View Full Version : Lake Country CCS Pads getting Harder over time from use

08-18-2016, 02:46 AM
My orange & white foam pads have gotten a little harder & aggressive at cutting over time after a dozen or so uses. The orange pad which is a lite cutting pad is now able to cut more than a new yellow pad which is a hard cut pad to begin with. After a use I`m washing my pads under the tape with some detergent & air dry.

The orange pad does soften up when wet with water or when it has some compound on it, but its not as soft as when new. When it`s dry is pretty hard & abrasive. I`m using Meguiars M105 on the orange pad & M205 on the white pad.

Does this happen to you with your pads? And is it a problem? Do you simple replace them frequently?


08-18-2016, 08:55 AM
I have used Lake Country pads for over a decade and never had the problem you are having..

What did you clean them with ?

Did they get perfectly clean ?

How well did you rinse them out ?

Did all the soap come out when you squeezed them really hard a few times ?

I only use Snappy Clean - Snappy Clean Pad Cleaning Powder 3 Pack (http://www.autopia-carcare.com/snappy-clean-powder.html#.V7W-ofkrK00)
and have never had an issue with cleaning or rinsing pads..

Dan F

08-18-2016, 11:37 AM
I haven`t had this issue with my LC pads either.

08-18-2016, 01:51 PM
Do you have high mineral content (hard) water? I`m wondering if the pads are slowly building up a calcification or some other minerals inside the pad after drying. What type of detergent are you using to clean the pads?

08-22-2016, 02:08 AM
Do you have high mineral content (hard) water? I`m wondering if the pads are slowly building up a calcification or some other minerals inside the pad after drying. What type of detergent are you using to clean the pads?

Not sure if we have hard water. I`m using plan dish washing detergent from supermarket.

Maybe I`m just a bit more sensitive but to me the cutting pad feels alot harder & stiff than when it was new. Less flex although its been cleaned well. Have you noticed any hardness increase over time or do they feel very much the same to when they were new?