View Full Version : Storing Iron / Wheel Cleaners

02-26-2017, 04:52 PM
Where do you store you iron dissolving wheel cleaners.

I keep my stuff year round in the garage.
Was doing some organizing today, and at floor level, I could smell the stuff. Either it`s the sprayhead that`s giving off the smell but phew-ew. Not really noticable in the garage though....but if you got your face close to the bottle, you def. can pick up on it.

Hopefully I did not jinx it, but it would suck if a bottle broke for any odd reason...

Curious how do ya`ll store your thioglycolate based cleaners..

02-26-2017, 07:56 PM
I put my Iron-X paste in sealed bags because even without opening it reeks. Unfortunately I`m in the same boat as you with my other gallons, just putting up with the stench. All of its in my garage and you can tell it`s in there and unopened. They came smelling bad from Autopia. They were not leaking, but I think somewhere down the line someone spilled some on the bottles. I wonder if the Autopia warehouse smells like a skunk breeding ground?

02-27-2017, 11:46 AM
I put my Iron-X paste in sealed bags because even without opening it reeks. Unfortunately I`m in the same boat as you with my other gallons, just putting up with the stench. All of its in my garage and you can tell it`s in there and unopened. They came smelling bad from Autopia. They were not leaking, but I think somewhere down the line someone spilled some on the bottles. I wonder if the Autopia warehouse smells like a skunk breeding ground?

Iron x isle always has a slight stench to it haha. I have a 5l container of iron x and sonax wheel cleaner and I keep both of them inside of 2 black trash bags, tied up when I`m not refilling them, then the bottle I use to spray goes inside of another bag when I`m not using.

02-27-2017, 12:04 PM
I had my Ironx spill in side the cabinet on the shelf its stored on out of the spray head because I left it in the sprayer on position (wont do that again). I think I am going to look for a storage container deep enough yet small enough it can hold 4 32oz spray bottles standing up and they wont flop around, so the have almost triple containment (bottle, container, cabinet). I have even gotten some on my shoes walking through the run off from the car while doing decon wash and had it stink out my whole mud room area.

02-27-2017, 12:10 PM
I keep everything stored inside 30qt Sterilite latch boxes down in my basement:


95% of detailing bottles fit perfectly inside w/ room to close the lid. Nice way to keep supplies organized while minimizing iron-x type odors. Plus the clear plastic allows me to quickly see what`s inside w/o opening each box.

I`m sure your local Target has a selection of them in stock.

02-27-2017, 12:11 PM
I dunno if you would want to keep it in a double tomb ...I would think there is some slight benefit to possibly letting the air permeate and diffuse it ?

I don`t plan logistically how I try to no step into the rinse solution, when I`m using this on wheels.
It`s on my radar but not...since it`s just wheels..

But yes, indeed, if I`m doing it on panels, I will haul the hose out to the street, and do application/rinse streetside.
There is some foresight/planning involved on the rinse technique to minimize the stench/water on the hose.

02-27-2017, 07:24 PM
Keeping the Iron-X type products in an airtight enclosure would stop the immediate problem of stink, but I imagine opening their container would be quite a shock to the olfactory senses. Phew.

02-27-2017, 10:10 PM
this happens to me with Carpro Trix and especially since the sprayer head is all gunky and it sprays all sideways when I use it, so it gets everywhere.

03-01-2017, 10:14 PM
I used to store them in a gallon ziploc with the sprayer still installed. Then after having a coworker knock the bag over under a chair in the locker room at work (my god it smelled like something died in there...), I`ve taken to removing the sprayer and reinstalling the shipping cap. Flush the sprayer out with water, and it all goes in a gallon ziplock.

03-02-2017, 11:15 AM
I generally just approximate and pour enough I need into a 16oz bottle. The bulk stays on with cap. Sometimes I`ll use it all up, sometimes I have some left over. I just close the nozzle on the ~applicator~ spray bottle when not in use. Don`t see myself ever flushing it out though. I do give the bottle a quick external rinse. Maybe I`m just compounding the problems as not the rinse overspray on the nozzle tip might me getting onto the problem. Like the product....but like many, just hate the .##@#. Unfortunately, the smell is just due to the active ingredient we like so much in it...

03-02-2017, 12:16 PM
I simply use a 5gallon bucket from Home Depot or Lowes and their Leacktite (gamma style lids). Good tight seal even if the bucket is tipped over, the contents won`t leak out.

http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/productImages/145/65/65e07a7c-0f4d-43ac-bb90-bd0f25f02845_145.jpg http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/productImages/145/6a/6ad09751-e8ff-4a72-a1fd-68dd7d799a22_145.jpg