View Full Version : Railroad Maintenance

06-11-2006, 11:56 AM
I was outside where I work and see this plume of dust down the railroad
tracks where I work. I watched for a while and noticed this plume inching
up the tracks towards the plant. The dust plume is blowing to the side of
the tracks that our plant is on. I see this big machine with a large steel
brush that is brushing the tracks and in between. EEK! Rail dust.... I went in
and told my manager I was taking a half a day vacation and left quickly.
Geez.. That was close. I am glad I do not live near railroad tracks. Working
next to them is bad enough.
The next day I go in and everyone is talking about the dust on their cars
from this activity the day before. I`ll bet I could have sold a few clay jobs
that day, if anyone knew what rail dust was and what it can do to your paint.

06-11-2006, 02:38 PM
Now that is what I call a quick thinking and observant fellow.

I am envious of you to be able to ask and recieve time off from work on such short notice. I know that I can have time off any day of the week. The problem is if I ask and recieve time off on such short notice I am not sure that I would be working long at the job that I have now. Such is the plight of the seasonal worker.

06-11-2006, 04:26 PM
I have going on 30yrs there. I have 6 wks vacation and as long as there is nothing important going on, I can get off pretty easy. I am off line logistics worker. If any deadline of the finacial or inventory nature looms, I am stuck unless there is a very important event in my life.

06-11-2006, 04:29 PM
I worked for the Railroad for 14 years..and what you seen is different from the raildust described in paint...the rail dust in paint comes from metal dust from the brakes and metal to metal contact of the wheels and rail...and it is like little needles...that is why it can penetrate paint...kinda like brake dust on wheels from semi metalic brakes...

The machine you seen is called a ballast regulator...it is a giant sweeper..

When they do a track job like laying new ties or rail they spread out new ballast(rock) down first..they lay ties in or rail....they they use a liner-tamper to tamp in the ties...ballast will still be above ties..so the ballast regulator comes along and sweeps it to make a even suface...and the ballast doe not fly around..it is shrouded ..what you seen is just plain rock dust...


06-11-2006, 06:43 PM
Other than the dust IMO you really didn`t have anything to worry about the rail dust in our paint is also very hot which helps imbed it into our paint.

06-11-2006, 06:58 PM
Other than the dust IMO you really didn`t have anything to worry about the rail dust in our paint is also very hot which helps imbed it into our paint.

yes I forgot that part..the metal is hot...thats what starts fires along track right of ways..sparks from brakes....very hot stuff...thats why it gets in the paint....

thanks Dozer
