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12-04-2015, 06:14 PM
Washington Post: Gun Violence Declining, Except in Gun-Free Zones

On December 3, The Washington Post reported that gun crime has been on the decline for about 20 years, except for high-profile shootings in gun-free zones

WaPo: Gun Violence Declining, Except in Gun-Free Zones (http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/12/04/washington-post-gun-violence-declining-except-gun-free-zones/)

12-04-2015, 06:24 PM
Wait a sec... These maniacs don`t see the gun free zone signs? We need to put flashing lights on them so they are more visible. That way they will know not to bring guns in

12-04-2015, 06:24 PM
Wait a sec... These maniacs don`t see the gun free zone signs? We need to put flashing lights on them so they are more visible. That way they will know not to bring guns in

It may be our fault they can`t read, so that might be inflammatory.

12-04-2015, 06:25 PM
More Constitutional side stepping:

White House Seeks Path to Executive Action on Gun Sales (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/white-house-seeks-path-to-executive-action-on-gun-sales/ar-AAg1QNe?li=BBnb7Kz)

House of Wax
12-04-2015, 06:46 PM
Washington Post: Gun Violence Declining, Except in Gun-Free Zones

On December 3, The Washington Post reported that gun crime has been on the decline for about 20 years, except for high-profile shootings in gun-free zones

WaPo: Gun Violence Declining, Except in Gun-Free Zones (http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/12/04/washington-post-gun-violence-declining-except-gun-free-zones/)
Pretty amazing for an article like that to come out of the Washington post

12-04-2015, 07:08 PM
While reading the article a video is playing a discussion on banning guns. Well not really a discussion, more a celebration of the idea that they are going to ban guns or at least put more limitations on them.

12-04-2015, 07:15 PM
While reading the article a video is playing a discussion on banning guns. Well not really a discussion, more a celebration of the idea that they are going to ban guns or at least put more limitations on them.


12-05-2015, 07:55 AM
As in the case of the shooting Wednesday in San Bernardino, California, Democrats and liberals too often miss what the rest of us can obviously see.

Victims of the assault had not even reached the hospital before my inbox was full of emails from groups in the Obama coalition asking for my support and my money in the campaign to enact what they called "common sense gun control," as though that would have prevented the tragedy. Somehow, and maybe it is a congenital defect, they cannot call terror by its name.

It will take someone with a more extensive background in psychotherapy and the human mind to explain why the president and so many of his allies are going through life with blinders on. Remember how after the Paris shootings he suggested it was all somehow tied to global climate change which, parenthetically, he still calls a greater threat to the future of mankind than the activities of al-Qaida, the Islamic State group and the other groups who are using a radicalized version of Islam to recruit combatants into their army of death?

The images of the dead and wounded are sickening. They tug at our heart strings. They call to us for action, for anything that will help those of us who survived make sense of it all. Some are led to prayer even as others mock the idea that a renewed reliance on fundamental principles of faith such as "Love thy neighbor" will provide any kind of an answer.

Likewise we marvel at the courage of the first responders – especially the police who, of late, have been the ones wearing the metaphorical "black hats" in certain parts of California in and around the County of Los Angeles for being too rough on certain types of criminals and suspected law breakers. They rushed in to protect the living and to rescue the endangered without thought of how it might look if someone captured it all on a cell phone camera and then blasted it out on the Internet.

To those calling for more gun control in the wake of Wednesday`s tragedy, I say that guns are not the problem nor are they even the point. All of you should be ashamed of your mawkish attempts to use this horrible event as an excuse to push legislation you`ve wanted since the 1960s and to which the American people continually say "no." It`s not the National Rifle Association or any other group that`s stopping you – it`s the Constitution of the United States and the American people you have a problem with. They do not side with you no matter how you construct the polling questions and manipulate the results.

By all accounts, the weapons used at Wednesday`s Christmas party massacre were obtained legally in a place that has perhaps the most restrictive gun control regime of any state in the country. The homemade pipe bombs – which thankfully appear to have been duds – are another matter. They are not covered under the gun laws and there`s no waiting period involved for purchasing the components or for building one. I`m willing to concede there should be if that would make anyone happy, but all that ignores the essential point. It`s not what they did that matters. It`s why they did it.

This attack, like the shooting at Ft. Hood and so many other events that have been variously described as "workplace shootings committed by disgruntled employees, current or former" was terrorism. Whether it was imported or homegrown is beside the point. Call it what it is. Prepare people for the likelihood that attacks such as these will likely continue, especially when the leadership in Washington is so demonstrably weak. The president does not take terror seriously, or at least not as seriously as his predecessor and certainly not as seriously as events warrant. In that atmosphere there will be more of it, not less. Pretending it is something else doesn`t change that.

San Bernardino Was Terrorism and Gun Control Won't Stop It (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/san-bernardino-was-terrorism-and-gun-control-wont-stop-it/ar-AAfZslX?li=BBnb7Kz)

12-05-2015, 08:04 AM
wo weeks before he and his wife embarked on a shooting rampage for ISIS at the San Bernadino center, Syed Rizwan Farook, who had worked there, was heard threatening Nicholas Thalasinos, a religious Jew who was a co-worker: “You will never see Israel,” he told him. The Islamist terrorist made good on his threat when he shot Thalasinos dead among 13 others last Wednesday.
What other rights will Obama take away from us?

12-05-2015, 08:39 AM
Chill out. The GOP will keep plenty of guns on the streets and funeral parlors booming. There`s a lot of lobbyist dollars to be had by keeping things as they are. People will huff and puff for a few days until Trump insults another group and grabs the headlines and everybody will forget about this slaughter... Until the next one. Obama has no power at this point to do anything and bringing his name up at this point is moot. He has no power to take the guns away and everybody knows that. Congress makes the laws not the president.

12-05-2015, 08:50 AM
Chill out. The GOP will keep plenty of guns on the streets and funeral parlors booming. There`s a lot of lobbyist dollars to be had by keeping things as they are. People will huff and puff for a few days until Trump insults another group and grabs the headlines and everybody will forget about this slaughter... Until the next one. Obama has no power at this point to do anything and bringing his name up at this point is moot. He has no power to take the guns away and everybody knows that. Congress makes the laws not the president.

As posted above

White House Seeks Path to Executive Action on Gun Sales (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/white-house-seeks-path-to-executive-action-on-gun-sales/ar-AAg1QNe?li=BBnb7Kz)

12-05-2015, 10:59 AM
As far as I know and have seen the Dictator thinks he can do anything with a pen and a phone.


12-05-2015, 11:31 AM
Because the obama administration has followed the the rules/laws in place to get what they wanted so far? I don`t think that they have even passed the same bill for obamacare in the house and the senate yet. Not sure how thats a working "law". So whats to stop them from trying other things and seeing what sticks? It`s not like hes up for re-election. Btw both partys do things at the end of terms, usually after elections to try and slide them through. Can`t wait to see what fun he has planned for the end of his term.

12-05-2015, 01:42 PM

Heh heh...I dunno. I couldn`t help but do that post on the previous page of this thread, but IMO people who discuss Gun Control (and some other topics I can think of) on internet forums aren`t gonna change anybody`s position on the topic.

So, I think I`ll leave my participation in this topic where I left it in that earlier post.

Not like anybody here doesn`t know where I stand on the topic.

But I`m equally adamant that if somebody`s gonna CCW they oughta have proper training, and I sure don`t mean shooting at paper targets or "training" with Lasers or AirSoft. Otherwise, just keep your gun in your home and follow the basic rules of firearms safety if you need to use it for self-defense.

I do wonder if the anti-gun folks actually know many people who have been the victims of violent crime. Violent crime they could`ve protected themselves against had they had access to a firearm (and the training to use it effectively). I do, some were good friends of mine. And when I say "violent crime" I mean incidents that are right out of an "unbelievable" movie or a schlocky novel, the sort of violence that some folks pretend "doesn`t really happen".

12-05-2015, 05:59 PM
Mass Shootings Have Shot `Up the Charts` Under Obama

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com John Whitehead: Mass Shootings Have Shot 'Up the Charts' Under Obama (http://www.newsmax.com/Newsmax-Tv/obama-guns-mass-shootings-san-bernardino-shooting/2015/12/04/id/704638/#ixzz3tURsUO2R)