View Full Version : Using Trix all that important?

06-13-2015, 05:35 AM
Hello, I`ve clayed my car twice (hopefully adequately) and have polished it several times in the last two months. I haven`t used an iron-removing type product however. It is not a white car and I really can`t tell if there is rust on the car. The paint feels smooth.

I have some Trix that I got to clean the wheels with so I was wondering if it`s beneficial to use it on the paint. I`ve seen Iron-X being recommended but I believe Trix has Iron-X in it and it`s what I have so I`m curious. I would probably just spray it on, let it sit for a minute or so and then rinse it off.

Thank you!

06-13-2015, 07:47 AM
Better use the TRIX on surface that has tar spots, or both tar and irons. if the car paint has tar it wil be good idea , if not it will be better to use IronX only.

06-13-2015, 09:38 AM
Ive had a bottle of TRIX for a year now and never used it until last week. I used it on a wheel that was brown from rust from never being cleaned and having a stuck caliper that destroyed the pads and rotor, causing metal to go all over the wheel. I Was shocked at how well it worked! I bought TRIX because it wasnt much more money than iron X, and had the ability to work on tar, so I figured why not. Apparently the smell is better than iron X, but its still nasty.

06-13-2015, 11:02 AM
IMO unless somebody has a known ferrous contamination issue there`s no need to use a product made to resolve that issue.

Regulars here know that I`m a *big* fan of the ABC decontamination system, but note that I haven`t used it since forever as my vehicles don`t get (appreciably) contaminated.

I only fix what`s broken ;)

06-14-2015, 02:05 AM
First, I don`t think you need/want to clay and polish a ride several times a month. Second, if the paint is smooth, why dump chemicals on it for a contamination that prolly doesn`t exist. Give the finish a rest and do some fishing or gardening or something! :)

06-14-2015, 03:03 AM
Accumulator is right. I used Iron-X for the first time today on the wheels and lower seconds of the body panels and waited, and waited. Very little of the visible Iron X turned purple because I didn`t have any iron contamination. I had in fact falsely assumed that my Brembo Breaks and regular drag racing habit would cause iron contamination. This not the case for me.

The Iron x did turn purple in very specific places, such as the lugs and engraved lettering but none on the outer face or barrel. Iron X also turned purple in one other spot, the chrome door molding of the drivers side only, the purple just kept coming and coming. *flooded it with the hose for 30-45 seconds and there was A LOT of purple from that one spot. I`m going to take off that molding and investigate :)

I can say this with confidence, "When Iron-X does find iron contamination it works VERY well!"

06-14-2015, 05:07 AM
I tried IronX a couple times on my wheels and saw little result.

06-14-2015, 01:54 PM
For some reason Ferrous Contamination Products have come into widespread use recently and/but I can`t help but think that they`re being used a lot when *not* necessary, but are still *not* used often enough when it *is* advisable (i.e., new vehicles).