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Old Pirate
07-15-2016, 06:17 PM
I just saw one on Ron`s ride from his photos.

07-15-2016, 09:35 PM
Can someone please give me a quick explanation on what this game is? So I know what is going on when I see news articles and when I hear people talking about it.

07-15-2016, 09:48 PM
Can someone please give me a quick explanation on what this game is? So I know what is going on when I see news articles and when I hear people talking about it.

The cartoon back when us young adults were growing up was about kids exploring and finding these Pokemon creatures in the wild , having to battle them (by using their own previously captured Pokemon) before being able to capture them in these "pokeballs" . Eventually they`d run into other Pokemon Masters/Trainers and would challenge each other , have "gyms" etc etc.... There were trading cards and kids used to do table battles (like Magic The Gathering) using the card/creature`s abilities and such.

Basically this app is allowing people to sort of be real life Pokemon Trainers/Masters through a combination of using the software and roaming around in the real world.

07-16-2016, 12:18 PM
Yeah. Point being you`re not wasting your time or anything if you`re enjoying yourself...

My wife and I were discussing this yesterday....posting here is perhaps the closest I come to what most people think of as a "hobby".

People think we`re nuts because we spend more than 6 dollars a month to run our cars through automatic washes...

Yet people spend $ on stuff that yields no tangible benefit.

I try not to worry too much about what other people are doing unless it negatively affects me.

Same here. This Pokemon Go thing is negatively affecting me; the players are like...well, cartoon characters/zombies that cause me to adjust my life lest I collide with them (now they`re playing in places where I let the dogs run off-lead).

Mr. Slick
07-16-2016, 12:55 PM
Nice to see someone else playing this game when I`m out and about. Makes it easier to have something to talk about with new people, rather than "oh what a great day it is...... its sunny out.....yeah"

07-16-2016, 03:13 PM
Really enjoy playing! Me and my 8 year old son just walked around the block to try and find some. We had some other kids ask if we found any and it looks like he made some new friends while we were at it.

07-16-2016, 06:14 PM
I`ve been walking more regularly and have been spending more time with my wife and son, which are positives. The negatives are that my legs are sore from all that walking and my head hurts from trying to figure out the rules to the game. But the positives outweigh the negatives.

07-17-2016, 12:30 PM
Really enjoy playing! Me and my 8 year old son..made some new friends while we were at it.

Glad to hear something positive is coming of the game, sounds like you two are having fun with it...more power to you.

I`ve been walking more regularly and have been spending more time with my wife and son, which are positives...

Again, glad to hear that. Yeah I was hating on it earlier in this thread, but if people are doing more active stuff with their kids (for any reason) that`s good news to me.

07-19-2016, 12:33 PM
I get it if you got kids or something, but otherwise I have no idea what you`re doing with your time.

07-19-2016, 12:34 PM
Exercise and socialize. Pretty simple

07-19-2016, 12:52 PM
I get it if you got kids or something, but otherwise I have no idea what you`re doing with your time.

I just read a story on a forum about a 40 year old who had trouble communicating with his family - wife and daughter and him all spent their evenings in their own solitude doing their own thing. This game came out and they all downloaded it and decided to walk in the evenings and play together and the guy posted about how he has never had an activity like this that brought the three of them together. Plus it gets you out exploring and finding things that you otherwise wouldn`t.

I`ve seen a few memorials and things in my own city I`ve never looked twice at and now I am appreciating and having a moment for. Saw a WWII memorial that has never had flowers on it before; the week this game came out it was full of them because it`s a point of interest in the game. But yeah, it`s totally a waste of time for everyone, right? Forget that it`s exercise and enjoyment. We should be focused on way more serious stuff because life is super serious all the time. I can`t roll my eyes hard enough at people hating on this for no reason. It`s not like you`re saving the world in your free time.

07-19-2016, 08:50 PM
The town I live in was designated as a Northern soldier retirement/settlement after the Civil War. There are memorials all over town that I am just now finding due to Pokemon. Many of them less than a mile from where I live. It is kinda shameful that it took a game to get me out exploring at my age, but I`m glad I did. I`m enjoying the early stages of the game before it gets too commercialized. I hear McDonalds is buying advertising to become a Pokestop and Gym. I do wish I had bought stock in Nintendo as it has already doubled in price.

07-20-2016, 03:43 PM

(Hey, never expressed my appreciation of your User-Name! I`m assuming it refers to Werner...)

OK, OK..color me Chastised, another topic where I can be a bit of a [jerk]. I do hope players remain aware of their surroundings though and otherwise behave appropriately.

As for life being all that Serious all the time, eh...that`s just how some of us experience it. Different people define "enjoyment" very differently and IMO nobody`s wrong on that score (though plenty of folks think that I`m one odd duck given my take on it).

Eh, I`m having an odd week, especially with regard to topics like Enjoyment, the expenditure of time/effort, and the Saving of the World (even if it`s just one person/situation at at time).

The Driver
07-20-2016, 03:49 PM
They are watching...