View Full Version : Knock by a irresponsible driver on FB and touch up by KC

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08-05-2015, 12:10 PM
one of my friends called me early morning....I mean very early la



hi car was knocked by a young driver who is scrolling on his mobile

i was rudely and widely awaken...as his NEW car just knocked by a very irresponsible driver

the day came and after the touch up paint is acquired

the two ding that caused him nightmare




i have done many throughout the years but not all properly documented...so this will be the guide for those of you who may want to save your car paint from repainting

Clay & Lube, IPA or Thinner, Compound or polish, Sand paper * if required, touchup paint *matching the colour code! smallest paint Art brush! Kacang putih and kopi O*******

******** it will take some time, as well buy some snacks to munch while doing & waiting the process LOL

**do it in a good weather day! not rainy or damp day after rain...moist will contaminate your paint finish

Step by Step
#1 wash your car thoroughly* you dont want dirt to be trapped under your new paint
#2 Clay for contamination * is like putting alcohol swap to clean your wound before dressing with medications
#3 Polish or compound if necessarily - esp besides the wound
# 4 Sand paperif necessarily and repeat step # 3 otherwise jump to Step # 5
#5 IPA or thinner to remove all polishing oil or residue
# 6 touch up begin

** slowly stirring or shake to even out your paint..... make sure your mixture is correct...not too soil or heavy neither too thin by over thinner mixture

*** dip a little and dry the tip of the brushes
**** start to colour on your wound
****** sit back open your kacang and eat a few first aka insimple wait for the first passes cure aka dry
******* then repeat *** & ****

till the level is up to its original and you are satisfied!!!

You cant hurry LOVE! remember you need time to grow love


get a fine brush

pease view my chart


as for
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-2zCKYIRlds4/VaXjXatp0ZI/AAAAAAAAUnE/X5b3aQOZij8/s800-Ic42/how%252520to%252520repair%252520clear%252520coat%2 52520-%252520Copy.jpg



you need to do little by little overtime

wait for each level cure prior topping up







glad to save another car from loosing the original paint

A good seed sowed ...a good tree wills grown over time..bearing good fruits

Do a good deed and you will feel good by doing SO!

08-05-2015, 12:16 PM
Nice !!

I`ve never been able to do touch ups.

08-06-2015, 08:49 AM
Nice !!

I`ve never been able to do touch ups.

Thakns Ronkh:unsure:
now it your turnB)

08-06-2015, 08:55 AM
Thakns Ronkh:unsure:
now it your turnB)

Nope. No guts to try

08-06-2015, 10:01 AM
Nope. No guts to try

once there was a Frog kingdom, upon the passing out of the king - he placed a challenge to all the frog -tizen

who ever can leap up to my throne shall be crown the next King....day after days no body did and the king Died...................

* King*
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
X MmmmMmmmMmmmMMmmmmmMM

Then came one day.....out of the sudden......an ugly skinny..... jagged frog mange to leaped up.....everyone bow and subject to this new King

Hail the King!!!! came the reporter and he was interviewed...but the Newly crown king refuse to says word.....and everyone was mad at the king

by virtue the cup bearer found out that he is Deaf!!!!! much later ...the whole kingdom....just realized that there is so much of negative comment ....nobody would dare to live up to the challenge...

"it Take A deaf Frog to Leaped Up"...the moral of the story is simple never ever listen to anyone....shut your ears and "JUST DO IT!" Nike says

you too can do it! practice Practice and practice till you get prefect ..otherwise use thinner to rub it off and redo it

08-06-2015, 11:44 AM
kc`s- The little Artist`s brushes work great, huh? WAY better than the [crappy] plastic-bristle things that come with many touchup paints.

08-06-2015, 12:02 PM
Looks great. Hope mine comes somewhere close to that whenever I get around to trying it.

08-07-2015, 07:37 AM
kc`s- The little Artist`s brushes work great, huh? WAY better than the [crappy] plastic-bristle things that come with many touchup paints.

Yes...definately...imagine...one who is constantly soak in the paint distill with thinner....another one new and can be cleaned by thinner after used

I have at least a dozen of it ....for my disposal

Looks great. Hope mine comes somewhere close to that whenever I get around to trying it.

all you need to remember is `Nike`

Just Do It...and if you dont like it ...get ready the thinner and rub it off ....start all over again

08-07-2015, 09:45 AM
we buy touch up brushes at craft stores. in the section for painting and model cars they have all sorts of tiny brushes and shapes of applicators for cheap. Hobby Lobby is best place.

08-07-2015, 10:23 AM
Excellent work! Love seeing stuff like this, keep it up.

08-07-2015, 11:29 AM
we buy touch up brushes at craft stores. in the section for painting and model cars they have all sorts of tiny brushes and shapes of applicators for cheap. Hobby Lobby is best place.
Yupp! Thanks for your enlightenment

I brought mine in stationary shop for less than 30cents

You are right sometimes the simplest is always the best

We needn`t make ourself complicated


Excellent work! Love seeing stuff like this, keep it up.

Thanks CxboostinXX for your kind words of encouragement

Definitely !

08-07-2015, 12:25 PM
Heh heh, I paid through the nose for my brushes compared to those prices :o

One thing I`ve found is that for metallic paints I don`t do well with *really* tiny brushes (generally anything smaller than say.... "00"). I do find uses for the tiny ones when working with non-metallics and clear though.

08-07-2015, 01:24 PM
Heh heh, I paid through the nose for my brushes compared to those prices :o

One thing I`ve found is that for metallic paints I don`t do well with *really* tiny brushes (generally anything smaller than say.... "00"). I do find uses for the tiny ones when working with non-metallics and clear though.

there is a saying goes... "the grass is always greener over the other side of the fence"........to me both the metallic and the non...has almost the same texture..or should be the same
I would suggest you dilutes your paint with a drop of thinner"...sometimes...after much storage .. it get thicken ......especially.. after you exposed to air

08-08-2015, 03:15 PM
kc`s- I guess my problem with the tiny brushes (sizes like 00000/5-oh) is that if the metallic is big enough it just comes out weird, like the brush can`t hold enough paint to get it uniform. That`s talking REALLY tiny brushes though.

!!DILUTING TOUCHP PAINT!!...heh heh, that got caps because I once ruined a bottle of it that I couldn`t afford to lose (presumably lacquer-based, even asked before trying) by adding a little lacquer thinner. If I *KNOW* what it is, I`ll add a touch of thinner/reducer, but I`m still leery of it. Once bitten and all that..

08-10-2015, 09:44 AM
kc`s- I guess my problem with the tiny brushes (sizes like 00000/5-oh) is that if the metallic is big enough it just comes out weird, like the brush can`t hold enough paint to get it uniform. That`s talking REALLY tiny brushes though.

!!DILUTING TOUCHP PAINT!!...heh heh, that got caps because I once ruined a bottle of it that I couldn`t afford to lose (presumably lacquer-based, even asked before trying) by adding a little lacquer thinner. If I *KNOW* what it is, I`ll add a touch of thinner/reducer, but I`m still leery of it. Once bitten and all that..

no worries what doesnt turn out suppose to be `get the thinner to remove all your touch up "within or immediatley` after touch up