View Full Version : Stupid question/ cheap RO polisher

06-17-2015, 08:11 PM
I have a quick possibly stupid question. I have a black car and some pesky swirls and scratches, I am having trouble removing these by hand, I`ve tried buffing the absolute crap out of them with every wax, polish, compound in my collection and they won`t come out, they aren`t localized issues either, they are over the whole car from the previous owner. They aren`t very deep though so I feel they should come out. So now I am in the market for a RO polisher and I don`t have a lot extra to spend, that being said would one of the cheapo harbor freight, Walmart polishers do the job, or are these going to cause more harm than good? I definitely do not want to add to my collection of swirl marks already on the car. Anyone have any suggestions at all? I know you get what you pay for, but my arm doesn`t go 2000 RPM and these do so I feel it may be better than what I`m doing here. Any input is appreciated!

06-17-2015, 08:22 PM
HF D/A is perfectly fine for your situation and probably preferable to any other `box store` no-name polishers.

Meg`s Ultimate Compound + Ultimate Polish are fine products that are available just about anywhere and user friendly.

Meg`s Ultimate Wax is no slouch in the looks department or longevity... but use the wax/sealant you already have if you are happy with it/them. You will want to clay the car prior to polishing.

Pads will most likely need to be sourced online... plenty of retailers including this site. I have never used the HF pads that are available at the stores so I can`t help you there.

06-17-2015, 08:26 PM
the "cheapo harbor freight" da is actually not a bad machine, especially for the price. there are also a few mods you can make to it to make it even better. see this thread http://www.autopia.org/forums/polishing-with-a-da-polisher/181368-harbor-freight-mods-videos.html?highlight=harbor+freight+da+mods. try to avoid the harbor freight pads though, I hear they are pretty bad. lake country makes a lot of really decent pads. if you get addicted like the rest of us, you`ll want a better machine(s) later. :)

06-17-2015, 08:27 PM
if you get addicted like the rest of us, you`ll want a better machine(s) later. :)

if ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

06-17-2015, 08:33 PM
Ronkh is a prime example of an out of control, obsessive compulsive detailer (OCD), who has at least one of everything or is in the process of obtaining one of everything detailing related. :bow

06-17-2015, 09:02 PM
Quite frankly, I think you need to do more research if your comparing the HF polisher to anything from Walmart. There are certain machines that can achieve pro results - and certain machines that are useless.

The question makes me wonder if the OP understands the process.

06-17-2015, 09:15 PM
I have heard good things about the HF polisher while doing research online, haven`t used either the HF polisher or box store so I cannot compare the results, that`s why I was asking. I am no stranger to detailing, I worked as a detailer for two years and performed all of our shops details independently, we did all hand waxes with our details. If a customer needed/wanted paint correction, we would pass this along to my manager who performed body work for years. This seldom happened (I think maybe twice or three times honestly) and our customers were usually happy with just a clay bar and sealant/ hand wax rather than any kind of machine polishing. I have removed plenty of scratches by hand, but I`m looking for something a little more practical and efficient than just a hand application. Thanks for the replies so far guys! I think a HF polisher may be in my future..

06-17-2015, 09:28 PM
I have heard good things about the HF polisher while doing research online, haven`t used either the HF polisher or box store so I cannot compare the results, that`s why I was asking. I am no stranger to detailing, I worked as a detailer for two years and performed all of our shops details independently, we did all hand waxes with our details. If a customer needed/wanted paint correction, we would pass this along to my manager who performed body work for years. This seldom happened (I think maybe twice or three times honestly) and our customers were usually happy with just a clay bar and sealant/ hand wax rather than any kind of machine polishing. I have removed plenty of scratches by hand, but I`m looking for something a little more practical and efficient than just a hand application. Thanks for the replies so far guys! I think a HF polisher may be in my future..

The HF polisher is a real machine with potential. That`s is if you get the right accessories and use it with the right technique. Anything from Walmart is garbage.

Quite frankly, I would just buy what you need from those that host this forum. Are you afraid of mail order or something? With detailing, the best way to get products is through the mail.

06-17-2015, 09:33 PM
The HF polisher is a real machine with potential. That`s is if you get the right accessories and use it with the right technique. Anything from Walmart is garbage.

Quite frankly, I would just buy what you need from those that host this forum. Are you afraid of mail order or something? With detailing, the best way to get products is through the mail.

Right now I am just looking for something to start me out, as I said above, I don`t have too much extra play money to spend right now (college student long story short) so that`s why I am looking for something a bit more affordable such as the HF polisher or something in that price range.

06-17-2015, 10:39 PM
Get the HF polisher (don`t forget to look for a 20% coupon online) but, get a quality 5" packing plate and quality 5.5" flat pads.

You should do some reading and watching of some video`s so you know what your getting into and can make wise purchases----Car detailing articles by Mike Phillips - Auto Geek Online Auto Detailing Forum (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/23722-car-detailing-articles-mike-phillips.html)

06-18-2015, 09:52 AM
would recommend the 6 inch orbital from Harbor Freight. has a red click on/off button on the very top edge. less than $20. wont get much correction, but its the most powerful orbital I have ever had the "pleasure" of using.

06-18-2015, 11:40 AM
Ronkh is a prime example of an out of control, obsessive compulsive detailer (OCD), who has at least one of everything or is in the process of obtaining one of everything detailing related. :bow

One of ?!?!?!?!?!