View Full Version : liquid fallout removal question

chip douglas
08-08-2003, 11:01 PM
Am i the only one here, but i fear using such a product on my paint finish. Do they all contain *ACETIC ACID ? or some have and others use another kind of acid ?

When used according to directives, could it fade the paint finish ? or cause other problems for that matter ?

Does it open paint pores, therefore freeing embeded metal particles ? or it does pretty much the same thing a good clay bar does, but with much less elbow grease ?

Please shed some light on this.

Keep up the good work

08-08-2003, 11:04 PM
Chip -- I know a few people who use that, and to this day I will not use it because Im affraid of what it would do. I can see it now ... I try it out on my truck ( ok actually wifes truck ) and it kills the paint :mad: I have heard that if left on too long it will begin eating its way through .... now this is all what I was told as I have not done extensive research on it.

I will stick to using Clay.
