend that much on it as he is going to sell it. What products would fill it in effectively?

06-22-2006, 10:32 AM
Holy smoke you guys. How is he going to get the sanding marks out from under the paint job by wetsanding?!?!

Only way to hide imperfections on that is to either get it repainted right or Shine it up best you can and multiple coat it with NXT etc... I wouldn`t even attempt to wet sand an amatuer paint job. That is a disaster just brimming to happen.