View Full Version : Tape/Wax residue near Matte black stripes

03-11-2016, 04:51 PM
So there might be a stupid simple solution to this but...

I have a black Mustang with Matte Black Stripes and I tape of the stripes when I`m polishing and waxing. It`s a great way to keep that stuff of the Matte Stripes but I have a thin line that now runs along the stripes across the whole car. It`s faint but of course I see it. Is there a simple way to remove that without touching the Matte? I can clay but not sure how i`ll correct the marred paint when it`s so close to the matte. Any suggestions welcome.

Thanks everyone!

03-11-2016, 06:15 PM
Don`t use an aggressive clay and it shouldn`t mar the paint

I believe autopia sells a 3M product that`s an adhesive remover that should work well in your case. Spray a little on a towel and carefully wipe it off without touching the stripe

03-12-2016, 02:17 PM
I use *LOTS* of QD/rinseless and let that do a solvent-action on the residue for a while. Then I move along the edges with a plush MF (also saturated) going either parallel or moving in an "off the strip onto the paint" direction.

As a last resort with tenacious residue, I`ve flagged a toothpick/etc. tip with a razor blade, soaked that in QD/rinseless, and used it as a brush (wearing magnifying goggles so I could really see what I was doing). Gotta keep the toothpick wet with the liquid so it stays soft enough to not mar the paint (not mar if you`re lucky that is...).

Heh heh, I wouldn`t do the Adhesive Remover myself because I worry that I`d botch it up and get it where I didn`t want it. But that`s just me and somebody else can undoubtedly pull it off...just know which side of that fence you`re on before you try it ;) I *do* really like that 3M Adhesive Remover :D

03-12-2016, 02:23 PM
on mine on my srt I use a q tip wet with QD or WW

or an id card inside a soft MF towel and a spray of QD/WW ran along the edges,,but that`s to remove fresh wax residue- although ive missed a spot here and there in the past and saw it a week or so later and the same method still worked well for me