View Full Version : Trim Sealing / Process

11-06-2016, 09:27 AM
I don`t know if this theory holds any weight ....but yesterday, rolled the car out of the garage to hang out in the sun. (trim was prepped and clean ready for some trim product). I figuered the hot sun would open up it`s pores on a micro micro level...

Anyhow, applied the Solutions Finish . Thank god I ordered the small bottle. A little goes a LOOOONG way. Was sorta having buyers remorse looking at the little itty bottle figuring I would return it and get the big bottle.

Gave it a second buff off on the excess, planning to wait a day or 2, give it a wash and then apply some Trim Coating to it.

Whaddya guys think. Any difference in applying product to trim that is nice a sun toasty versus indoors in ambient temp of mid 50`s / 60`s ?

11-06-2016, 02:45 PM
Never tried in sun only used inside my shop. But I`m glad I bought the big bottle as I love to use it instead of the old dressing type for the cars I do

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11-06-2016, 08:16 PM
I bought the big bottle too. There will be plenty left after I die. A little goes a very long way.

I imagine the heat will open the pores up some. Are you going to follow up the Solution Finish with a coating or just leave it as is? I`m thinking of trying DLux to make it last longer.

11-06-2016, 09:08 PM
I never had a trim product I liked. High hopes for Black Wow, got lots of praises - IMO durability was aweful. etc, etc.....
UTTPG, lotsa people love. Bleh...

ANY trim product applied IMO looks great when 1st applied. The only ? is how long it lasts.....as prepping just takes too much of my t1me.
Auto Solutions has some pretty high praises, so we`ll see. I`m giving it a couple days and a wash just to get whatever extra residual is on the surface....Then comes Gyeon trim. Might be a good idea to do a 50/50 to see what the behavior is with AS raw vs. sealed. Won`t do that though since I spent so much time on prep...

I don`t know how this affect the durability of Gyeon since the trim product itself is already on the surface/pore layer of the trim already.
Regardless, I suppose it`s the effort that counts as this point

11-10-2016, 05:36 PM
Quick update....

Any trim looks great when you have a 50/50 shot of faded grey trim / and the other half with fresh trim product. Even better when the trim product is sitting on the surface, without doing a buff-off

this as an example

Ok. Here`s my take on them so far.

My trim wasn`t faded grey or chalky. Just wasn`t black like brand new trim

AutoSolutions applied a couple days ago.
Car driven once for a coffee run in mild sprinkle rain.

Gave her a wash today, in prep for Gyeon trim.
Door mouldings, front and rear bumper trim. Looking pretty consistent in color. Almost as rich as the day it applied.

No streaking on running boards, but def. did not look as deep as initial application
Applied Gyeon trim. It didn`t add any additional richness to the trim. Goes on pretty well, a little goes a long way again...
Application calls for it to be put it on heavy and then buff off excess. It did not darken my running boards. I`m pretty sure if I had used another coat of AutoSolutions, if would have made them black black like the other day. I guess the durability test is about to start.

I like this video
It shows how any trim product is nice and black until the final buff off.