View Full Version : I clay and he doesn`t...

05-22-2006, 09:45 PM
I was just outside calling the cat in, and I touched my shiney car under the street light. I like the smooth, slick feeling.

Then my husbands truck next to it.
Rough bumps.

I thought to myself that I clay and he doesn`t.

Then was wondering, is it more than just the clay?
He washes with dish soap, I don`t.
I PwC and he doesn`t.
My car has EXP, he used Meguairs NX..(something like that)

But I go back to thinking, it`s the clay that gets rid of the stuff sticking in it, right?


05-22-2006, 09:50 PM
Your Right!! You could do all of your prep sans clay and it would feel better but not nearly as nice and smooth as it would when you clay. So to answer your question, yes it is clay that removes all of the roughness on your paint.

I think your husband needs to take a detailing class from you some weekend afternoon to transform his vehicle.


05-22-2006, 10:09 PM
Oh no your got the "other car syndrome" Yes the other car syndrome in other words your getting like the rest of us here in DC you have become a true detailer welcome to the club:howdy

Scott P
05-23-2006, 06:41 AM
I think it`s a combination of not using clay and the dish soap. You`ll have to show him the light one of these days.

05-23-2006, 11:35 AM
My fiance thinks I`m nuts. I heard her say she`d detail her own car and that she could just use dawn. I took her to Target and bought her some Megs Gold... and some supplies to use when she felt like detailing and I wasn`t there. Sometimes we just have to have a good ol` fashioned intervention to help the ones we love. :D Maybe you could help him detail his truck, showing him your process and let him feel the difference. If we see our loved ones going down the wrong path. We`ve gotta help.


05-23-2006, 11:37 AM
My fiance thinks I`m nuts. I heard her say she`d detail her own car and that she could just use dawn. I took her to Target and bought her some Megs Gold... and some supplies to use when she felt like detailing and I wasn`t there. Sometimes we just have to have a good ol` fashioned intervention to help the ones we love. :D Maybe you could help him detail his truck, showing him your process and let him feel the difference. If we see our loved ones going down the wrong path. We`ve gotta help.



05-23-2006, 12:20 PM
No way!!!
He`s notorious for not doing things right and expecting me to do it for him.

Or we are working on a project together, he`ll say he needs help, so I stop my part, help him with his, he finishes his part, I`m still working on my part, he is sitting on the couch.
Now that I think about it, I think I stopped working on projects with him.

He`s had many opportunities to watch me detail, he chooses to sit on the couch.
Or will wash his truck while I`m doing my vehicle.
He`s finished way before I am, then back on the couch.

Only the brave of you would want me to get on the soap box and tell you years worth of other examples.
I have a house that is falling apart right now, he`ll take one try at something or 10 minutes, whichever is less.
If it is not fixed, then doesn`t ever get done.
Then I have to do it, and I haven`t had time.
When I get home from work, he`s been home for hours.
I`ll research and learn new stuff (like detailing from ya`ll), he doesn`t.


05-23-2006, 12:34 PM
No way!!!
He`s notorious for not doing things right and expecting me to do it for him.

Or we are working on a project together, he`ll say he needs help, so I stop my part, help him with his, he finishes his part, I`m still working on my part, he is sitting on the couch.
Now that I think about it, I think I stopped working on projects with him.

He`s had many opportunities to watch me detail, he chooses to sit on the couch.
Or will wash his truck while I`m doing my vehicle.
He`s finished way before I am, then back on the couch.

Only the brave of you would want me to get on the soap box and tell you years worth of other examples.
I have a house that is falling apart right now, he`ll take one try at something or 10 minutes, whichever is less.
If it is not fixed, then doesn`t ever get done.
Then I have to do it, and I haven`t had time.
When I get home from work, he`s been home for hours.
I`ll research and learn new stuff (like detailing from ya`ll), he doesn`t.


I know a number to this great counselor............ :D

05-23-2006, 01:01 PM
I don`t do a detail without using clay...you just set yourself up for a better finish and for the time that it takes and what little cost in involved its worth it in the end!

06-08-2006, 10:05 AM
No way!!!
He`s notorious for not doing things right and expecting me to do it for him.

Or we are working on a project together, he`ll say he needs help, so I stop my part, help him with his, he finishes his part, I`m still working on my part, he is sitting on the couch.
Now that I think about it, I think I stopped working on projects with him.

He`s had many opportunities to watch me detail, he chooses to sit on the couch.
Or will wash his truck while I`m doing my vehicle.
He`s finished way before I am, then back on the couch.

Only the brave of you would want me to get on the soap box and tell you years worth of other examples.
I have a house that is falling apart right now, he`ll take one try at something or 10 minutes, whichever is less.
If it is not fixed, then doesn`t ever get done.
Then I have to do it, and I haven`t had time.
When I get home from work, he`s been home for hours.
I`ll research and learn new stuff (like detailing from ya`ll), he doesn`t.

I`m not a counselor or anything and it has all ways been my practice to stay out of grown folks business but....

06-08-2006, 12:06 PM
but what?????

As an update...

I bought the clay that is fine enough to use at every wash, and gave my husband the other half of the Meguair`s clay I was using.

He first said he knew about clay.

Well, last Saturday I was working on the computer, he started asking questions on how to use it, and that I didn`t give him the instructions with the clay.
I told him I was doing something, and read about it online.

I did my car wash on Sunday, did he come out to watch/learn then?
Two points if you guess correctly.
Two more points if you guess where he was.

Review previous thread, paragraph about my helping him do his stuff, he finishes, I am behind on my project, and he is....


Shaun Carollo
06-08-2006, 01:05 PM
but what?????
I bought the clay that is fine enough to use at every wash

Claying after every wash will remove your lsp (wax.) Depending on where you live, you may be able to get away with claying every 6 months, or at the very least 3 months. Personally, I clay the front end and behind the wheels every time I seal/wax, and the whole car about every 4-6 months.
