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07-18-2015, 10:28 PM
You know, the people who tell you over and over that they are "going to call you". I need to have you detail my truck kind of people, but never ever call. random people, good friends, family, every damn body. Does anyone have a name or funny cliche for them? I need a good way of referring to them around the shop. I`m so tired of these people.

07-18-2015, 11:13 PM
We have a small family owned used car lot. We run into this all the time. "Im definitely interested I`ll be back Tuesday".Of course they almost never show up. Seriously whats so hard about saying I`ll give it some thought and be back if im interested. A little different scenario than what your describing but still kinda the same. Yea we need a good name too.

07-18-2015, 11:25 PM

07-18-2015, 11:55 PM
Plenty of names for them, probably none appropriate for the forum.

07-19-2015, 12:01 AM

Dan F

07-19-2015, 12:54 AM
Save them to you phone as "BRB" with the cars make and model and call them all back one by one lol sometimes they bite!

07-19-2015, 07:04 AM
Good `ole "tirekickers".

07-19-2015, 07:58 AM
"not customers"

For those of you that do this for a living though, how do you deal with the ding of the loss of the income? I mean you obviously have to allocate the time, if you get a few in a week that are no-show`s that`s a noticeable ding in your $ ?

07-19-2015, 08:46 AM

07-19-2015, 08:52 AM

YEP! That`s what they were known as when I sold powerboats and also cars.

07-19-2015, 09:53 AM
Pin them down. When they say I`ll have to call, offer to make an appointment right then. And/or get their number for a follow-up call. Call them. Make sure they have your card. Make sure they know they won`t be sorry. Be almost pushy until they up and confess "I just can`t afford your services" or "I`d never pay $200 for a glorified car wash!" - Separate the wheat from the chaff.
BeBacks is good, DeadBeats even better! <g>

07-19-2015, 10:15 AM
Had a few of those this week,to one i specifically mentioned that if he`s shopping for price, to go to the wash tunnel where they "detail" inside out for $60 and he still contacts me. I go to his House, spend an hr talking to him and checking out his 2 vehicles he wants me to do. As i am prepping my quote, he starts asking if he gets discounts for referrals blablabla and i immediately knew this guy was going to back off and not call. Haven`t heard back from him yet .

I`ll just learn from this and make it more specific for future quotes that i`m not the "cheap and fast" guy and get them to agree that they acknowledge that.

Audios S6
07-19-2015, 11:07 AM
Someone unreliable or claims they will do something, but don`t......is a flake.

07-19-2015, 04:01 PM
In the car game they were called "lookyloos" in my day.

07-19-2015, 05:31 PM
good stuff guys. have to admit most of them seem to find us on Craigslist. lot of people hate CL clients, and I understand, but we have done hundreds of CL jobs over the years for people who likely would have never found us otherwise. actually 2 of our best dealer clients found us on CL years ago and we have made 10`s of thousands from them over the years. at the same time, in the past 2 weeks alone, we are on a bad run of people calling for quotes and giving us the "I will talk to the wife" comment and then never calling back. I`ve never been much of a salesman, and I instruct my guys not to be too pushy either, but that idea is changing fast recently. I`m about to institute a solid closing argument program and I`m confident we will start getting most of these people, its just not like me or my personality. sometimes, no, often, I feel like I care too much about people. need to care more about myself.