View Full Version : Coating Durability - Are U Getting What MFG`s Are Promising?

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06-10-2015, 07:42 PM
I`m not. Are you?

Tried 3 so far. Do not want to name them just yet (probably won`t). But, both my cars are split between 1/2 GQ 1/2 DD. Other customer`s car is a DD. All coating mfg`s say 1 year easily. 2-3 years likely. I`m getting 1 year tops. Seems like I need to clay to rid the grittiness off of the paint at the 1 year mark. This equates to removing some coating and then re-applying. Or, is living in NE the fault (pollen then heat then acid rain then cold then ice then salt then lots of snow then below 0 temps)?

Beading, slickness 6-9 months at best before degradation sets in. Saw this also while using most sealants but sealants were advertising durability good for 1-year max.

Not blaming or pointing at anyone but that`s my experience. Should I try a 4th coating. What do you see?

Comments welcome.

06-10-2015, 07:57 PM
Since you wont mention brands, its a useless post. Zero help to us. but I will tell you I get better than a year and I`m pleased witht he performance until the 18 Month mark on my Daily Driver wearing EXo v2. Its shot now, at about 22 months. I will recoat with Polish Angel Viking coat shortly.

My wifes car was wearing Opticoat 2.0 and it was good for about 18 months as well. I re coated with 22ple

06-10-2015, 08:08 PM
My CQuartz is still like new in all spots except the lower third of the doors after 11 months. I still haven`t tried claying to see if the beading will return. However, that area still sheets very well so the coating is in tact.

06-10-2015, 08:18 PM
I usually just reduce what they claim by 50%. :)

06-10-2015, 08:21 PM
I have gotten 2.5+ years from Cquartz before I stripped it and applied CQUK.
I am at 2 years on CQUK and it is still going strong.
I have 2+ years of Opti-Coat pro on my truck with no signs of stopping.

I personally have not had great success with PBL ASC. It does after 6 months or so for me.

tom p.
06-10-2015, 08:29 PM
I`m coming up on 2yrs on my car with CQuartz UK. However, I cheat and use RELOAD. Finish and gloss remain as good as the day applied. Beading is outstanding - - if that means anything.

06-10-2015, 08:43 PM
CQUK & OC 2.0... No, they did NOT perform as expected. Applied both on my wife`s daily driver (one product each side.) Both were done around 8 months (and by done... I mean there is beading but it looks like a wax/ sealant on it`s very last leg... no fabulous `tight, round` beading.) I did not top them with anything. Clayed/ Iron-X at the 6 month mark and washed every time with Reset. And you can call `prep error` all you want but I will save you the finger strokes because they were applied `right.`

I also did the same on my n-law`s truck. Half CQUK & OC 2.0. Same thing but both were done at 6 month mark. To be fair, the truck is parked underneath Douglas Fir trees so I am sure some kind of organic particulate is altering the surface characteristics of the water action. Yet, I clayed and applied Iron-X also but the water action didn`t improve dramatically at all. Prep was also manufacturer approved. No `topper` used.

Optimum Gloss Coat... I prepped one panel on my personal truck. It lasted all of 4 weeks. Done with that. Anyone want a 9cc tube?

DG Enviroshield, Americoat are also on my truck... so far, so good.... 7 months. They both are beading, sheeting, and allow easy cleaning. I have not noticed a degradation in their performance(s). The two coatings are a real treat to apply.

So out of the 3 retail coatings... 1 is doing well.

Out of 1 professional coating, 1 is doing well.

I am not sure of the chemical difference(s) in the retail vs. professional coatings... but it`s quite obvious to me that the retail coatings market seems to be a bit lackluster in actual performance to back up their durability claims.

David Fermani
06-10-2015, 08:57 PM
IMHO a true coating shouldn`t need a topper. Heck, they should be able to withstand washing with harsh cleaners and it shouldn`t affect it`s performance. I`d be interested to know how some of these "coatings" last if you didn`t baby them? You know a real torture test and I don`t mean trying to scratch them with lighters. :inspector:

06-10-2015, 09:05 PM
Im on year-5 on my 2009 Grand Cherokee, Crystal Pearl Black, wearing the old Opti-Guard Pro version.
I did 1 thick coat of it in the Shop, perfect, clean, conditions, cured it in the garage, loaded it up and drove 2 stints of 1,000 miles each, arriving with about as clean a car as when I left.
Nothing stuck to it for quite a while.. Nothing sticks to it still, but not as incredibly as the first 2-3 years..

Have never topped it, never rubbed anything on it but Car Pro Reset soap in a bucket, when I`m home, and an occasional car wash on the road between WA, CA, and Texas..
Total miles on the Opti-Guard - 18,000 + highway miles..

It is still there, still very glossy, very clear, I see all the metallic particles in the paint in the sun just fine.. There are very, very, few light scratches if you can see them in the sunlight..
Im a Detailer, so I know how to not scratch vehicles and always try to not do it..

The only place on the vehicle where it does not look good is on the Venture-Shield full front Clear-Bra that covers the entire front end and about 1/3 up on the Hood and Front Fenders..
The Clear Bra did not hold onto the Coating as well and the occasional car wash Slap-a-Long strips have caused some light scratches on the Clear Bra on the hood..
But its a ClearBra and it protects the heck out of my pristine Black Paint on the entire front end, so Im not worried..
Some day, I will lightly remove those defects off the plastic, when I get time..

I used the SM Arnold ClayTowel to prep the paint originally and then used a Rotary to perfect the paintwork (except for what was already under the ClearBra)..

This product is still there all the way around the vehicle - I have been so lucky to not have to do anything to it but wash and dry it with my Metro Master Blaster..

Will see if I can find my Camera and Tripod and take a few sun pics of it before I probably trade it in on a new Black Honda Accord Coupe..

Someone is going to be so happy to see the condition of the paintwork and know they dont have to do anything for who knows how long, going forward..
Dan F

06-10-2015, 09:56 PM
IMHO a true coating shouldn`t need a topper. Heck, they should be able to withstand washing with harsh cleaners and it shouldn`t affect it`s performance. I`d be interested to know how some of these "coatings" last if you didn`t baby them? You know a real torture test and I don`t mean trying to scratch them with lighters. :inspector:

I tend to use harsher chemicals on my coated car than on non coated cars. I agree that babying a coating is stupid.

06-11-2015, 01:30 AM
IMHO a true coating shouldn`t need a topper. Heck, they should be able to withstand washing with harsh cleaners and it shouldn`t affect it`s performance. I`d be interested to know how some of these "coatings" last if you didn`t baby them? You know a real torture test and I don`t mean trying to scratch them with lighters. :inspector:

David, I did just that with my wife`s daily. 1 wash per month (if that... longest stretch was 7 weeks). I did use reset for washing.. no toppers. She drives 60+ miles a day. I used clay and iron x @ 6 months just to see if the surface action could be revived not because I was trying to baby it.

I was sort of impressed by the limited wash induced marring of the coated surfaces. (Honda NBP color...super soft so I have seen what happens with just a sealant applied after a year of washing.)

06-11-2015, 04:29 AM
Approaching 2 years with OC 2.0 and no signs of failure. The car is a daily driver but it is garaged at night. Maintained with just shampoos (Lusso Auto Bathe & DJ BTBM , mostly) plus a hit with Iron-X and OPC 4:1 maybe once a year.

06-11-2015, 06:04 AM
IMHO a true coating shouldn`t need a topper. Heck, they should be able to withstand washing with harsh cleaners and it shouldn`t affect it`s performance. I`d be interested to know how some of these "coatings" last if you didn`t baby them? You know a real torture test and I don`t mean trying to scratch them with lighters. :inspector:

Are you talking about Opti-Coat Pro? Or maybe its new "topper" Pro+......

Stirs the pot and walks away..... :ph34r:

06-11-2015, 06:22 AM
I don`t top my coatings either. After they start fading I might use permanon until I have some time to polish and re coat the car.

Toppers are extenders and I`d rather not mess with them. on a regular basis. If I can get close to 2 years from a coating I am happy.

IMHO a true coating shouldn`t need a topper. Heck, they should be able to withstand washing with harsh cleaners and it shouldn`t affect it`s performance. I`d be interested to know how some of these "coatings" last if you didn`t baby them? You know a real torture test and I don`t mean trying to scratch them with lighters. :inspector:

Mike lambert
06-11-2015, 06:36 AM
All of the cars I coated with c Quartz finest that I see on a regular basis are about 18 to 24 months old. Those not garaged are pretty much done. Not a slam ,just as expected. My cars with Gyeon at 8-9 months still good.