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House of Wax
11-06-2015, 11:53 AM
I have a 6 year old as well, and any time we have any issues (which she`s fortunately a good kid so it`s not often ), my wife and I do our best to make it a teaching moment and use it as a learning experience to help her grow. I don`t have a clue how I would begin to handle or explain something like this to her :

6-year-old Ohio boy suspended for pretending to play with imaginary bow and arrow | abc7news.com (http://abc7news.com/education/boy-suspended-over-imaginary-bow-and-arrow/1070526/)


A 6-year-old boy is facing a three-day suspension from school because he pretended to shoot an imaginary bow and arrow during recess.

The boy`s parents, Matthew and Martha Miele, toldxWLWT-TVxtheir son was pretending to be a Power Ranger. When a teacher at his school noticed him pretending to shoot a bow and arrow, she took the boy to the principal`s office.

The young boy`s parents were then called and told the boy was being suspended for making threatening gestures.

"I have no tolerance for any real, pretend, or imitated violence. The punishment is an out of school suspension," a letter from the principal read.

"I don`t see anything wrong with the way he was playing," Matthew Miele told ABC affiliateWCPO-TV. "The punishment is so severe in this it`s hard as a parent to try to make this a teachable moment for our kid so we can move forward in a healthy manner."

His parents are considering transferring him to another school. They believe it`s healthy for their child to have a strong imagination.

"I can`t stop him from pretending to be a super hero. I can`t stop him from playing Ninja Turtles. I can`t stop him from doing these things and I don`t think it would be healthy to do so," Martha Miele toldxWLWT-TV.

11-06-2015, 12:06 PM
If the kid was aiming his pretend bow and arrow at someone, or making intimating gestures towards a classmate then ok it`s time for a little "no-no, we don`t do that" chit chat. But to suspended him for playing an innocent game of pretend/something every little boy does and has done for generations? :wall

Heck, if this was the case way back when I would have been on the FBI`s most wanted list by the time I was 10 yrs old...

11-06-2015, 12:23 PM
And this is the world we live in now...

Thank you internet and social media for making the weak minded paranoid and afraid

House of Wax
11-06-2015, 12:24 PM
It`s absolutely pathetic

11-06-2015, 12:24 PM
If the kid was aiming his pretend bow and arrow at someone, or making intimating gestures towards a classmate then ok it`s time for a little "no-no, we don`t do that" chit chat. But to suspended him for playing an innocent game of pretend/something every little boy does and has done for generations? :wall

Heck, if this was the case way back when I would have been on the FBI`s most wanted list by the time I was 10 yrs old...

I think I would have been detained for terrorism by that time.

House of Wax
11-06-2015, 12:24 PM
I think I would have been detained for terrorism by that time.
Ha haha

11-06-2015, 12:29 PM
Ha haha

I mean, I did a lot of stupid things in school.

I was curious and since it wasn`t "appropriate" for the teachers to address my interests I tried to learn on my own. This was before Google knew everything and the school had the resources. It was all nerdy things and I didn`t really intend harm, but how was I supposed to know better?

Oh, yeah, guess they should have given me a vacation from school to learn my lesson. :rolleyes:

11-06-2015, 01:23 PM
wow just wow....

11-06-2015, 01:28 PM
IMO it`d be time for the "different people have different beliefs and values..." talk, but !oh, man! do you have to be careful- when I was a kid I was all about "play violence" but there were parents with that "zero tolerance" mindset. My parents explained it pretty nonjudgmentally, but the real message I got was merely a reinforcement of "lots of people are idiots, including many adults like my friends` parents", and that wasn`t necessarily the best thing for a young kid to incorporate into his world-view.

Would I pull a kid out of that school over that? I dunno...there are other factors I`d have to consider; the bottom line is getting the basics of an education (3Rs and all that).

Eh, we don`t have kids so I really oughta stay outta this one.

11-06-2015, 01:59 PM
Zero tolerance = stupidity

11-06-2015, 05:05 PM
Now that I`m on my puter instead of phone...

The letter from the principle, imho was nasty and had an agenda to push. This is about as stupid as the kid being thrown out of school for eating his peanut butter and jelly sandwich into the shape of a gun

Years ago my son was an Eagle Scout candidate. The group was on a camping trip on the weekend. I guess one of the Eagle Scouts (not candidate) threw his gear into the back of his car (trunk I believe but can`t be sure), went home, then went to school the next morning with his gear in his car. Long story short, the kid was expelled from school for having a knife on school property.

House of Wax
11-06-2015, 05:14 PM
That`s the problem with making things rigidly black and white. Leaves no room for using your head for more than a hat rack

11-06-2015, 05:18 PM
That`s the problem with making things rigidly black and white. Leaves no room for using your head for more than a hat rack


But the quote from the principles` letter had (at least to me) an agenda to push as well. Mores the pity.

House of Wax
11-06-2015, 05:20 PM
Oh I totally agree. The tone of that letter would have resulted in a very unpleasant meeting if it was my kid

11-06-2015, 05:28 PM
Oh I totally agree. The tone of that letter would have resulted in a very unpleasant meeting if it was my kid

Me too, as well as I`d be at the school board.....