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09-16-2016, 10:10 AM
Either I missed it or you guys haven`t brought it up: Figured this would be up there with all the Hilatrump posts and making America great and all that jazz. :ph34r:

Ford shifting all U.S. small-car production to Mexico (http://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/ford/2016/09/14/mexico-ford-shiftng-us-car-production-mexico/90355146/)

09-16-2016, 10:13 AM
FWIW, I`m not really against global economics. I know there`s a strong sentiment among the Ford/Chevy crowd about "buying American." Seems like if I wanted to buy American - i.e. support American workers, I`d better buy myself a Honda, Mercedes or Hyundai since all three have large manufacturing operations right here in Alabama.

09-16-2016, 10:33 AM
“It used to be cars were made in Flint and you couldn’t drink the water in Mexico,” Trump said. “Now cars are made in Mexico and you can’t drink the water in Flint.”

09-16-2016, 10:40 AM
my Toyotas are built in Indiana .. and you still can`t drink the water in mexico

09-16-2016, 10:59 AM
my Toyotas are built in Indiana .. and you still can`t drink the water in mexico

But ya can in Japan......... Fiji water big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

09-16-2016, 11:09 AM
But ya can in Japan......... Fiji water big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

And if it Glows - no go.... :)
Dan F

09-16-2016, 11:15 AM
And if it Glows - no go.... :)
Dan F

Isn`t that the "high energy" version?

09-16-2016, 11:18 AM
Born in the USA: Toyota Camry earns `Most American Car` honor again


09-16-2016, 12:15 PM
I actually thought all of Ford`s production was already in Mexico. I guess they still had some here. I believe my mother in laws old 2006 Fusion was built in Mexico per a conversation I had with my father in law.

09-16-2016, 12:41 PM
IIRC, my Tahoe has a sticker that says something like "Made in Texas by Texans". I don`t really care, but I do still think that`s kinda cool.

09-16-2016, 12:45 PM
I don`t have a problem with Ford producing cars in any country. They are a multinational company and sell cars all over the world. VW makes cars here in Georgia, BMW makes cars in S.C. It is a global economy. This jingoistic view that everything has to be built in the US doesn`t make good economic sense. I understand that when people lose jobs they get angry. But when a company has the choice of either paying US union wages or $1 an hour in Mexico for the same product who can blame them. BMW and VW got huge state tax breaks for building plants in GA and S.C. I wonder if the Germans get upset as American over the "loss" of jobs? I doubt it.

09-16-2016, 12:54 PM
Bottom line is as long a US regulates and taxes businesses companies that can will flee.....

09-16-2016, 12:58 PM
I like to support American workers if I can - but not at four, five, six, etc the price of buying a comparably made product made somewhere else. When I was buying a commuter car this last time, I didn`t even consider anything Ford, Chevy or Chrysler/Dodge/Fiat/Whoever (bleagh) had on the market.

09-16-2016, 12:58 PM
See but this has been my issue with these companies moving...If they go from paying union wages to paying $1/hr, then where are the savings to the consumer? Everything is being made elsewhere, yet OUR prices keep rising every year for everything we buy!

09-16-2016, 01:54 PM
See but this has been my issue with these companies moving...If they go from paying union wages to paying $1/hr, then where are the savings to the consumer? Everything is being made elsewhere, yet OUR prices keep rising every year for everything we buy!

It goes into someone`s pockets. Some would say it benefits the shareholders, and some would say that it benefits top executives. In the case of automobiles - higher prices or not, and regardless of where these corporations are sticking those aforementioned cost savings - people are still buying them.

Sorta unrelated, but maybe not - it makes me think about all the people I see complaining about how much athletes and entertainers make. Sure they get paid a lot, probably too much. But we the people keep buying tickets to their performances and watching their ad-laden stuff on television. Our mouths say one thing and our money says another.