View Full Version : Another Porsche

Anthony O.
08-08-2003, 06:04 PM
I detailed this Porsche today and finished it about an hour before we got hammered with some severe thunderstorms (I hope this guy called his wife to pick him up).

It is finished out with Vanilla Moose hand glaze and then toppped with P21S.

First pic

Anthony O.
08-08-2003, 06:06 PM
Side shot.....the Moose-P21S combo really works out very nice, leaves a great wet look.

08-08-2003, 06:07 PM

Jeezzzzzzzzzzz................... do you ever do any vehicle worth less than 100 grand? :D :D :D

Anthony O.
08-08-2003, 06:08 PM
This is the Porsche wheel and tire with the tire finished out with Platinums new Tire Gel. If you guys and gals like your tires with a deep black shen that won`t sling off then you should be using this Tire Gel.

08-08-2003, 06:09 PM

OK, a question................... why the P21S rather than the TS? Do you like the P21S better on the lighter colors?

08-08-2003, 06:26 PM
He sure as heck better have called his wife. Driving around in pouring rain with P-Zero tires is asking to get an accident.

Anthony, can I get a summer internship with you? :D

Anthony O.
08-08-2003, 06:44 PM
Hey Boss,

Yeah, the P21S seems to give the lighter metallics more shimmer and pop.

On the other hand I prefer the TS on darker colors because there seems to be more depth achieved with it.

AND I have never given it much thought but I would say the lowest car I do, "cost wise" would be a mini-van thats used as a "doggie" limo and stinks real bad! They make up for that dog van with 1 2002 Jag, a Merc. G wagon, a 2003 Merc CL and a 1999 Merc SL AMG.


08-08-2003, 07:54 PM
#### Anthony! Ok, fess up time, you went out and bought new tires/wheels for the guy right? lol

A work of art again buddy.

08-08-2003, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Anthony Orosco
AND I have never given it much thought but I would say the lowest car I do, "cost wise" would be a mini-van thats used as a "doggie" limo and stinks real bad! They make up for that dog van with 1 2002 Jag, a Merc. G wagon, a 2003 Merc CL and a 1999 Merc SL AMG.


LOL............. yep, it`s nice to have a few nice ones mixed with the "doggie" limo`s once in a while!

Anyhow, I got some of the TS, and really like it so far. If it every stops raining, I plan on getting a couple more coats on my truck. I like how the TS seems to darken the paint a little with additional coats.

08-08-2003, 08:29 PM
Nice work!!!

Did you purchase a new camera?


Anthony O.
08-08-2003, 11:39 PM

LOL:D I am using my nephews digi-cam for these pics BUT I do have a new 35mm SLR Canon on order and hope it comes in soon.

A 35mm still produces better pictures than a digi-cam and has more flexibility. A digi-cam has a difficult time sometimes focusing on bright or shiny objects, which is the whole purpose of using it!

The great advantage of the digi-cam is being able to load up the pictures and view them instantly and then post them either to my web site or on a forum. I will get my 35mm film developed on a disk so I can upload them to my NEW and totally awesome (IMHO) web site that should be up and running in a month or so.


08-08-2003, 11:43 PM
Great ride man I gotta get some VM I have spent so much money on detailing products this year its an addiction lol. Did you get to test drive that one and compare to the GT3. ?

Eagle one Wet tire get is awsome also it produces that rich black wet looks maybe to shiney for some though.

Anthony O.
08-09-2003, 09:38 AM

Yeah I get to drive these cars around quite a bit really. My clients may not have enough time in their day to get their cars inspected, serviced or dropped off some place to say have new wheels or tires put on so they ask me if I could do it for them and of course who am I to say NO?:cool:

Actually I am waiting at the moment for a call from the Ferrari dealer to come pick up a clients Ferrari 550 and bring it back to my house, detail it and then drive it 100 miles north of San Antonio to a lake resort area.........it`s a rough job but darn it someone has to do it!

Take care,

08-09-2003, 02:02 PM
Driving the Ferrari 100 Miles should be fun. Get any Enzo`s of 575M`s yet I really Enjoy the Mondena F1 and Mondena Challange. Ferrari and Porsche Makes some fine automobiles.