View Full Version : Someone had to post this

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09-16-2015, 04:51 AM
Fellow detailers professionals and diys

This place is where I learned a lot. In fact if I left today I am sure I know enough to keep me going for the rest of my life detailing wise. Meaning my cars would look great. I`m here because I enjoy the hobby, hope to keep learning about products and processes as well as find a better product for each part of the car.

It used to be a place where you could post your opinion and if people agreed they chimed in and if they did not they said so in a gentlemenly manor. Personal attacks are not fair for the rest of us to be subject to. I`m not singling anyone out and in not a mod but I am an active member.

I want for selfish reasons for the professional detailers to feel comfortable posting here so that the quality of the content gets back to where it once was. It`s dropped off. Bob , Thomas -Both of you are tops in your craft. It`s obvious that you are both passionate and I respect that. I wish you would post your work more often and live and let live on some of the details of each other`s details. I hope you both post more and understand where I`m coming from.

The rest of us, myself included should not feed these fires. These guys earn a living on these products and it`s not ok to bash a company or product you are not intimately familiar with. My ok even if you are. When I post I am careful that I don`t mislead about a product as I realize that Google picks up the post and we can affect someones decision on buying a product as well as someone`s living. Keep it honest (reviews) and without dragging in personal knocks and I think this would be a better place.

If am off to the gym. Have a good day everyone. Fun starting my day with you fine people.

09-16-2015, 07:53 AM
It`s sometimes a fine line between an honest debate and a bad argument. I think the best retort was the comparison of chocolate cake vs. ice cream. Frankly, I like them both and will often have them together. ;-)

I have to wonder...if clear coat is so darn vulnerable, and coatings are so darn great and can still be sealed or waxed, why aren`t all new cars coated after they`re clear coated and before they`re sealed or waxed???

I know, lets polish to a perfect shine, apply a coating, 2-3 layers of sealant, then top with a Brazilian carnuba. We`ll recommend a periodic spray wax after washing and call it `The five year wash and go finish`.

09-16-2015, 08:57 AM
I don`t believe clear coats are that fragile. I`ve only been messing with detailing 10 years and don`t claim to be any expert. But, I have maintained many new cars with just a wash, clay, light polish or AIO and a sealer like BFWD. The routine was wash with DG, every couple weeks, apply sealer every 3-4 months. I don`t get the hours of polishing some guys do. I mean, these are daily drivers, not cars going to some high end event. I never had issues on the paint, just took care to clean bird poop and bugs off as soon as possible. Maybe we`re over thinking this, maybe we just need to step back and take a breath.

Mike lambert
09-16-2015, 09:22 AM
Nice post! I don`t do long write ups or lots of pictures because I spend my time working and I`m not good at that part yet. Some guys tell you what and how, some don`t. I always have said if you need help call me. None of this is top secret and I find it nice to help others out.

09-16-2015, 09:50 AM
I appreiate JSFM35X`s comments. I`d like to add a couple of comments from the staff side of things. It`s taken a lot of effort trying to keep just a few specific threads flowing recently. I see many remarks expressing negative feelings about having a thread clipped or posts edited. We hate doing it and wouldn`t if members would simply remember the G-Rated nature of the forum. I`d like to remind the members that this is a Family Friendly forum and the Admins/Mods try to help keep it this way.

The rules Autopia adheres to are simple common sense rules but it doesn`t mean anything goes. We don`t see every violation but work at it. We appreciate a heads up when a problem is spotted but please don`t assume that because somethinng doesn`t read the way you would like that we haven`t looked at the problem or addressed the situation behind the scenes. Though members are encouraged to freely discuss any detailing product it doesn`t mean that free speach across the board is appropriate on a privately sponsored site. The comment, "I thought this was a free speech or open site" gets old. This site requires some moderation, we would prefer this to be little, help us out. When you quote a post that was not appropriate and include it in your post, your post also becomes inappropriate. This is where you see strings of comments disappear. It really disrupts an otherwise good thread. Be wise in what you quote as well as what you say.

One thing I see slipping into posts a great deal recently are acronyms, remember if the words these acronyms represent would not be appropriate on the forum, the acronym won`t be allowed either. There have been a good number of personal attacks as of late. A post that may be borderline appropriate can easily cross the line when quoting a specific member or using their name. Comments that are accepted in general discussion can get ugly quickly when directed towards a specific member.

As has been mentioned we want this forum to be portrayed in the best light, including Google searches. We`ve got a good group of people on this board, dedicated pros, talented enthusiats and a good number of people here just willing to learn. We appreciate input from all and respect should be given to all members. We`re all at different places when it comes to detailing, I think it`s important to remember that it`s not that there aren`t wrong answers (there are) but more importantly there are a number of different ways to achieve a desired result. People are here to learn, that doesn`t mean that I should expect they accept me as an approved teacher. Share your information without talking down to or demeaning members.

One last thing I`d personally like to request, whether you be a pro or a talented enthusiast, qualify your picture posts. Please don`t make these hit and run beauty posts. Talk about what happened during the detail, share your secrets, be involved in discussion. Too often I see posts with a bunch of beautiful pics but am left wondering how the detailer got there. Great forum, great members, please do your part to help keep it that way. Anyway, that`s probably enough for me. Thanks to all for their cooperation.

09-16-2015, 10:10 AM
^^^^ great post :autopia:

House of Wax
09-16-2015, 10:16 AM
Couple of good posts in here. The few minor issues as of late can all be quickly and easily resolved by checking your ego up a bit at the door. We all need to keep an open mind and remember that there`s more than one way to skin a cat

09-16-2015, 11:22 AM
..[members should]..simply remember the G-Rated nature of the forum. I`d like to remind the members that this is a Family Friendly forum and the Admins/Mods try to help keep it this way....One thing I see slipping into posts a great deal recently are acronyms, remember if the words these acronyms represent would not be appropriate on the forum, the acronym won`t be allowed either..

Noted. I`ll be more conscientious about keeping stuff G-Rated in the future (not that I can recall any of my acronyms getting censored).

09-16-2015, 03:01 PM
I dunno, better watch that guy...
Just picking on Acc, he is about as easy to get along with as they come.

09-16-2015, 03:16 PM
I appreiate JSFM35X`s comments. I`d like to add a couple of comments from the staff side of things. It`s taken a lot of effort trying to keep just a few specific threads flowing recently. I see many remarks expressing negative feelings about having a thread clipped or posts edited. We hate doing it and wouldn`t if members would simply remember the G-Rated nature of the forum. I`d like to remind the members that this is a Family Friendly forum and the Admins/Mods try to help keep it this way.

The rules Autopia adheres to are simple common sense rules but it doesn`t mean anything goes. We don`t see every violation but work at it. We appreciate a heads up when a problem is spotted but please don`t assume that because somethinng doesn`t read the way you would like that we haven`t looked at the problem or addressed the situation behind the scenes. Though members are encouraged to freely discuss any detailing product it doesn`t mean that free speach across the board is appropriate on a privately sponsored site. The comment, "I thought this was a free speech or open site" gets old. This site requires some moderation, we would prefer this to be little, help us out. When you quote a post that was not appropriate and include it in your post, your post also becomes inappropriate. This is where you see strings of comments disappear. It really disrupts an otherwise good thread. Be wise in what you quote as well as what you say.

One thing I see slipping into posts a great deal recently are acronyms, remember if the words these acronyms represent would not be appropriate on the forum, the acronym won`t be allowed either. There have been a good number of personal attacks as of late. A post that may be borderline appropriate can easily cross the line when quoting a specific member or using their name. Comments that are accepted in general discussion can get ugly quickly when directed towards a specific member.

As has been mentioned we want this forum to be portrayed in the best light, including Google searches. We`ve got a good group of people on this board, dedicated pros, talented enthusiats and a good number of people here just willing to learn. We appreciate input from all and respect should be given to all members. We`re all at different places when it comes to detailing, I think it`s important to remember that it`s not that there aren`t wrong answers (there are) but more importantly there are a number of different ways to achieve a desired result. People are here to learn, that doesn`t mean that I should expect they accept me as an approved teacher. Share your information without talking down to or demeaning members.

One last thing I`d personally like to request, whether you be a pro or a talented enthusiast, qualify your picture posts. Please don`t make these hit and run beauty posts. Talk about what happened during the detail, share your secrets, be involved in discussion. Too often I see posts with a bunch of beautiful pics but am left wondering how the detailer got there. Great forum, great members, please do your part to help keep it that way. Anyway, that`s probably enough for me. Thanks to all for their cooperation.

Very well said Mark. IMO this is one of the best detailing forums that I know of. We certainly try and give as much leeway as we can in the posts allowing people to speak their views and discuss whatever products they like. However, there are going to be times when people step over the line and the moderators are going to be forced to act.

We just ask that everyone keep an open mind when posting, use common courtesy toward other forum members, and contribute to the forum.

09-16-2015, 03:53 PM
Mike, I was not thinking of you when I wrote my post. You have always been a great contributor and I appreciate the fact that you help me out when I have a question. Your guidance on the M100, M101 was dead on and its not my favorite way to knock out a bad panel.

Nice post! I don`t do long write ups or lots of pictures because I spend my time working and I`m not good at that part yet. Some guys tell you what and how, some don`t. I always have said if you need help call me. None of this is top secret and I find it nice to help others out.

09-16-2015, 04:14 PM
Even though its sounds like a jerk move, but the best way to avoid interaction with someone is to just put them on ignore. Better than bickering over an internet forum.

Mike lambert
09-16-2015, 04:15 PM
No problem I did not take it that way at all!

The Driver
09-16-2015, 04:23 PM
I agree, alot of Details most of us just get so into it we forget or just don`t have the allotted time to take pictures. I`m always more then happy to answer questions via pm though.

Detailology Oz
09-16-2015, 04:50 PM
I was here first up in late 2001.
the forum now ain`t like it used to be and I see Facebook and any future competitor of that site taking over from forums one day

Anyhow I don`t do write ups of my work, I don`t have the interest or the time to do so
plus there is proprietary technology and techniques I can`t share but still tonnes I can

What however I`d like to do and see is video replies. Text is a crap medium for discussion I reckon
video is far better as is phones and face to face