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05-24-2016, 05:21 PM
Story time: I`ve been offline (Autopia Forums) for several days now. As some of you know, I`m about to tie the knot. Well, disappointed that I bought a book of knot tying and come to learn there`s no real knots to tie. Bummer. I was getting good with the Alpine Butterfly Bend.

Also, I tend to be Last Minute Larry when it comes to certain things. Wedding and honeymoon prep both fall into that category. I`ve been busy, during my off hours, getting my wedding tasks started / finished. I have yet to pack for the week-long honeymoon trip to the Domincan Republic.

THENNNN, there`s work. Knowing how crazy my desk can get when I`m off even just a day, I`m trying to ensure EVERYTHING is cleared off my desk. I have a boss going back to Korea, and his replacement has arrived from Korea and is in the transitioning phase. The new boss has to learn the California rules and regulations (we do insurance) as well as get learned on some American culture and even the language. That`s been fun. I can tell he will have a bit of a hard time adjusting, so I am doing my best to make sure there is VERY little of my work for him to do while I`m away.

The work part is why I haven`t been online during the days. I tend to read/post in between printing sessions, or claim file reviews as time allows. Right now, too busy with so many claims coming in for review.

OOOOOOOKKKKAYYYYYYY. But what does this have to do with anything????? Sorry. Had a squirrel moment.

Shorter story: Came to my place this morning, and found a box from ACC. I was confused, as my last order had been delivered a bit back. Even the item that was on back order was delivered. So i thought there was a mistake. Anyway, I get to work, open the box in the parking lot, and was surprised. Some anonymous member sent me a nice wedding package!!! Well, the (future wife) FW wont think so, but I surely do! There was this note:

http://i711.photobucket.com/albums/ww116/JustJesus_Video/Detailing%20Shots/Poorboys/WP_20160524_09_20_59_Pro_zps3shx88yr.jpg (http://s711.photobucket.com/user/JustJesus_Video/media/Detailing%20Shots/Poorboys/WP_20160524_09_20_59_Pro_zps3shx88yr.jpg.html)

Man, I was surprised. It wasn`t until later, when I went through the box, that I was blown away. It wasn`t just like a MF towel or two. No, it was a pretty good amount of various Poorboy`s MF towels, bug towel, WW towels.... Man. For real. I was blown away.

I`m still working on moving. Oh yeah. That`s the other part keeping me busy. I`m moving most of my belongings into a storage unit for the time being. So I`m doing little by little, a bit everyday. This helps me throw things out along the way, and avoids me having to ask people for help.

I`ve recently received a PBs shipment, and pulled those out of the box and stuck them on a shelf. This was for (1) so i can get rid of the box and (2) so I can have the PB products greet me when I open the roll-up door to the storage unit. I love PB products. Seeing them when I come in, it makes me happy. I`m a bit of an odd ball, yes. I am very much aware of this, as is my FW. I also keep sample size bottles of BH and LNR near the kitchen so I can get a sniff from time to time. LOVE the stuff.

Here`s a pic of that shelf:

http://i711.photobucket.com/albums/ww116/JustJesus_Video/Detailing%20Shots/Poorboys/WP_20160524_14_09_06_Pro_zps0jz3no2i.jpg (http://s711.photobucket.com/user/JustJesus_Video/media/Detailing%20Shots/Poorboys/WP_20160524_14_09_06_Pro_zps0jz3no2i.jpg.html)

Moving on.

I was really moved by the gift I received. I can`t begin to express the gratitude I have to Mr. Anonymous for sending me the wonderful MF package. I was so excited (rare for me) that I called my FW to share with her. Another rarity. I avoid personal calls at work. But I had to share with her the excitement. - She was happy for me and made a comment about how I`m constantly talking about some of the guys on this forum. Like if they`re my friends. And that`s sort of how I feel about some of you guys. Good bunch of guys. Good forum. She went on to say (after I went over some of the posts from 512details DMT thread) that with those posts and this gift of MFs, that this was my bachelor party. We both laughed. I actually skipped on having a real bachelor party. I`m not big on parties. I`m not very social, either. I`m a quiet, reserved individual (usually).

Where was I? Not sure. But here`s a pic of the great stuff I received this morning. It`s next to my freshly boxed "detailing" supplies I had in my bedroom. (Oh, and thanks Vega, for the special touch on that card!)

http://i711.photobucket.com/albums/ww116/JustJesus_Video/Detailing%20Shots/Poorboys/WP_20160524_14_15_37_Pro_zpsya1uagob.jpg (http://s711.photobucket.com/user/JustJesus_Video/media/Detailing%20Shots/Poorboys/WP_20160524_14_15_37_Pro_zpsya1uagob.jpg.html)

And since I threadjacked from 512detail, I brought those posts over here. Assuming they work, of course.


Congrats Jesus! I have my 6th anniversary on Sunday so I`m hoping there is something left over for the sale as well.
Thank you, and congrats to you! Six years!! Since yours is about the same time as mine, I think you need to send me reminders, yearly, cuz I’m sure to forget.


I think that`s coupon code GETnHitchD (25% off) haha kidding
Thanks 512detail J I like the coupon code idea. Ray should work on that (with like a 3 month grace period, cuz I’ll be broke for a bit..haha)

Forever........ file:///C:/Users/jesus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.png

Forever is what I’m signing up for, and part of my vow. I’d like to buy a vowel. Can I get an E, please? Thanks Ron!

Jesus- u know they have an online registry at ACC, right ? file:///C:/Users/jesus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.png

but I know what im sending my family for xmas ideas ! no more crappy sweaters!
Even if they did….oh man….i don’t think my gf, err, future wife (fw) will go for it. I did bring it up to her, though.

Congrats ...

sure you are and there is nothing in your eyes .. and you will for ever hold you peace or piece file:///C:/Users/jesus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.png
Thanks, Poorboy! Sure enough, it was a piece of dried wax on my eye! No, I’m lying. It was….geez. Nothing…moving on. Speaking of peace or piece. I want a piece of some good cake. Damn. I have to wait a few more days. Grrrr.

I think the center pieces should be made with microfiber and natty`s Red with a wick
Didn’t we talk about that? LOL – I think I also mentioned it to Dwayne. For real. I kept pushing for hanging up a Poorboy’s banner at the “reception” and going with little waxes (oh yes, we did talk about it!) as center pieces. Man, if PB made some strawberry scented candles, you know I’d have them at the wedding!!!!!!!!!


Thank you ALL for the warm wishes, the funny comments, and for being an all around good bunch of guys (and a couple of gals).

I really do appreciate it.

Mr. Anonymous, I have my suspicions as to your identity (I was a Sherlock Holmes fan, as well as Encyclopedia Brown, and have several years of Special Investigations Unit experience, hehe), thank YOU so very much. It was such an amazing treat for me. I`ll never forget it.

And I`ll see about sneaking in some Autopia / Poorboy`s stuff into some pics for you guys! From my wedding, I mean.

05-24-2016, 05:45 PM
yes we expect to see LNR in your hand when cutting the cake. lol


FW would not approve

congrats again.

that`s a very sweet box someone sent you... ACC is a great community.. I had someone send me the small jar of Black Ice last year out of nowhere - I`m still in shock about that, lol

05-24-2016, 05:45 PM
you can make it rain DMTs now..but don`t drop them on the ground :)

05-24-2016, 07:24 PM
Just another reason to love this forum!

05-24-2016, 07:43 PM
We got a great place here

05-24-2016, 08:35 PM
:autopia::autopia::autopia::autopia::autopia::auto pia::autopia:

Good luck and congrats on the bachelor party


05-24-2016, 08:52 PM
Congrats!!! Awesome community here. Have a blast on the honeymoon, and I wish you and your wife the best.

05-24-2016, 09:36 PM
Congrats! Wishing you and your future wife the best!

05-24-2016, 10:05 PM
May you and your bride enjoy the rest of your lives together! A life partner is a good thing to have.

05-25-2016, 03:51 AM
Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. Enjoy your honeymoon. And cool beans on the gift. If only we (men) could do a wedding registry for things we actually want. Although, I do love my kitchen aid mixer and toaster oven (both wedding gifts)

05-25-2016, 04:18 AM
Congrats !!! Wishing you all the best !!!

05-25-2016, 09:32 AM
Congrats and I was blown away by Mr. Anonymous`s generosity too! After he placed the order and requested the note be added to your package, I read back through your posts and saw that you mentioned you wanted more DMT`s. Very very very cool and I`m happy I was able to witness such generosity.

Enjoy the package and the new chapter in your life!


05-25-2016, 09:45 AM
Congrats on your wedding! Awesome wedding gift from Mr Anonymous!

05-25-2016, 10:51 AM
yes we expect to see LNR in your hand when cutting the cake. lol …congrats again.

that`s a very sweet box someone sent you... ACC is a great community.. I had someone send me the small jar of Black Ice last year out of nowhere - I`m still in shock about that, lol
I’ll work on the LNR. I have the smaller bottle, so I might be able to sneak it in! And sometimes, I like a good challenge.
That’s cool that you got the Black Ice! Cool surprises, right? Those are good ones.

you can make it rain DMTs now..but don`t drop them on the ground file:///C:/Users/jesus/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.png
She said I should take some on our trip, and lay on them on the beach! Heresy, I know. I explained to her why that would not be possible.

Just another reason to love this forum!
I had enough reasons, but I’ll take another!

We got a great place here
Heck yeah we do!


Good luck and congrats on the bachelor party

INDEED it does! Thanks. As far as I’m concerned, this was the best bachelor party this decade. Best part? Nobody got crabs. And no photos of men in compromising situations. J

Congrats!!! Awesome community here. Have a blast on the honeymoon, and I wish you and your wife the best.
I will do my best to have a good time. At the minimum, I’ll be sleeping in often! Oh yeah. Thanks nickclark

Congrats! Wishing you and your future wife the best!

Thank you, ViperGuy. I’m sure she’ll appreciate all the warm wishes from you guys.

May you and your bride enjoy the rest of your lives together! A life partner is a good thing to have.
For the better part of my life, I thought I was destined to be a lone wolf, and was okay with that. She showed me that some things in life, are better experienced with a life partner. Thank you Jaddie

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. Enjoy your honeymoon. And cool beans on the gift. If only we (men) could do a wedding registry for things we actually want. Although, I do love my kitchen aid mixer and toaster oven (both wedding gifts)

Thanks LED! Ohhhh boy. Wouldn’t a “Mens Registry” be something?!?!?!

Congrats !!! Wishing you all the best !!!
Thanks Pats. Much appreciated.

Congrats and I was blown away by Mr. Anonymous`s generosity too! After he placed the order and requested the note be added to your package, I read back through your posts and saw that you mentioned you wanted more DMT`s. Very very very cool and I`m happy I was able to witness such generosity.

Enjoy the package and the new chapter in your life!


Ahh. You too, were blown away?! Yeah, crazy stuff, eh. Never would have guessed something so generous would come from a forum. I agree it’s VERY x3 cool. If you guys weren’t so far away, I’d ask you to witness more than such generosity! “Sir, you’re seated at the Autopia Table.”
HAHA…. I never saw that episode of The Office!
Thanks Vega! I’m looking forward to coming back and using those DMTs. (just don’t tell her)

Congrats on your wedding! Awesome wedding gift from Mr Anonymous!
Thank you, Marc08. I’m sure *I* will think it’s the best wedding gift at this wedding! Hehe.

Thank you all. And I’ll come back with a pick of some LNR (or White Diamond) in my hand, during the cake cutting. J

05-25-2016, 01:16 PM
JustJesus- Hey, that was a swell gift! Somebody`s really thoughtful to do that.

Gee, I didn`t realize the Big Date was so soon! All The Best to you and She Whose Name I Can`t Pronounce, hope you have a great time in the DR.