View Full Version : Euthanasia in Belgium - Please Watch.

11-19-2015, 07:31 PM
If you have a half hour, please watch this documentary on the euthanasia polices in Belgium and comment.

24 & ready to die - YouTube (http://youtu.be/SWWkUzkfJ4M)

11-19-2015, 09:26 PM
Done! Comment after a few others watch.

11-19-2015, 09:35 PM
I`ll cinish watching tomorrow am.
At theater
Hunger games

11-20-2015, 09:54 AM
Had to turn it off around the 18 min mark. Couldn`t take it anymore.

11-20-2015, 11:29 AM
The fact that she chose not to go through with this would leave me to believe there is something or someone that can help her. Perhaps a higher power. From my observation, people who are continually involved in helping others have little time to dwell upon their own woes. If she were perhaps put in a position where she could counsel or help others it could give her purpose in her own life. Just maybe if she could find religion and believe in an eternal purpose. There is always the other side to this coin, maybe this is how she gets attention or recognition. You`d never know unless you were to spend some time with her. It`s sad.

11-20-2015, 12:24 PM
Well it was tuff watching since I couldn`t close my eyes and just listen. Forced to read the translation.
Unless you have experienced severe depression or feeling of being worthless for a long duration, you really don`t know how it feels.
With this crappy economy and everyone having tough times in the US, I`m sure there are more people feeling this way.
Let`s not forget Robin Williams who may have chosen this path if he lived there. A wealthy successful man but obviously hiding his depression from all of us.
Hopefully they don`t get wind of this and offer "Obama Dare" as a choice in the US.

11-20-2015, 01:03 PM
I`ll start by saying that I do not fully understand depression and the horrible things it can do to a person. I don`t think that anyone who hasn`t been there can. That said, I mentioned relegion in my prior post. I know that many do not subscribe to this frame of mind but it`s all I have. Forgive me if this comes across poorly. I present this only as a matter for consideration. I am Christian but I believe that other religions also have a similar point of reference when it comes to Diety. I was taught from the time I was a child to believe that there is, no hole so deep, no cave so black, no dark so dark that the Light of Christ cannot penetrate. Having this belief has helped me through the difficult times in my life. I would hope that others have an anchor of similar nature to help them when things are rough. For me believing in something greater is essential.

11-20-2015, 02:07 PM
I agree with GearHead_1.
We all have an enemy of our souls that Jesus called "the Thief" and his mission is to "steal, kill and destroy". John 10:10.
By contrast, Jesus said "I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly". It is up to each of us to make the choice: choose life or choose death.

11-20-2015, 09:15 PM
I`m not religious, but thought this was outrageous. I could see if someone had a terminal illness and was suffering in pain, euthanasia could possibly be an option.

But, I just can`t see how ANY healthcare practitioner could participate in this. The way I see it, this would be state sponsored murder - even though this individual bailed out.

11-20-2015, 11:07 PM
I watched the entire video, and thought about it off and on for a day...

This poor girl must have not had but the 2 girlfriends and no one else close to her..
I dont remember seeing her with her Parents much, believe she was with her Mom at the last segment, right ?

I was wondering while watching it why?, how? could this normal looking, healthy appearing girl with so much to live for, was always cutting herself, thinking about wanting to end her life in the first place...

Perhaps she has some kind of chemical imbalance like Bi-Polar or something?

I believe the people - the 3 Doctors who worked with her all mean well, and certainly, working with someone who wants to end their life in their care, is probably the opposite of the Hippocratic oath they took, and that must have presented some challenges for them as well..
At least, there is help from trained professionals there and perhaps that is the norm everywhere - I dont know...

And if she chose to end her life, we cannot ever condemn her decision for doing that - we dont know her thoughts or fears, or anything, but there is one who knows and He has kept His eye on her and has sent her the Comforter that He promised to send to all of us..

Those private moments if she had them or even if not, are between her and the very God who gave her her life in the first place...
I am glad that she decided to not go through with it...

At the end of the day though, I am going to stand with Gear_Head1, 4AudiQ, and many of you, and also humbly say that there is much, much, healing that will come to anyone carrying a Burden, if they will go out of their way to Help others with their Burdens... It works better if it is a sacrifice for us to do this...

It will, I promise, it will, lessen our Burdens anytime we go help "lift up the hands that hang down and strengthen the feeble knees" of another person in need...
And, along the way, we will come to discover that our challenges are nothing compared to that poor soul we helped.. And their Burden is now lifted and gone from their poor, weary, little backs and shoulders..

And by helping, we have just been the one who answered another`s prayers... Wouldn`t we all want to be that Angel that came in response to heartfelt prayers of someone in need ???

God does answer our prayers and He usually uses us to answer in situations like this...

There will always be things in this world, things that happen to our human bodies, our minds, our mental state, that can in nowise be helped by anyone on this earth..

But then we have to remember that in the Scriptures, the Savior of the World has many names, and one of them is The Physician ...
Dan F

11-21-2015, 12:20 PM
..if she chose to end her life, we cannot ever condemn her decision for doing that - we dont know..

Glad that got posted.