View Full Version : Should I let the dealer wash my new car before delivery?

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06-30-2015, 02:17 PM
We`re getting an Atomic Silver ES350 shipped from a not-so-local Lexus dealer to my local dealer (its about 250 miles from the far dealer to us)

Ive had "issues" before from dealers that wrecked my car with their free wash, even after I said "DO NOT WASH" so Im quite averse to letting ANY dealer touch my cars. (NOTE: it was not our Lexus dealer)

Is it a mistake to not let them wash the new one? I was just worried there might be imperfections that I cant see because it will be dirty. On the flipside, I didnt want them to ADD imperfections by doing a crappy wash job.



House of Wax
06-30-2015, 02:19 PM
I don`t think there`s a single person here that would tell you to go ahead and let the dealer wash it

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06-30-2015, 02:22 PM
Should I let the dealer wash my new car before delivery?


06-30-2015, 02:23 PM

06-30-2015, 02:23 PM

06-30-2015, 02:27 PM
So you`re saying its a maybe?


As I mentioned before, I just worry when I get it home and wash it myself Ill find imperfections. If it were already on the lot it would be no problem (I could go over it for a day or two before even telling them I want the car)

And as far as what a dealer can do in one bad wash:


06-30-2015, 02:28 PM
Remove the wrap yourself and don`t let the dealer wash it unless you trust dealer #2 to do it.

06-30-2015, 02:28 PM
There are 3 answers actually.
Chances are the dealer will do a terrible job. They just like "shiny"
But if you do it, will your detailing job be worse? (Assuming you don`t know much about washing a car properly and don`t have the proper equipment.
Or, if you decide no to the first 2, find a professional detailing shop to do it for you.
Considering it`s a new Lexus, I would say you probably have the money to have it done properly right from the get go.
( just checked your info here, you`ve been a member for awhile, so I assume you have everything and know what your doing)

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06-30-2015, 02:35 PM
Yes, I have the equipment and know how to do it myself.

Ive done my vehicles before, although I failed on my G37, there was some "coating" on the paint [probably installed by the sellign dealer!] that smeared while I was polishing so it looked like I swirled and hologramed the whole mess.

I would probably bring the Lex home, wash it well (pre-wash with pressure washer, 2 bucket, foam gun, new microfiber mitts) then see where its at. If it looks bad, Ill pay a pro. Otherwise Ill have at it myself. The end goal is a coating, not sure which one yet (I have an unused tube of Opticoat 2.0 but its like 3 or 4 years old, not sure if its still good....or maybe I can sell it on the black market ;) )

06-30-2015, 02:39 PM
Hopefully it`s a reputable dealer you bought it from and they don`t blame you for scratches or blemishes because you decided to do it and not them.
Lexus is a good name and I can`t see a dealer risking losing business.

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06-30-2015, 02:47 PM
It sounds like you know what you`re doing.
Do it yourself.

Short Answer: No

06-30-2015, 02:57 PM
You seem to have a great plan once you get the car home. Just tell the dealer "NO" and bring your new baby home :)

06-30-2015, 03:01 PM
Unless you are taking delivery of a car fresh from the factory and still in plastic I guarantee that car has already been "washed" multiple times.

06-30-2015, 03:06 PM
Unless you are taking delivery of a car fresh from the factory and still in plastic I guarantee that car has already been "washed" multiple times.

Yeah, this.

But I could still at least prevent yet-another-crappy-wash by telling them no and taking it home.

I already told them not to wash it, so Ill leave that be for now. I was hoping to see them pull it off the truck, then Ill know just what Im getting myself (or an unsuspecting pro) into

06-30-2015, 03:30 PM