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05-21-2006, 12:13 AM
DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to become some religious debate. It is just to talk about the movie versus the book. If there is one thing I have learned in life then it is not to discuss religion or politics on the internet. It will go on forever.... This has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with history and what is fact and what is fiction.

So I took a half day yesterday so we could go catch the matinee of The DaVinci Code. I enjoyed the book and have been looking forward to the movie for two years. It was pretty good, actually. I read Angels and Demons most recently and I kept getting the two mixed up in my mind as I watched the show. I`ll have to read it again to see how much they left out, but all in all it was a good flick. Most of what they left out seems to be just the expositions on the artwork and some of the other hidden meanings that the Church may or may not have had removed. I think they tweaked the ending a little bit, but hopefully there will be an extended version available when it comes out on DVD.

The thing that has been interesting is all the documentaries that have been on The History Channel lately. All week it has been DaVinci Code week I guess. Dan Brown may have gotten most of his information from other sources, but those sources got it from somewhere too. Irregardless of whether or not the theories are true, it sure has been facinating learning about the history of how people could come to the conclusion that they are true.

05-21-2006, 12:15 AM
I just saw it too. Much faster pace then the book, doesn`t let you figure much out on your own like the book did. But still a good movie.

05-21-2006, 01:28 AM
Im really dying to see the movie. I read Angels and Demons about a year ago, and got done reading The DaVinci Code a few weeks ago. Angels and Demons was a better read, but both books were excellent. Keeps you on your toes and fascinating at the same time. Whether the theories are true or not they make for a lot of enjoyment if your willing to take it that way. More people need to realize that it is fiction...take it just like you would take Harry Potter...for amusement.

05-21-2006, 04:32 AM
I just finished the book, and we are going to see the movie tonight, I think.
I`ve written some articles from the history side. It is fiction after all; like Annie Proux`s Accordian Crimes, you have fiction and fact woven together. I like that the "mystery" is not "whodunnit," but an intellectual quest. Nice twist and good work.
There are some forced parts in the book where "explaining" is awkward; I hope that comes more naturally on film.

05-21-2006, 07:27 AM
i thought both books were great. they kept your mind working throughout. i can`t wait to see the movie. the critics ahve all complained about how bad it was, but i don`t usually believe their opinions.

05-21-2006, 08:16 AM
I saw it last night. It was entertaining but not great (the female lead was a poor actress). I spent the next 30 minutes after the movie picking it apart with my friend.

The story is a fantastic work of fiction that utilizes an incredible imagination drawing on fascintaing elements of history. The fact that it revolves around religion specifically the notion of a Jesus blood line is a brilliant move because it garners a wide readership, curiosity and stirring up of human emotion. The author has taken all this to the bank.

Like I mentioned, I found it entertaining (typical Hollywood implausibility) but hardly something stimulating or classified as some sort of epic movie. Overhyped but not terrible. The critics were partly right on this.

Scott P
05-21-2006, 08:21 AM
The wife and I loved the books. We are both on the fence about seeing the movie. It`s tough for a movie to live up to the standards such a good book established.

The rare instance was Field of Dreams. I actually liked the movie better than the book.

05-21-2006, 09:07 AM
The books are always better than the movies.
I read the book a couple of years ago then got the unabridged audio tapes a few weeks ago, so that was the refresher before the movie.

We saw the movie last night.
It was slow a little bit in the first third, I almost fell asleep.
Of course some details were omitted, which changed parts.
And totally changed other parts too, more than just the ending.

My husband, who didn`t know a thing about the movie, must less read a book, liked the movie.

The DaVinci Code made Dan Brown famous, but he has been writing books for years before that, which are currently being re-released.
I also liked Demons and Angels better.
Currently listening to the audio cd of Dan Brown`s Digital Fortress.
I`m enjoying it.


05-21-2006, 01:17 PM
Haven`t seen the movie, but from what it seems here and what I`ve been telling my friends is that Angels & Demons was overall a more enjoyable read than Da Vinci Code.

As for his other books, Deception Point and Digital Fortress, you can kind of see where he plans on going in those storylines from reading A&D and DVC.

Kinda sucks now cause I compare any suspense/thriller book to A&D and I come up disappointed everytime.

05-21-2006, 02:55 PM
DaVinci Code wasn`t meant to be a suspense/thriller. I wouldn`t put it in the same category as Angels & Demons really. There was a lot more interest for me in DaVinci Code simply because it pointed out some hidden meanings in all of those paintings.

I hear his next book is about Masons. That should be interesting.

05-21-2006, 04:19 PM
Yea I live in a small town in MN, a few years ago the masons gave some kid a scholorship for like 1000 bucks, no application or anything, just SURPRISE. I also hear that a building downtown is owned by the masons and in the upstairs they have meetings like once a month and rent the downstairs out. I should camp out see who goes to the meetings if its really true. Weird stuff though. all those secret societies and stuff.

05-21-2006, 10:22 PM
Definitely a compacted movie, but hard to do looking at the book. Audrea Tautou had it hard, they made her seem really rugged, deep, and rough. Not absorbed at all. I liked it, but Angels & Demons is definitely a better read.

05-21-2006, 10:25 PM
Masons are more of a gentlemans club than anything else. Even they will tell you that they don`t really know what the significance is of half their rituals. They just do them because that is what was passed down. It isn`t surprising though... The Masons got their start while building the Temple of Solomon. They knew what was going on inside even if they didn`t know the reason for it. Their involvement in the founding of this country as well as other things would make for a very good story.

05-21-2006, 10:32 PM
There is a decent amount of information on masons in the movie National Treasure. Pretty interesting and entertaining film.

05-21-2006, 11:03 PM
Masons are more of a gentlemans club than anything else. Even they will tell you that they don`t really know what the significance is of half their rituals. They just do them because that is what was passed down. It isn`t surprising though... The Masons got their start while building the Temple of Solomon. They knew what was going on inside even if they didn`t know the reason for it. Their involvement in the founding of this country as well as other things would make for a very good story.

Watch "The Mysteries of the Freemasons" on the History Channel.

"Freemasons, the world`s oldest secret society. Freemasons led the Revolution, framed the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, designed our nation`s capital, and in the early years of the Republic, grew to unmatched heights of influence and power. The untold story of the Freemasons in America reveals secret codes, patterns in the sky, murder, and a radically new picture of the nation`s Founding Fathers."