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06-02-2006, 09:58 PM
when using the ssr do i just do the parts that have swirls or the whole car

Tex Star Detail
06-02-2006, 10:15 PM
It all depends. Chances are, if you have swirls on one part of the car, they will be on the entire car. Now, you will use different SSRs for different panels. Example.....if one panel has more swirls than another, then you would use a different SSR. Understand?

Oh, and welcome to the site!

06-02-2006, 10:20 PM
cool i get it thanks

06-02-2006, 10:25 PM
AS a rule I usually treat all the paint the same. Especially when I first started detailing. I was hoping for a uniform look. As the details rolled by I became more experienced with paint evaluation. The more experience I got the less I did the whole vehicle but rather the spots that take the most punishment and show the swirls the most. i.e. the hood, roof and tonneau cover of my Black truck.

Now, I only use the very abrassive SSR`s when needed and only on the areas needed. Yet I go over the entire truck with the least abrassive SSR to burnish the paint and get everything on the truck looking the same.

Lately, I have been using Poorboy`s ProPolish to take out the minor marring that I induce thru multiple QD`s. I QD to much in very dusty conditions to not induice marring. But....I like clean and shiny soooo very much I cannot help myself.

06-03-2006, 10:13 AM
I wish I knew what this marring looks like I hear all the time. Any pics?