View Full Version : Ideas for in kind gifting

02-11-2016, 07:34 PM
My car club supports many local charities. We have a local children center car show/fundraiser coming up soon. It`s pretty much our clubs largest fundraiser.

They have requested donations, in kind gifts etc. `Cleaning supplies` listed as one since its a car show of course.

I feel very blessed to be where I`m at right now and I want to give back any time I can. Because it`s the right thing to do.

I have so much product I won`t use and extra towels as well.

I wanted to put together a decent package (or two or three) they could auction off but I got to thinking that if it wasnt in the original packaged bottle it might lose its appeal?
(I figure other people may just buy something at autozone or whatever and gift it)

I am very attached to the actual bottles. I like how nice they look lined up on the shelves next to each other, lol. I`m sure y`all can understand.

A few questions...

Does putting the product into travel size bottles destroy the novelty of a gifted item of this nature? Considering I`d be giving multiple products.

What would you put in there anyways?

easy stuff like spray sealants/waxes?
Tire and interior products as well I`d imagine would be well received.

i have a couple cobra guzzler ww`s still packaged and unopened i figured i would throw those in there since i just ordered 2 pfm ww`s


They are also seeking bag fillers...i figured this would be a good way to try to get a few more jobs.

They said up to 100 but any amount would do...

Definitely throwing in 100 business cards or so but should I attach any discount coupons? Or maybe just a small flyer with pricing? Might as well try to get some of that market share.

My main question is what to put in the gifted kits. I have a whole lot of empty 2.7 oz travel bottles- sprayer, pump and regular cap style mix.

Thanks in advance.

Or should I just give away a detail?
I`d hate to get a car I wasn`t comfortable working on is my only reservation there. I am not at pro-status. :)
Still learning

02-11-2016, 08:06 PM
Speaking just for myself, I probably wouldn`t use a product that wasn`t in its original container unless I knew the source quite well. Another down side of simply not being able to identify the product at a glance, the instructions go with the original container as well. Now if you and I were neighbors and you gave me product in unmarked containers it would be a no brainer.

02-11-2016, 08:10 PM
Speaking just for myself, I probably wouldn`t use a product that wasn`t in its original container unless I knew the source quite well. Another down side of simply not being able to identify the product at a glance, the instructions go with the original container as well. Now if you and I were neighbors and you gave me product in unmarked containers it would be a no brainer.
That`s kind of what I was thinking as well.

What if it was the original bottle but not full? That sounds bad the more I think about it as well.

Towels would work though, right?

02-11-2016, 08:13 PM
Yeah, I`d take towels in a blink.

02-11-2016, 09:37 PM
Those Christmas tree air freshener things. General public seems to love that crap for whatever reason

02-11-2016, 09:43 PM
Those Christmas tree air freshener things. General public seems to love that crap for whatever reason
Yet another need for a sarcasm font.

02-11-2016, 09:57 PM
Brandt -
Thanks for thinking of others, it`s always the best thing to do; and the more you sacrifice, you give, the Good Lord`s New Math will always bless you the giver, even more...

You`re on the right track with the things you want to give away... New bottles always are a big hit - you know how you feel when you get that package and open it and see that new bottle right ? Give that joy to someone else...

When I was living the good life years ago, I always gave away a few Details at the Yacht Club Charity event...

Everyone knew me and my work, so those got bid way up and the winners were so excited knowing what they were going to get.. :)

Thanks Brandt, for all the hard work you do !
Dan F

02-11-2016, 10:22 PM
Brandt -
Thanks for thinking of others, it`s always the best thing to do; and the more you sacrifice, you give, the Good Lord`s New Math will always bless you the giver, even more...

You`re on the right track with the things you want to give away... New bottles always are a big hit - you know how you feel when you get that package and open it and see that new bottle right ? Give that joy to someone else...

When I was living the good life years ago, I always gave away a few Details at the Yacht Club Charity event...

Everyone knew me and my work, so those got bid way up and the winners were so excited knowing what they were going to get.. :)

Thanks Brandt, for all the hard work you do !
Dan F
Thanks Dan.
Until about four years ago when I started detailing I was in a bad place in many aspects. Starting a business helped me center myself, my focus and directly led to helping me get the nice comfy 9-6 stable income job I have now. I feel blessed enough for multiple lifetimes.

As far as name recognition and bidding wars on my services...

I ascribe to be at that well known, name brand status..hence the ambitious business name...funny thing is Austin recently ran out of 512 area codes, lol. MY BAD.

I just don`t expect some no named `detail guy` to gain much appeal, and it`s logically justified so I can`t argue with that.

I`ve given details in the past to charity car show auctions (they approached me, and i gave 50% off my already probably way too low prices, which they Paid for). And no one ever called to claim it. I even had an actual website then.
I was excited to show my abilities but instead shot a figurative low blow to my pride.

I think I`m gonna surf the connect, Vega and geekers bogo deals in the near future and just buy a few New bottles to donate. I think with all the great deals randomly available I can piece together something nice with the time I have to plan this. Plus some towels too.

You`re right, that new bottle feeling is a real phenomenon. I`m definitely a sucker to it.

02-12-2016, 12:22 AM
I would still go with a FREE detail, not 50% off

It`s one day of your time

It will raise a lot more money than gift bags

Get the charity to agree to post a Before & After photo of the Winner with his/her car

02-12-2016, 12:40 AM
Brandt -

" You`re right, that new bottle feeling is a real phenomenon. I`m definitely a sucker to it."
We all are ! :)

Nothing with lasting good comes quickly...

We old-timers have Decades behind the Rotary and all the other tools...

Keep doing the work, keep your garage clean so people will stop by and be impressed by this and your work, be very approachable and a great neighbor, and it will all come together.. I promise !!!

Here is an idea ---

- Come up with your Business Name...
- Make sure it is the ONE you want to be known by ---
- Create a very nice business card with that information...
- Get the cards made...
- People don`t really want a complicated card...
- They want your business name and phone number, perhaps an email address, etc...
- They don`t care about before/after pictures, pricing, etc...
- Go find a really great graphic designer that uses vinyl and have them use their computer to design a bigger version of your card on clear vinyl in colors to fit the side of your business vehicle and apply it to both sides....
- Wherever you go now, you are advertising and people will notice and remember..
- They will stop you in parking lots and ask questions and you will always give them a business card that you have in your console...
- People will notice that this signage is not a magnetic stick on temporary sign, but a real nice piece of artwork tastefully done on your vehicle, and they will say to themselves - "That is a Real Detailer, not a wanna-be..."
- Your business vehicle will be perfect at all times, preferably highly polished and coated, so it always looks great, and requires way less maintenance, because you will now become very busy...:)
- When they ask you what kind of work you do, you just take them to your vehicle and blind them a bit with the perfect gloss and clarity of your paintwork, and perfectly clean Interior, and then walk back to their vehicle so they can see the huge difference...

I will take a pic of the side of my business vehicle so you can get an idea of what I did...
Don`t know how to post it but if you PM me an email address, I can send it to you that way, ok ?
Dan F

02-12-2016, 01:19 AM

Here I go derailing my own thread...

A couple years back I made this logo with an up close photo (from a friends real camera) of a black label soap bubble in a pyrex dish and some computer help.


Later added the other side of my frontiers pbl v1 + synergy beads taken from my old cell phone and the cheesy slogan etc.


It was the ex`s idea to put professional on there, for the record. It was also her idea to hold my .com which guess who still holds it? Lol- oops!

I ordered a lot of cards through vista print deal. highest quality, thick cards back then. I just opened my last box of 250 so i guess I`ve handed out around 750 in a little over 2 years. They may not be that great but I think they`re ok and original, at least with the photos.

I had the truck coated for over two years and it did get me some other jobs.

I got burnt on a detail trade two years ago where I traded a detail for a vinyl wrap that I never received. Live and learn.
I stopped pursuing it after one year of the guy bs-ing me but have considered doing something now about it.

Next goal is to get a working website back up.

I kind of put my businesses on the side shelf a little over a year ago when I was getting acclimated to the corporate world 9-5 thing.

Oh we also made this Jurassic Park themed flyer-lol.