View Full Version : The Darwin Award Winners thread

House of Wax
01-28-2016, 02:45 PM
There`s always plenty of stories out there.....thought i`d make an amusing thread

Second teen dies after drinking racing fuel mixed with Mountain Dew (http://www.wfaa.com/story/news/2016/01/27/second-teen-dies-after-drinking-racing-fuel-mixed-mountain-dew/79405786/)

NASHVILLE — A second Greenbrier teen has died and two more received medical treatment after officials said they drank a mixture of Mountain Dew and racing fuel last week.
On Thursday, authorities were called to the Franklin Farms home of 16-year-old Logan Stephenson, who was found dead in his bed.
Within minutes, they were called to a second home, on Cemetery Road, because the boy’s best friend had begun having seizures, Greenbrier Police Chief K.D. Smith said.
Authorities have not released the identity of the second teen, but Smith confirmed Tuesday that the medical examiner’s office had notified his department of the second teen’s death that morning. The Robertson County Sheriff`s Office also released a statement Tuesday confirming the second teen`s death.
Spokesman Ryan Martin said the boy died Monday afternoon, and the Sheriff’s Office was notified later that same day.
“We ask that everyone continue to pray for both of these families as they go through this tragic time,” Sheriff Bill Holt said in the department’s Tuesday release.
Since Stephenson’s death, two other teens have come forward, claiming they drank a similar substance, Smith said.
Four cases from Robertson County have been recorded with the Tennessee Poison Center at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, according to medical director Dr. Donna Seger.
Two of the teenagers were treated and released from two different emergency departments, Seger said.
Both teens said they had consumed a mixture of Mountain Dew and racing fuel, she said.
“They thought they knew what it was, that it was a substitute for alcohol,” Seger said. “They thought they would get the same effects as alcohol, but they weren’t aware of how toxic it was.”
Racing fuel, used in drag racing, is made up of almost 100% methanol, a non-drinkable form of alcohol used for industrial and automotive purposes, Seger said.
Initially, methanol can give the same effects as ethanol, which is used in the production of alcoholic beverages, but over time, it can result in symptoms ranging from blurred vision, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea to seizures, blindness, coma and death, depending on the amount and concentration of the methanol that was consumed, Seger said.
The investigation into the deaths of Stephenson and his best friend are ongoing. Police have not confirmed whether the boys had actually consumed the substance pending autopsy reports from the medical examiner`s office, Smith said.
The rumors "are deeply disturbing and harmful to the families that are already going through a tragic time of loss," the release said.
Methanol is extremely poisonous and as little as two tablespoons can be deadly to a child, according to the National Institutes of Health website.
About two to eight ounces can be deadly for an adult, and the success of treatment is often determined by how much poison a person swallowed and how soon he or she received medical attention, the website says.
Heath workers are not aware of how prevalent Dewshine consumption is among Tennesseans, Seger said.
“These two deaths have brought it to our attention,” she said. “We have to try to make sure that adolescents are aware of the toxicity. Kids usually communicate more among themselves, and we need to make more kids aware of this, statewide.”
Health officials at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have notified the Department of Health about the situation, Seger said.
She also said she was not aware of any other cases involving Dewshine consumption outside of Tennessee.
Meanwhile, investigators urged community members to stop posting rumors about the case on social media sites, according to the release from the Robertson County Sheriff`s Office.
Robertson County Schools have been closed since before Stephenson`s death because of inclement weather, but Schools Director Mike Davis said Tuesday that the system was planning to have extra counselors at Greenbrier High School when the students resume classes.
“Our heartfelt sympathies go out to the parents and family members of these young men,” Davis said. “I think we will make the special effort to inform students of the dangers related to the deaths of these boys. We need to be reminding kids to make good choices.”
The Stephenson family is collecting funds in Logan`s memory with a GoFundMe page, saying they will use the funds to educate teens and families about substance-abuse dangers.

01-28-2016, 03:40 PM
Well, thank goodness they`re keeping (safe for human consumption] moonshine out the hands of minors!

House of Wax
01-28-2016, 03:41 PM
I did some dumb stuff as a kid, but holy moly

01-28-2016, 03:44 PM
The Stephenson family is collecting funds in Logan`s memory with a GoFundMe page, saying they will use the funds to educate teens and families about substance-abuse dangers.

How about educating about the danger of *ignorance* instead? IMO, it`s not a substance-abuse issue, it`s an ignorance + stupidity issue.

01-28-2016, 03:44 PM
wow....natural selection at work people

sounds bad I know.... but, wth were they thinking?

House of Wax
01-28-2016, 03:47 PM
How about educating about the danger of *ignorance* instead? IMO, it`s not a substance-abuse issue, it`s an ignorance + stupidity issue.
Seriously. If someone needs to be educated not to drink fuel, they might be a lost cause

01-28-2016, 03:57 PM
Well, old-time winos have been known to drink weird stuff, IIRC "Sterno" comes to mind.

01-28-2016, 04:41 PM
I am at the service department and there is a guy explaining that every time he puts his car in reverse the driver mirror dips not the passenger mirror (so you can see the curb when parking). Service advisor says move the switch to the passenger side. Customer does not answer quickly and says, I guess ill just have you do it next time I am in for service. I`m like WTF? Advisor says Ill do it for you right now when they pull your car up. Customer says I need to be somewhere and don`t have the time. Advisor says it takes a second to throw the switch. Customer says nothing takes a second.

He came back laughing. customer thought the switch needed to be relocated on the passenger side.

Not an old guy either.................

01-28-2016, 05:14 PM
JSFM35X- Heh heh, I got a kick out of that, thanks for posting it.

01-29-2016, 10:50 AM
People die EVERY day in America from drinking alcohol, and we think nothing of it. It`s called drunk driving.
Here in Wisconsin, we have a high tolerance for drunk drivers, and there are some drivers who have 5th and 6th drunk driving (Driving Under the Influence [of Alcohol or other Illegal substance], or DUI`s) and they still are driving. I know of few people who have not been affected by some vehicle incident involving a DUI driver and someone they know, whether friend or close family.

Granted, Wisconsin has a long tradition of alcohol consumption: Milwaukee was once known as "the beer capital of the world." However, those perceptions are changing because of the alcohol-related deaths involving vehicle crashes. I find it difficult to accept the word "accident" because consumption is a human choice, although getting behind the wheel of any vehicle while intoxicated (or medicated) could be considered a lapse in human judgment and, hence human error, which really is the definition of "accident".

So while we are giving out Darwin Awards to these young people who consumed methanol and Mountain Dew and think they are "stupid", many who are reading this right now should receive the same accolade for driving drunk at some point in time in their life. You may have not gotten caught or been fortunate (lucky?) enough not be involved in an accident or worse, caused a serious injury or death to someone. Some may think that they can handle it and so what; everybody does it.

There`s a reason why we are trying so hard to "educate" society about "think before you drink and drive". Lives are at stake here. My life, your life, and the lives of your family and friends. I make no apology if I sound bitter or upset at calling those of you do "choose" to drink and drive "stupid". Your fate may be no different than these young people who died while drinking methanol, with one big difference: you KNOW better. (Sobering thought; pun intended)

01-29-2016, 11:16 AM
Lonnie- I`m sure you and I are on the same page here, but clarify something for me if you would- When you posted:

I find it difficult to accept the word "accident" because consumption is a human choice... hence human error, which really is the definition of "accident".

Don`t you mean "..human error, which really is NOT the definition of accident"?

Sorry if I`m being, uhm...pedantic again :o

I agree with you completely that the term "accident" gets used far too readily to explain away/mitigate what`s really *negligence* or some other form of unnecessary human error.

Like...when somebody`s gun goes off at the wrong time they usually say "accidental discharge" instead of "negligent discharge". If the gun went off because it broke (all on its own), IMO *that* would be an accident, but once a person is involved it`s negligence.

Yeah, I know...I set the bar kinda high, but this is serious stuff.

01-29-2016, 12:53 PM
Maybe a better definition or term would be human error versus mechanical failure, which both get lumped into the term "accident". In drunk driving, I agree, human negligence is an error in judgment. There is a fine line as to what is "legally" considered negligence, just as the terms ignorance and stupidity are used synonymously or interchangeably , when that mean two entirely different things.
Ignorance means you do something without knowing any better or are unaware of the consequences of the actions. Stupidity is knowing better and its consequences, bit choosing to do the act anyway.
(And , no , I am NOT a lawyer or paralegal, although I sometimes write like one.)

01-29-2016, 01:26 PM
Lonnie- Yeah, I figured we were on the same page even if our definitions of "accident" might differ a little.

I`d probably refine the definition of stupid to include *willful* ignorance too.

Eh, I guess I just have an awfully low tolerance for Human Error. *IMO* (which is worth zip, huh? ;) ) people oughta be more aware of their limits and work within them. E.g., a whole lotta people simply shouldn`t operate motor vehicles (or many other potentially dangerous things) for one reason or another lest they endanger others. But as I said, just my opinion and hey, who appointed me Big Boss Judgment Maker?

(Gee, aren`t *I* up on my high-horse today?!? :o )

And I`ll readily admit that I have zero knowledge of the legal definitions! I`d probably disagree with lots of those too, for all the good it`d do me. Must be one of *my* limitations, and why I rely on my attorneys rather than myself for legal matters.