View Full Version : Getting so frustrated I could cuss

05-29-2016, 09:58 PM
I have spent so much money on products, D.A., pads, sprays, spritizes and on an on, really enjoy working out our vehicles. But dang, one trip to work and back the windshield to the front bumper and side mirrors are a mess of bugs. I get my spray and clean towel, wipe off best I can and repeat the next day. I`m getting to like "what`s the point", so how do you guys deal with bugs and not cuss?

05-29-2016, 10:01 PM
Optimum gloss coat, top with wax. Wash as often as possible, but nothing sticks.

05-29-2016, 10:06 PM
I just applied the klass twins after a paint correction and topped with colinite wax. Doesn`t help the car is white eaither

05-29-2016, 10:12 PM
Where do you live and how far is your daily commute? It shouldn`t be so bad after one day..

05-29-2016, 10:23 PM
I have spent so much money on products, D.A., pads, sprays, spritizes and on an on, really enjoy working out our vehicles. But dang, one trip to work and back the windshield to the front bumper and side mirrors are a mess of bugs. I get my spray and clean towel, wipe off best I can and repeat the next day. I`m getting to like "what`s the point", so how do you guys deal with bugs and not cuss?

I know the feeling, I live on a country road around farms and driving at night/dusk is a mess. Waterless Wash once you get home is your best friend. If they have dried apply something like (and highly recommend) Poorboys Bug Squash (diluted 3:1) then Waterless Wash. Yes you will go through a lot of towels in a week, but the car will stay clean.

05-29-2016, 10:25 PM
bugs are gonna happen, maybe leave a dedicated sponge and soap bucket in the front of the garage. clean the front of car every day after work

05-29-2016, 11:36 PM
Probably another option is a quick pressure wash of the front end that knocks them off quickly just using water ?
If its electric, it will be handier to move around and wont make as much noise as my gas powered devilbiss unit does..

I live in an area with farming all around me, so I can totally relate to what you are going through..
And we have a water shortage so I cant just go out and wash the car when I want to either..

After all the things I have used over several decades, the last thing I put on the entire vehicle years ago, a Coating ( Optimum Pro ) has really helped things not stick so well to the paint and even all these bugs sometimes wash off in a rain storm...

There may be a lot of less permanent solutions as has been offered above that are really great, but in my experiences with this after almost 13 thousand miles of highway driving over several states, the coating has been the best for allowing the release of whatever sticks to it much easier than anything else..

Good Luck !
Dan F

05-30-2016, 04:06 AM
I feel that pain. That is why i usually do not wash during the week. POINTLESS. With a 250+ mile per week driving, bugs are going to happen. I do my major wash/detail on the xterra weekends. I do have DP glass coat on. It is a stellar coating for glass. The 1z einszett washer fluid does a fantastic job of removing bugs from the windshield! ( Just noticed they discontinued it? ) And for final removal, PB bug squash or Mckee`s 37 bug removal sprayed on before a wash, make`s short work of bug removal. Feel the same way about rain. Had the xterra all stellar saturday, then it rains sunday. LOL. You can`t win.

McKee`s 37 Road Kill Bug Remover (http://www.autopia-carcare.com/diamondite-bug-remover.html)

McKee`s 37 Glass Coating (http://www.autopia-carcare.com/dp-glass-coating.html)

Poorboy (http://www.autopia-carcare.com/poorboys-bug-squash.html)

Found it. AG still stocks the 1z einszett washer fluid. Love this product. And it makes 8 gallons of RTU fluid.

05-30-2016, 06:04 AM
Thanks for all the tips guys, guess I ain`t the only one with a head ache. Maybe I will try some different coatings and see what happens. For sure going to get the bug squash, will that stuff take any LPS I have applied off?

05-30-2016, 06:44 AM
Ummm, you`re talking like cussing is a bad thing???

05-30-2016, 07:31 AM
Use a coating, a hose rinses them off usually.

05-30-2016, 09:23 AM
I just spray with UWW+ and let it dwell about 2 minutes then wipe off with a waffle weave microfiber towel. Usually comes off in one very gentle wipe. If it doesn`t all come off on the first wipe I spray and dwell again.

this only works if you get them within 24 hours of being obliterated. After that, I find they start to bake on the paint.

I just make sure to wipe off the bird booms and bugs daily (takes 10 mins tops)

05-30-2016, 12:06 PM
Bugs aren`t much of a problem on the vehicles wearing FK1000P, but they do sometimes cause issues on the ones with other LSPs.

I left over a month`s worth of bugs on the Crown Vic one year when I put it away for the Winter (hey, had other priorities..) and they all cleaned off easily come Spring, with zero etching from having been on there so long. YMMV of course, but FK1000P is my answer to bird-bombs and bugs.

I like the 1Z Anti-Insekt (?sp?) stuff, which smells like a Turnpike Restroom but works and is fairly LSP-gentle. I have a WWMF made for Bugs that I got as a freebie from [some vendor, can`t remember whom].

I clean the windshields pretty much *every day* anyhow, and I use a Bug Sponge for the initial passes. Note that I would *NEVER* touch my paint with a Bug Sponge, but I have used the ValuGard Bug Pad on (Ford) clearcoat without marring (surprised me).