View Full Version : Optimum Ferrex Iron Removal Spray

07-14-2015, 06:59 PM
Got to try this Today for the first time on a pretty good test subject... my 1998 white/never Polished(except the roof due to repaint)/paint flaking off and rust dalmatian Corolla.

I have some nasty rust on my B-Pillars and some other random spots.

first Impressions:

-Smells better when applying than straight in the bottle.
-Reacted (turned purple) IMMEDIATELY upon contact.
-I could see it removing some rust the more i sprayed on the area.

Now, I purposely sprayed it in direct sunlight to test its limitations and because i got nothing to lose by doing it on my car (better mine than a client`s right?)


- I was very hopeful after watching the below video where it gets sprayed on the back of (what looks like) a forklift covered with patches of rust that look very similar to my car`s and after one application all the rust in the area seems to just rinse off.... that did not happen with mine, i ended up using over half the bottle before deciding it was time to stop . I had to do 2-3 applications(spray,wait 2 minutes,rinse, repeat) because the rust was not all coming off. In the end, it did improve, but it was still rusted. I also sprayed the hood and top of the trunk and of course there was heavy contamination. One side of the car was getting hit by the sun, and some VERY minor staining occurred on my white paint, the other side that was not affected by the sun nearly as much was however, left with a yellow stain going down the side of my car that did not come off with the wash after application.

My main question : Has anyone else experienced any staining with this or any other iron removal product? and how(if you have) were you able to remove it? I understand that common application is not going to be to clear rust of panels as heavily rusted as mine but more like specs of contamination on the paint, my main concern is whether or not this would be safe to use on a customer`s car if it stained mine.

I am not putting down the product nor praising it, just giving out my observation/experience and wanted to receive your input as to what could have caused the staining and even though it was not a big deal that my B-Pillars are still showing rust, i do still wonder why did it look so effective in the video haha.





After 2-3 Applications:



After rinsing off and wiping:


Thank you for watching/reading.

tom p.
07-15-2015, 08:07 AM
Their video is impressive. Is the product really designed to do extreme-duty rust removal? I can see the rust on the Toyota is deeply embedded. Maybe not so much so on the fork lift?

I own Ferrex and a couple competitive products. Frankly, I`ve been stunned, literally, by how well it worked in my application, which was general de-con and some extensive rust bloom removal on the inside edge of a door jamb on a brand-new car. It worked better and faster than I could have ever hoped for and I don`t see the rust returning (yet). While the Optimum product is $$$, it works like a champ, IME.

Did you try a 2nd application of the Ferrex on the residual staining?

07-15-2015, 09:10 AM
Their video is impressive. Is the product really designed to do extreme-duty rust removal? I can see the rust on the Toyota is deeply embedded. Maybe not so much so on the fork lift?

I own Ferrex and a couple competitive products. Frankly, I`ve been stunned, literally, by how well it worked in my application, which was general de-con and some extensive rust bloom removal on the inside edge of a door jamb on a brand-new car. It worked better and faster than I could have ever hoped for and I don`t see the rust returning (yet). While the Optimum product is $$$, it works like a champ, IME.

Did you try a 2nd application of the Ferrex on the residual staining?

You`re right about the rust, mine seems to be more embedded (i can see the outline of layers) and it looks like a few more applications will take care of it but i was just messing around with it to compare with the video. Good call on the re-spray for the stain, i will do that and see how it works.

It is a nice product and i really want to start carrying it with me but the staining concerned me a lot ( i would freak out if it happened on site on a customer`s vehicle). And since it`s not recommended under direct sunlight, i guess it would be a hit or miss and you`d only be able to use if weather conditions permit(?) . I`d like to have a consistency to where i know i can use on a client`s vehicle whether under shade or sun ( thoughts and experiences on this please?)

Another question i forgot to add in my initial post: Is it supposed to leave a smooth surface ? similar to a mechanical decon like clay or nanoskin? I sprayed on the trunk a few times and there was plenty of purple and after rinse off the particles were still there to the touch so i`m just wondering ( not expecting ).

tom p.
07-15-2015, 12:28 PM
Migue, the Ferrex is a very new product for me. I`ve used it a couple times and see nothing but clean, clean and more clean!

I wonder if the Optimum video is intended to be more for "show". I cannot imagine them marketing a product like that to deal with very rusted surfaces. Just my $0.03.

I would re-apply a 2nd time to your stain and see it that relieves it.

Setec Astronomy
07-15-2015, 12:31 PM
That video is from the Australian Optimum distributor--I doubt Dr. G has "sanctioned" that use.

07-15-2015, 02:12 PM
cant comment on the product, but will say I bought a 1999 Corolla like it at the auction the other day for $700. it was a one owner, taken good care of overall, and had less than 100k miles. these cars are well known online for lasting longer than just about any car ever made, no joke. I put a new set of Walmart tires on it, and recharged the A/C, had right at $1,000 in it, cleaned it up and sold it 3 days later for $2,800. now that`s a rare case, especially from a dealer auction car, but I knew when I saw it I could make it look good, it already ran perfect, recharge the air (it got ice cold after, for a $7 can of Freon) and make a quick pile of cash. sometimes you hit a home run, sometimes you strike out. this was about as home run as it gets.

07-15-2015, 02:33 PM
cant comment on the product, but will say I bought a 1999 Corolla like it at the auction the other day for $700. it was a one owner, taken good care of overall, and had less than 100k miles. these cars are well known online for lasting longer than just about any car ever made, no joke. I put a new set of Walmart tires on it, and recharged the A/C, had right at $1,000 in it, cleaned it up and sold it 3 days later for $2,800. now that`s a rare case, especially from a dealer auction car, but I knew when I saw it I could make it look good, it already ran perfect, recharge the air (it got ice cold after, for a $7 can of Freon) and make a quick pile of cash. sometimes you hit a home run, sometimes you strike out. this was about as home run as it gets.

You are absolutely right, i got mine used for $2,000 5 years ago, currently have 168k miles in it. Only "major" repairs have been : oxygen sensor, radiator, tie rods, wheel baring, IAC Valve and that`s it. Most of these repairs/replacements i`ve done myself and i`m not even that much of a mechanic , AC has never been messed with since i got it and still blows factory cold (even better than my girlfriend`s 97 Lexus ES300 that DID get an AC repair/replacement less than 3 yrs ago). This thing looks like crap cause that`s how it was when i bought it but mechanically, i am VERY happy with it and it starts right away. Sure, there are things that need repairing here and there(currently just the exhaust) but so far this has been a hell of a car and at this point i wouldn`t even be bummed out if someone drove it off a cliff because I`ve already gotten more than my money`s worth for it. Once it craps out on me, i plan on getting another one from the same year (with better paint this time around).

I was even thinking about getting another one this year as an extra spare/back up vehicle but i will need a bigger car so that i can be more efficient with my Mobile Detailing. Yes, i currently drive this for Mobile Jobs and am able to fit everything i need for interior/exterior jobs with paint correction. Took the rear seats out last weekend and now i got slightly more room B) .

if you find another one at $700 in that condition send it my way please :D

07-17-2015, 11:35 PM
Single stage paint like that Corolla is very prone to staining once oxidized. Doubt you would have had the same issue on a base coat/clear coat finish. Used Ferrex to remove rain dust from a Ford F-150, worked like a charm.