View Full Version : MFM Wash Media - too -fine-

01-25-2017, 10:41 AM
Maybe I`m just used to a more dense media.
In using this flagged mf type of wash media, after blow drying the car, I`m always finding a spot or 2 I have missed ! And I know I have gone over the area - it`s just as if the wash media did not make contact .

I don`t really use any pressure on my wash media and usually try to float it -just enough - for it to do its job.

Maybe it`s not a right fit for me as I avoid less pressure than more ?

Otherwise the mitt is really soft . Not dense though - which maybe my user application problem ?

Or I`m just the oddball. Others love the carpro mitt. Tried it twice - it`s been sitting on my shelf forever since.

01-25-2017, 10:57 AM
Which mitt/wash media are you using?
Try doing more than one pass.

I had this problem with some wash media but not since I moved to merino wool wash mitt`s.

01-25-2017, 11:39 AM
mobiledynamics- Heh heh, you sound just like me when I`m discussing my beloved BHBs :D

IMO what you`re experiencing is merely a Feature in disguise! You just need to go over everything more times (*NOT* more aggressively) and be more diligent about noting whether things are really clean. Yeah, I know...and that`s part of why my washes take so ridiculously long :o How does that lyric go..."there`s no free ride, no one said it`d be easy".

01-25-2017, 03:24 PM
It`s just different I suppose. Longer nap.....ends are much more loosely flowing, which I suppose is a good thing.
There was more than 2 spots I missed....and of those spots, I missed the last time I was using this new wash medium and when I was washing it this time, I literally had a mental notation to get this area with a 2nd pass and I still missed it ----it`s basically right where the rear wheel arch panel is/trim. I suppose slight learning curve in technique.

And or ya can`t teach a dog new tricks, and I`ll just be using Sheepskins till my time is done here....

Fiber ends of New Mit

A mitt almost everyone who owns one loves and I just happen to hate

01-26-2017, 08:30 AM
Interesting... I would occasionally miss that spot also on my Jeep SRT8 because it`s a concave area, but now I just go over that area with some (light) pressure to get it on the first/second pass. It all depends how dirty it is, when my Jeep is dirty from winter grime, I have to push a little bit to get the road film off. Better soaps do help considerably, CarPro Reset and Meg`s Hyper-Wash seam to cut through the winter road film the best.

Yes, applying pressure might/could/would/will lead to swirls and marring. I don`t think most Autopians get their car as dirty as I do mine (I take mine winter drifting and daily driven year-round) so sometimes you have to make changes to your wash technique (slight pressure when washing to strip road film). During the summer I can let the tips of the hairs on the wash mitt clean my pain with zero pressure but not during the winter months.

What soap are you using?
Whats your LSP? I found since I applied a coating it`s much, much easier to clean.

For example, this is how dirty my Jeep SRT8 gets on a weekly basis in the winter:
http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y284/4u2nv_in_mtl/LSP%20Faceoff%20Update%201/PRD%20-%20FK1000p/201601053824.jpg (http://s7.photobucket.com/user/4u2nv_in_mtl/media/LSP%20Faceoff%20Update%201/PRD%20-%20FK1000p/201601053824.jpg.html)

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y284/4u2nv_in_mtl/LSP%20Faceoff%20Update%201/PRD%20-%20FK1000p/20160105_210527.jpg (http://s7.photobucket.com/user/4u2nv_in_mtl/media/LSP%20Faceoff%20Update%201/PRD%20-%20FK1000p/20160105_210527.jpg.html)

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y284/4u2nv_in_mtl/LSP%20Faceoff%20Update%201/PRD%20-%20FK1000p/201601063842.jpg (http://s7.photobucket.com/user/4u2nv_in_mtl/media/LSP%20Faceoff%20Update%201/PRD%20-%20FK1000p/201601063842.jpg.html)

Note: first pass I go very very lightly to get the dirt off, next pass i push a little to get the road film off.

01-26-2017, 08:48 AM
Both DD`s are UK/, reloaded and sofar been topping off with Hydr02.

It`s the wash medium. I played around with it yesterday. I take it back. It`s dense....just on the surface level when one abritrarily says it was not in my case, because it`s so frilly, I just said it wasn`t. It`s dense in the GSM. It`s just that the stands are so fine, and the longer nap changes things. I ran my fingers across the tips and I could see how because it`s so soft and fine....some strands make contact and others might matt down during the process. I`m going to try the extra DilIgeNt Double/Triple pass.....as even on the recent wash where I made it my business to do at least 2 passes and making sure the mitt went down the panel of the wheel arch and touched the trim --- and Lo and Behold, I still missed both sides of paint panels where the panel ends and the wheel trim arch begins.

Def. plan to go back to Avalanch pre-foam/rinse on the next one - see my other avalanch thread if you haven`t.

01-26-2017, 12:59 PM
mobiledynamics- Heh heh, you`re probably a lot more sensible than Yours Truly ;) Not interested in your quickest washes taking over four hours, huh? Don`t blame you a bit :D

4u2nvinmtl- Heh heh#2, I for one do indeed get my vehicles at least as dirty as you do between washes, and we don`t even use `em for anything other than regular errands (and we`re both retired too!). Actually, that pic of your SRT had me thinking "gee, that`s not very dirty for wintertime, must`ve only been out once or twice since the last wash". Ours genuinely get to the "what color is that thing?" point.

Guess that`s more of my Autopian Heresy, braggin` on how filthy I let our vehicles get :o

01-26-2017, 02:49 PM
Accumulator -

I`ve got my LSP process dialed in. Coated/Sealed/Super Sealed - UK\CQ followed by Reload and then Hydr02 whenever I want. As a matter of fact, since I don`t know how strong or not these new prefoams/pre rinse products I testing currently , I have applied Hydr02 twice in the last month -- which consisted of 4 washes sofar.

Hydr02 is so easy peasy to apply, why not !
Anyhow, panels in general keep cleaner.
What`s your LSP of choice. Maybe you can try something different to cut down on those wash hrs.

I`m just down to refining the car washing process to a science. The biggest thing I hate which is unavoidable is reeling back 40+ feet of 3/8" pressure wash hose on the metal reel I have. That`s the one chore that I just hate at the end of the wash session.

I`ve got some new products coming over the ~pond~ per say, dedicated traffic film removers. Plan to give that a go as well, albit sparingly. My endgoal is to be as touchless as possible. Primarily because the less contact I need to make, the better the paint stays micro marr free ! If it affects the LSP, no biggie. Just spray some more Hydr02, rinse and dry.

With the said, there is one LSP testing I am doing to confirm....which is just raw coatings potentially stay cleaner than with the compatible SI02 toppers I`ve been using. MY only reason for topping is I`m so ingrained to feel a slick surface as coatings don`t feel slick at all.....

01-27-2017, 01:28 PM
mobiledynamics- Heh heh, you must be the last person here to find out that for LSPs I`m all about FK1000P :D Couldn`t resist teasin` you as I`m just a [freakin`] ranting fanboy for the stuff even if it`s look isn`t right on certain paints. Lasts, protects, and cleans up like nothing I`ve ever used.

I`m not foolin` about how utterly filthy my vechicles get, but with the FK1000P on there the washes are a breeze. I will allow that the pressure washer prerinse is good for minimizing marring, but with regard to that tenacious roadfilm stuff that cleans off really well with minimal mechanical agitation from the wash media.

Using IUDJ as a final step and/or Drying Aid helps with everything too, sorta the same as your Hydro I suppose.

Hope that Traffic Film Remover doesn`t remove your LSP too! I`d be really [ticked] off if I had to reLSP after just a few months.

01-31-2017, 02:37 PM
Def. plan to go back to Avalanch pre-foam/rinse on the next one - see my other avalanch thread if you haven`t.
Is this the thread you are referring to??

By the way, Avalanche is Great Britain`s Auto Finesse citric-based carwash soap not sold or distributed in the USA because certain Traffic Film Remover (TFR) chemicals do not meet current EPA regulations.

01-31-2017, 02:50 PM
Hi Lonnie -

It`s this one where I`m putting my mumblings and rumblings


Indeed, this is the way of life for me and just not in auto detail supplies. If I find a product I like, and I suspect it`s going to either be EOL, etc due to EPA regulations and all that jazz, I`ll stockpile some......

01-31-2017, 03:07 PM
4u2nvinmtl- Heh heh#2, I for one do indeed get my vehicles at least as dirty as you do between washes, and we don`t even use `em for anything other than regular errands (and we`re both retired too!). Actually, that pic of your SRT had me thinking "gee, that`s not very dirty for wintertime, must`ve only been out once or twice since the last wash". Ours genuinely get to the "what color is that thing?" point.

Guess that`s more of my Autopian Heresy, braggin` on how filthy I let our vehicles get :o

Vehicles in Wisconsin that are driven in the winter ALL become Ermine White. After this last Alberta clipper weather system dropped 3-6 inches of snow, the highway crews will drop a lot of salt to de-ice the roads. The weather is expected to turn very cold and very dry after this, so the melted snow and ensuing salt brine will dry on the vehicles, leaving them looking like ermine weasels that change their dark summer fur to pure white in the winter. Like you say, it`s difficult to see what color a vehicle REALLY is. When it get this cold, no one takes their vehicles through automated car washes for fear of freezing the doors and locks OR automatic car washes close down because it`s just too cold and they freeze up (literally!). So we wait for "warmer" weather" (usually above 25°F), but by that time the next clipper system is ready to dump more snow, and so the cycle continues. Let`s just say a clean vehicle sticks out like a sore thumb in Wisconsin traffic!!

02-01-2017, 12:44 PM
Lonnie- I`d probably be happier if ours just got white from the salt...they always seem to get nastier as I guess our roads are just really dirty or something. All the gritty [stuff] drives me nuts as it`s scratch-city if I`m not really careful.

Yeah, I bet a clean car really *does* stand out!

We sure don`t get the cold temps like you do though! And eh..for the last few years my specific area has been gifted with some awfully mild winters overall. I could get used to this :D