View Full Version : Road trip this coming week..

06-04-2006, 07:05 PM
I`m going on a 7 hour road trip later this week that will involve night driving. Night driving= BUGGGGS splattered all over the ride. I want to try to keep the car looking as good as I can because my fellow Mustang loving cousins and I are going to do a little photoshoot with our cars together. I dont want to have to do a complete wash once I get there but I know the bugs are going to be horrible after driving at night. Is there a way to keep the bug splatter to a minimum? Wax the heck out of the bumper? One time I tried wrapping my ex gf`s front bumper with Seran wrap (clear kitchen wrap) and she said it didn`t work all that well. Anyone have any suggestions for me? I have a 2003 Mustang Mach 1 if that helps. I`m planning on taking my PB SnW, SnG, invisible glass and MF`s with me.

06-04-2006, 07:49 PM
You could tape the front bumper up with some of the 3M painters tape if you want to go to that extreme. There`s a product out that is a big sheet of plastic that you can put on but I don`t think you`d have the time to get that before your trip.

Your best bet would probably be getting a very slick wax on there and remove the bugs ASAP. Some PB Bug Squash would be your best friend for removing them. S&W might work if you can`t get an order in though.

06-04-2006, 08:07 PM
If you want to remove the bugs with minimal effort, I would second the painters tape. Either way I think you`ll be doing a wash after the drive though.

06-04-2006, 08:25 PM
You could always go to your local sign shop and get a few feet of vynil in silver. Shouldn`t cost to much. Wrap your bumper in it, cover the front half of your hood and then peel it off when you get there. It`ll come off in one piece easily since the sun hasn`t had a chance to really bond the adhesive to your paint.

Maxima Lover
06-05-2006, 01:28 AM
I`m going to say your going to have to do a wash as well. You might be able to get buy without it if you stop every so often on the way and clean it up. You`ll still probably have splatter on the sides though, especially if it rains.

I`d be careful as to what you wrap around the front. The last thing you want it is to fly up and land on your windshield while doing 80MPH.