View Full Version : Is Gyeon Q2M foam made specifically for coated vehicles???

05-12-2016, 11:40 AM
I`ve just ordered a foam cannon for my new pressure washer. Currently I wash my coated vehicle with Reset and like it quite a bit...it`s coating specific and doesn`t leave any type of film or polymers that dimish the look of the original coating. I`d like to use foam as a pre-soak to my wash process just to make it a little safer against maring.
I don`t see any foams that are "coating specific" and don`t add anything. But I see that Gyeon has their Q2M Foam, but can`t find much information about it. Does anyone know if it`s a coating-specific product that would leave nothing behind?
Another question...has anyone used Reset in their foam cannon? I know it`s not made for that, but would it work?

05-12-2016, 11:57 AM
I have Reset, Bathe, Bathe+, but not Foam.

Reset works good and foams well in a gun, cannon, bucket.

Q2M foam claims to be coating specific. But it is really just PH balanced making it safe for all surfaces. Just like most other soaps.

"Q2M Foam provides the opportunity to have a home-made touchless wash. It dissolves gime and road-dirt, ensuring a gentle wash afterwards. Hence it`s characteristics - it not only is totally safe for your coating, but also for uncoated cars or surfaces like polished alloy rims or exterior trims."

05-12-2016, 12:00 PM
the foam is similar to their bathe+.... That said IMHO it will work decently on coated or bare paint. How well???? is another question..

I will tell you that in my experience with the bathe + is don`t use it on windshield. Does something funny to it, and you`ll notice a grimey film on it a few days later.

05-12-2016, 12:08 PM
That`s the biggest thing...I`m looking for something that leaves no film, waxy substance, or protective polymer coating. I just want "basic". That`s why I like Reset so much. I just assumed it wouldn`t work well as a foam.
Bathe+ says is has SiO2 in it to act as a hydrophobic layer. I don`t want anything that`s purposefully leaving something behind (no a grimy windshield).
I don`t know if the Gyeon Foam is more live Reset or more like a Bathe+ product. It really doesn`t specify.

05-12-2016, 12:22 PM
That`s the biggest thing...I`m looking for something that leaves no film, waxy substance, or protective polymer coating. I just want "basic". That`s why I like Reset so much. I just assumed it wouldn`t work well as a foam.
Bathe+ says is has SiO2 in it to act as a hydrophobic layer. I don`t want anything that`s purposefully leaving something behind (no a grimy windshield).
I don`t know if the Gyeon Foam is more live Reset or more like a Bathe+ product. It really doesn`t specify.

You may be correct. Sorry for the confusion.

Mike lambert
05-12-2016, 03:04 PM
Gyeon foam is specific for coatings. It works very well as a pre soak, I use it all the time.

Mike lambert
05-12-2016, 03:06 PM
Bathe plus has a little coating in it , works very well for maintenance washing. Gyeon foam is strictly for pre soaks

05-12-2016, 03:36 PM
If you want soap that will leave nothing behind and is a foamer and bucket soap IMO you are looking at Reset, Gyeon Bathe (regular). Yes Bathe+ leaves something behind as it has the coating in it. But going back to soaps something like Meg`s Hyperwash is the same basic design and concept as Reset, Gyeon Bathe without the inflated price. But I will say Reset seems to be more aggressive than Hyperwash at normal usage levels.

IMO Bathe+ is perfect for that coating top up without having to wash, dry then come back around with your topper. It is wash, dry, done.