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House of Wax
01-19-2016, 01:37 AM
Finally got the red dot that`s been sitting in my closet for forever mounted to my GSG 522. Can`t wait to try it out:

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12522952_961486310584740_4540882650391833281_n.jpg ?oh=5be0f3b3f77972b29a4f695abb169fad&oe=57435B92

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/12512804_961486363918068_518945510162218832_n.jpg? oh=23967424d0524d06c3f78f9c2248113b&oe=5747D177

All cleaned and ready for tomorrow. It`s been waaaay too long.

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/12438978_961488200584551_2609368467686678478_n.jpg ?oh=8e2c91a0bbe604b1b278d04a3614ea06&oe=5731DE14

And apparently a rifle case makes for a good dog bed. Goofy animal

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/12439240_961489397251098_1030727898866937457_n.jpg ?oh=9868296332906431db1b690c6612f927&oe=5707F261

01-19-2016, 02:56 AM
Beautiful piece!

01-19-2016, 05:30 AM
Very nice !!!! What caliber is the GSG???

01-19-2016, 07:55 AM


Target pics please

House of Wax
01-19-2016, 08:00 AM
Very nice !!!! What caliber is the GSG???
Just a .22. Super fun little plinker

House of Wax
01-19-2016, 08:01 AM


Target pics please
We`ll see......lol

01-19-2016, 10:07 AM
Wow, just did little research that think looks great and looks really fun.

House of Wax
01-19-2016, 10:15 AM
It is a lot of fun. Hard to beat for the price

01-19-2016, 01:46 PM
House of Wax- Looks like fun! Whose red-dot you running on it?

Is rimfire ammo still pricey and hard to find?

And, heh heh..I appreciated the pic of your dog on the case :D

House of Wax
01-19-2016, 01:57 PM
Vortex Strikefire. Not high end by any means, but should work great for its intended purpose.

In my area the prices aren`t crazy, but I couldn`t tell you the last time I saw a box of anything other than the higher price .22 rounds that I don`t buy. Gonna have to start ordering online

01-19-2016, 04:11 PM
By me those clips are now illegal. my friend sent his to his parent is Arizona until someone undoes the poor rules being imposed by the MAN,

01-19-2016, 05:35 PM
looks like fun. What is the pistol ? Cal.

House of Wax
01-19-2016, 05:36 PM
Sig Sauer SP2022 in 9mm

01-20-2016, 10:20 AM
House of Wax- I somehow suspect that your hands are larger than mine, or at least your index finger is longer.

That Vortex oughta be fine on it, and yeah...not every application calls for something high-end.

House of Wax
01-20-2016, 03:16 PM
House of Wax- I somehow suspect that your hands are larger than mine, or at least your index finger is longer.

haha, what makes you say that?

Everything ran great. Had a blast. The Vortex is gonna work great. Need to spend some more time tweaking the sight, but that whole setup is a blast. My brother in law brought out his dad`s Colt .357 Trooper for the first time(his dad passed away and a couple of his firearms were passed down).....whoa, what a hand cannon haha.

We got any other enthusiasts here? Would love to see/hear what everyone else is shooting