View Full Version : Wish me luck

06-14-2015, 06:49 AM
I`m of in a few minutes to detail the leather interiors of a Porsche Cayenne (tan) and Land Rover (brown). They are only a few years old, so let`s hope they`re in good condition (I`m ready if they`re not, but it would be easier if they are).

I believe this is a test, I`m being judged on how well I do the interiors of the cars before I am given the go ahead for paint correction. I`m hoping to impress the owner`s of the cars enough to get some good referrals. :)

06-14-2015, 06:52 AM
Good luck. Just be patient and enjoy

06-14-2015, 09:32 AM
best of luck don

Detail Impressions
06-14-2015, 10:23 AM
I like to suggest at small test spot, lower section of a panel. To begin with rather than the bottom of the drivers sear. Have fun and best of luck with the results!

06-14-2015, 11:40 AM
Good luck, take your time and focus on the process, if it`s done properly then the end result will take care of itself.

06-14-2015, 12:20 PM
Hope everything goes well for you

06-15-2015, 06:04 AM
I like to suggest at small test spot, lower section of a panel. To begin with rather than the bottom of the drivers sear. Have fun and best of luck with the results!

My test spot(s) were on the rear seat between the side of the seat and the interior wall of the cars, which obviously turned out ok, because I did the rest of the leather. Some was perforated leather on the Land Rover, MOST of which was perforated on the Porsche`

I gave him a price range from `Good Condition` to `Really bad Condition.` The Land Rover fell into the "Pretty Good Condition" and the Porsche was in "getting there, but I`ve seen worse condition."

Since money was an object in my selecting a product to use on the cars, I primarily used Mother`s VLR Which I must say made quick work of the Land Rover`s Dark Brown leather with just using MF towels as the applicator and removal tools. While it was an easy job, there was a LOT of real estate inside that SUV and it took me three hours (plus a bit) to make sure every inch of the leather was cleaned & treated. What little dirt I did pull out of the Rover was contained in a single MF towel. There wasn`t a need to liberally apply the VLR so there wasn`t much to wipe off which kept me from loading up multiple towels. It did however have more debris on the carpeting that needed swept up than the Porsche and of course there was the prerequisite toy car hidden under the seat. While working the interior of the Rover, I also had a chance to look at the paint (white) closely and it seemed to be in excellent condition - no swirling that I could see. Needless to say I was surprised, you could easily get away with using a one-step cleaner wax on this car and having it turn out great. I did the interior windows (it was sprinkling on me so I didn`t do the exterior glass) and I was done with the Rover

Next up was the Porsche. It was a car of many contrasts. White paint and a tan interior, it seemed to be well taken care of. There was very little dirt/debris on the floors and dashboard, the windows were clean. Here comes the contrast part ... the leather seats and the carpet/floor mats were terribly dirty and stained. There was a lot of transfer staining primarily on the driver`s seat and nearly as much on the front passenger seat. They had a child seat in the car and it was apparent that Jr. wasn`t the most careful with his juice (or whatever) cup, as there were some pretty nasty stains on the rear seat. There was what looked like a teething cookie under the child seat, but it hit the trashcan like it was a rock, it might have been there a while. Although the Porsche was a smaller vehicle it took me at least a half hour longer to clean and treat the interior and 6 microfiber towels were soiled during the cleaning. For this car, I used a scrub pad to clean the stains off the leather & door handles ... everywhere that had built up grime, so all 6 towels were just from product and slurry removal. Needless to say, the Porsche took a lot more cleaner than did the Rover. For the center console of the Porsche, I used Meguiar`s Quick Interior Detailer/Cleaner because while the VLR did a good job of cleaning, it left smears that wouldn`t wipe off on highly polished surfaces like faux wood and smooth dark surfaces, so a quick spritz of the Megs and all was right with the world the console turned out clean with a subtle natural looking gloss. The interior glass was cleaned & polished and I was done. Amazingly, the paint on this car was also in excellent condition and IMO, doesn`t need any more than a one-step cleaner/wax. The client seemed really happy that all of the staining (except for 1, one-inch juice stain) was removed. A few other people looked at the Porsche, and I got some approving looks and head nods, so I`m guessing that they were pleased with the results. They seemed like a nice group of people, they just didn`t talk much and the client even gave me a nice COLD Dos Equis while I was working ... don`t worry it was just one and I drank it SLOW, however I guzzled over 8 bottles of water during the detail, it was in the high 80s, low 90s in the sun and HUMID, so I was leaving DNA all over the place (I sweat like a pig)
I checked my blood sugar when I got home and it was 107, the lowest I`ve ever seen it be (I was smart and ate and brought some orange juice for about midpoint in the detail so I wouldn`t crash).

All in all, a nice experience and did I mention the house and neighborhood?!? Gorgeous. An awesome view, a 4+ car garage WIDE driveway with a turn around. His garage was almost bigger than my house.

Sorry no pics, but the camera wouldn`t have shown any difference on the Land Rover and the Porsche was done inside the garage where there wasn`t enough light for pics. That and I still don`t have a camera that will talk to my computer.

06-15-2015, 07:02 AM
Since money was an object ........

did I mention the house and neighborhood?!? Gorgeous. An awesome view, a 4+ car garage WIDE driveway with a turn around. His garage was almost bigger than my house

Don`t you just love customers like this


06-15-2015, 08:27 AM
Don`t you just love customers like this


Money was a consideration for me when obtaining the products to use for the detail, at the time, I couldn`t afford the shipping and the chance of having the cleaners delivered the day after I was supposed to do the detail.

06-15-2015, 11:02 AM
Good fer you - hopefully this will yield some long term jobs from him and/or his `network` of friends and neighbors!

06-15-2015, 11:18 AM
Glad it worked out for you. Looks like things are going to move forward with even better things with the new client !!!

07-30-2015, 04:30 PM
Post some pictures if you took some. I like to see pictures of work, not words. But nonetheless, great job!