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05-19-2006, 08:52 PM
This is the first radar I have purchased that is not built into the car or a jammer. So naturally I am concerned. I bought an Escort 8500 X50 blue.

Do any of you have this and like it?

I didnt want to spend $1500 on a jammer and radar for my new truck since Ill be getting it for the Cayman, just to gluttonous for me.

05-19-2006, 09:22 PM

05-19-2006, 09:23 PM
I don`t have the Escort, but my Bel RX65 Pro rated pretty much identical in all the tests I looked at when I was researching them, and I`m very happy with it. In the end, it came down to a cheaper price plus Bel`s Smart Cord.

Coming from other high end equipment, I would think that you will be pleased with its performance, as the 8500 and RX65 were up at the top in everybody`s tests. Some put the V1 and K40 up there with them, some did not. :) Coming from my early 90`s vintage Uniden Stalker, I was freakin` ecstatic. :yay :rockon :lmfao

A couple weeks ago, I was going to work, and coming up the ramp to the airport access road, I started picking up the airport 5-0`s signal about a mile and a half away, at a lower elevation, out of LOS, and around 90 degrees to the source. Works for me. :D

05-19-2006, 09:32 PM
I read about the Bel and 8500 similarities. They are near twins, owned by the same company.
Thanks for the input.
I just didnt want to read other internet reviews and use this thing and see it as a toy. I got it tonight, tomorrow I am going to south NJ, plenty of cops.

05-19-2006, 09:39 PM
Heh. Just remember that when the laser goes off, it`s already too late. :) hehe Make sure you pair your detector with some smart driving, and you`ll be set. Every ticket I`ve ever received has been with instant-on radar, in a situation where I was either alone on the road, or noticeably faster than the traffic around me. Nowadays, I rarely exceed 10-12 over without a `radar shield` in front of me. :)

05-19-2006, 09:59 PM
Oh boy - thanks I didnt know that. Usually when my laser detector goes off it means "smile", the cops laser gun inst picking me up.

05-19-2006, 10:07 PM
Buyer`s remorse :)?

Jk...FWIW, I have had about 6 happy years with my V1.

05-19-2006, 10:14 PM
Buyer`s remorse :)?

Jk...FWIW, I have had about 6 happy years with my V1.

Close - I didnt know if I should go for my typical set up, I felt guilty spending the money. I got it in my hand and said, "I have to put this away every time I get out of the car!". Didnt think about it, I just wanted to show my wife I could save a dollar.

05-19-2006, 11:46 PM
Oh boy - thanks I didnt know that. Usually when my laser detector goes off it means "smile", the cops laser gun inst picking me up.

Mmmmm.... I need a shifter for this car... it`s waaaaaaaaay too much fun. :) And I was just gunned the other day, for the first time since I moved here 4.5 years ago, with laser by a Florence, KY cop. LASER. IN KENTUCKY. Good lord, next thing you know, they`ll be getting some of those newfangled horseless carriages!! :lmfao Luckily, since Kentucky doesn`t require front plates, I`ve decided that I`m probably safe to leave mine off (registered in WI, so I`ll just put it on when I drive home once a year), so there`s no laser mirror on my front bumper. Well, plus it just looks a lot better, and that`s the real point. :) hehe

I got it in my hand and said, "I have to put this away every time I get out of the car!".

I stash mine anytime I`m gonna be parked for more than an hour or two, or anytime I feel I`m in a not-overly-secure location. No sense leaving a break-in invitation in plain view. :) hehe

I thought about picking up some aftermarket alarm stickers and putting them on the windows too... Dunno if that would be worth doing, or if it would just give thieves the impression that I`ve got something to protect. :)

Maxima Lover
05-20-2006, 02:16 AM
This is the first radar I have purchased that is not built into the car or a jammer. So naturally I am concerned. I bought an Escort 8500 X50 blue.

Do any of you have this and like it?

I didnt want to spend $1500 on a jammer and radar for my new truck since Ill be getting it for the Cayman, just to gluttonous for me.

Nice purchase. That`s the best detector you can get.

Don`t waste your money on a jammer, they don`t work. I have a Kustom Signals K-band radar gun that I have done some tests with. We tested several different passive jammers (the ones that are legal and sold) and they just don`t work. Active jammers (not sure if they are even sold to the public) are highly illegal (might even be a federal crime), so stay away from those.

Now if laser is common in your area, you might look into a laser jammer. I`ve only been able to test one. I was with a motorcycle traffic officer I know who has 1 of the cities 4 laser guns. The jammer we had access to was the Escort Shifter ZR3. It was mounted on a Z28. It in fact did as advertised.

Maxima Lover
05-20-2006, 02:28 AM
I stash mine anytime I`m gonna be parked for more than an hour or two, or anytime I feel I`m in a not-overly-secure location. No sense leaving a break-in invitation in plain view. :) hehe

I thought about picking up some aftermarket alarm stickers and putting them on the windows too... Dunno if that would be worth doing, or if it would just give thieves the impression that I`ve got something to protect. :)

I was worried about that too. I mounted my Bel 945 on the visor. You can`t see it unless your in the car or bending down unusually at weid angles to look inside.

Here`s a picture.

05-20-2006, 09:00 AM
Nice purchase. That`s the best detector you can get.

Don`t waste your money on a jammer, they don`t work. I have a Kustom Signals K-band radar gun that I have done some tests with. We tested several different passive jammers (the ones that are legal and sold) and they just don`t work. Active jammers (not sure if they are even sold to the public) are highly illegal (might even be a federal crime), so stay away from those.

Now if laser is common in your area, you might look into a laser jammer. I`ve only been able to test one. I was with a motorcycle traffic officer I know who has 1 of the cities 4 laser guns. The jammer we had access to was the Escort Shifter ZR3. It was mounted on a Z28. It in fact did as advertised.

I have had 3 jammers. The first had a digital display and a tuner knob, I could send the radar runs back a set speed. I tested it with a cop friend, I parked the car and set the dial to 40mph. He pointed the gun at the car and it read 40 mph. This set up was extremely expensive, but I lived at home at the time so what the hell.

The last two jammers I had worked for sure. I have read on the internet that they dont work, I think the cops post that there to steer people away. Yes, cheap or wrongly installed jammers are a total waste of money. 2 Units are not enough to cover the front of your average car. My jammer-shifter units only has a protection radius of 18". I had a set up where there were 3 "units" in the grille and front bumper which "absorbed" the police laser for a period of time. (hence the $1500 price+ installation, I`d pay $10,000 not to get a ticket. Just how I think, I dont believe insurance companies should profit from the law being enforced. Let the city, state, or town get the money) I got pulled over and harassed by a cop for this 2 times. They wanted to impound my car to inspect it for "illegal devices". Luckily I wasnt born under a rock and knew the law. I saw the cop get pissed and speed onto the highway to block me from passing, almost causing a major accident with all of the other drivers.

05-20-2006, 10:38 AM
Folks might want to read this about where to mount your detector-


Also from Escort-

Can I mount my detector on my sun visor?

We generally do not recommend mounting your detector on the sun visor because the dark tint at the top of most windshields significantly reduces laser detection range, which is the reason we do not include a visor mount as a standard accessory. We offer an optional visor mount for all of our current models that can be seen by clicking this visor clip link.

As a rule of thumb, a lower detector mounting position is better for laser and a higher position is better for radar. But, in most vehicles, the difference in height between the top and bottom of the windshield is not enough to make any perceptible difference in radar reception. It`s best to mount your detector where it has a clear field of view front and rear, and where you can see it without obstructing your own view of the road.

05-20-2006, 12:30 PM
The detectors are great for letting you know that you just got a ticket. When it comes to the laser a detector is a waste of money. Yes radars are much easier to pick up with a detector because of the size of the funnel that it produces. You pick up the radar becasue the deputy will leave the unit on until he gets a targeted vehicle. The laser is a pull trigger device that will send a beam out and back before you even know it. There are laser jammers out there that work, but I have only seen a few.

05-20-2006, 01:34 PM
The detectors are great for letting you know that you just got a ticket. When it comes to the laser a detector is a waste of money. Yes radars are much easier to pick up with a detector because of the size of the funnel that it produces. You pick up the radar becasue the deputy will leave the unit on until he gets a targeted vehicle. The laser is a pull trigger device that will send a beam out and back before you even know it. There are laser jammers out there that work, but I have only seen a few.

This is partially true. There are many times my V1 has detected laser and probably saved me a ticket. If you`re not the first one in line it will pick up the laser shot at that car. If you`re on a lonely road by yourself and he shoots you his instant on will get you.