View Full Version : Old Timer Returning-Klasse Still Good?

06-05-2015, 10:12 AM
Been off the forum for about 10 years, even had to get a new userid as my old email no longer exists. I used to use Klasse AIO and SG, but stop using them as I got busy and had some physical issues, fell back on Nu Finish (no flames, please), easy twice a year AIO.

So I got a new silver Mazda 6 and want to get back into it. I`ve been lurking here for a couple of weeks, seems like there`s a lot of new stuff out and curious as to whether I can do better than Klasse. Looking for the longest lasting, best looking finish for a silver car with minimal work. I`m just not up to doing the AIO and then 3 coats of SG and a coat of Carnauba.

Some questions:

1) My Klasse is about 10 years old, sitting in a hot garage in Southern California. Is it still good? I want to use the AIO before anything else, and possibly the SG.
2) Intrigued by FK 1000k, Collonite 845 and Prima Hydra max. All seem easy one-step with nice longevity. Which has best look for a silver car?
3) Can I use any or all of these over SG?

tom p.
06-05-2015, 10:14 AM
Valley, welcome aboard! I think you`ve got to test your Klasse products to see if they`re still viable.

FK 1000p and Collinite 845 are not one-step products. I`m not familiar with the other product you mention.

06-05-2015, 10:33 AM
Welcome back!! While I haven`t used the Prima products yet they are very interesting and seems like one of the easiest products to use. Take a look a this thread: http://www.autopia.org/forums/car-detailing-product-discussion/181278-prima.html

06-05-2015, 10:40 AM
Welcome Back !!! I still have a bottle of Klasse that is about 10 years old. Still good but many easier to use products out there now. You can`t go wrong with Hydro Max or Collonite 845. Great LSP`s, very durable, and easy to use.

06-05-2015, 10:47 AM
Welcome back!
Especially for the fairly low cost, I don`t think I`d bother with a 10 year old chemical concoction. Now Klasse is good, but I believe it still requires several coats to be effective. There are other viable sealants.
I also used Klasse in the past, but now I`m giving Duragloss a try. After wash `n clay, I put on one coat of DG 601/105 (Bonding Agent mixed with Total Performance Polish) and two coats of 601/111 (Bonding Agent mixed with Clear Coat Polish) - then I will top after washes with DG Aquawax. For winter, I plan on doing the above AND top the sealant with Collinite 476s (to attempt to beat the northeast winter `n SALT).

06-05-2015, 11:00 AM
FK and 845 are both great products, I prefer the FK for looks and longevity. But as mentioned above, neither are one steppers. You need to apply, dry/haze and buff off. The FK isn`t as terrible to buff off in my experience compared to what others have said but it does require some effort.
I actually ordered a bottle of the Hydro Max to try out and will let you know how that goes.
I`ve also recently tried the Megs Ultimate Quick Wax and found it to be quite nice especially for the low cost.
I didn`t have much luck with using it while the car was still wet as part of the drying process but it goes on and off easy enough as its own step after drying.

06-05-2015, 11:52 AM
Been off the forum for about 10 years, even had to get a new userid as my old email no longer exists. I used to use Klasse AIO and SG... curious as to whether I can do better than Klasse. Looking for the longest lasting, best looking finish for a silver car with minimal work. I`m just not up to doing the AIO and then 3 coats of SG and a coat of Carnauba.

Welcome back! I used KSG on Mazda silver for ages, but I too got tired of the whole layering thing.

Some questions:

1) My Klasse is about 10 years old, sitting in a hot garage in Southern California. Is it still good? I want to use the AIO before anything else, and possibly the SG.

My KAIO is a *LOT* older than that, and even has black/gray moldy-stuff floating in it (yeah, real "!yuck!") but it *works* absolutely 100% fine nonetheless. Yeah, sorta surprised me..but it does.

2) Intrigued by FK 1000k, Collonite 845 and Prima Hydra max. All seem easy one-step with nice longevity. Which has best look for a silver car?

I`ve only used the FK and 845 but FWIW FK1000P has basically replaced my other LSPs because *IMO* it`s just *so much* better functionally and IMO it looks great on silver. Two or three coats of FK1000P (one initial one and then more after the next few regularly scheduled washes; no need to layer all at once) just kills 845 for durability and at least rivals (more) layers of KSG all while cleaning up better and protecting at least as well (I no longer clean off bird-bombs, no etching yet).

3) Can I use any or all of these over SG?

Never tried it but I`d expect FK1000P to bond OK. FWIW it works great over various AIOs.

06-05-2015, 04:18 PM
Thanks for the replies, guys, much appreciated.

I`ll be ordering FK1000p and 425, plus Meguiar`s Carnauba quick wax for some lazy over coat down the road in case the FK products don`t give me enough of that look we all want. In the meantime, while waiting for the new stuff to arrive next week, I will be washing the new car this weekend followed by a layer of the Klasse AIO (assuming it`s still good). I may follow up with SG, but probably not. Next weekend the FK.

06-06-2015, 11:10 AM
valleyguy1- Don`t let yucky appearance put you off the KAIO if you run into it, just pretend you didn`t see it and trust that it`ll work fine ;)

06-08-2015, 10:44 AM
KAIO worked great, seemed clean, though my bottle has cracks in it at the bottom causing some leakage.

06-08-2015, 04:50 PM
valleyguy1- Glad it worked OK. Might oughta get it into another bottle.

06-09-2015, 01:20 PM
Yeah, probably a good idea. It`s sitting in a zip log baggie right now.

06-15-2015, 01:04 PM
I`ll give my vote of confidence for both the Megs UQW and Prima Hydro Max. I can`t quite speak for durability yet but in terms of ease of use and performance (based solely on beading properties) I recommend both. The Prima will give more consistent and uniform beading and seems more hydrophobic than the Megs. But it is twice the price and not as easy to get so there`s that. I personally recommend the Prima even with those caveats.