View Full Version : Here`s One to Think About

06-02-2015, 07:20 PM
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."

Cicero - 38 BC

06-02-2015, 07:56 PM
Great empires rises and great empires fall. It is only a matter of when not if!

06-03-2015, 10:46 AM
The words spoken ages ago are valid even now since one thing has not changed - human nature.

The problem is not everyone agrees on who are the traitors.

06-03-2015, 12:05 PM
I see more and more absolute repulsive stuff being put in one`s face and probably because it is news worthy (?), our media people seem to feel the need to report it and perhaps not knowing, help glamorize this sick stuff..
Totally believe there are those that are hard at work, trying to rot the core of this and other free nations...
Pretty much anyone with even a little conscience, will at once, recoil from some of the garbage that is deemed news these days, and there is a reason for that recoil..
This stuff is wrong, has always been wrong, and will ever be wrong..
Your gut is absolutely spot on if you will listen to it as we all do...

There will have to be a time when mankind will actually revolt from the constant barrage of evil, sick, etc., subject matter being shoved in our faces daily, and will go head to head against evil designers and remove them..

I dont read anywhere in the Scriptures where the Savior condoned it - instead He cast out evil spirits that were rooted deeply in people..
When He was tempted by the Father of all Lies after fasting for 40 days and nights, He said to him - "get thee behind me"and the evil one left him alone..

While we may not have that power, we can certainly speak up and do our part to keep this stuff out of our lives and the lives of our families and friends- all who will listen to reason...
Dan F

06-03-2015, 02:33 PM
Dan, how does that saying go? Something along the lines of there`s a difference between being "in the world" as opposed to being "of the world". If that is actually the case then it`s fair to state that though we can accept a broad cross section of viewpoints and behaviors doesn`t neccesarily mean that we approve of or promote those same viewpoints and behaviors.

There are no doubt wolves in sheeps clothing among us and one needs to really stay on their toes in order to discern that which is benificial from that which is harmful. It`s a real challenge when so much of what`s around us is designed to lull us into a state of complacency or to literally put us to sleep on current issues. I further believe that one of the circumstances that is most evident is the seeming indifference we seem to have where our government is concerned. As a nation our inability to come together on what`s best for humanity is saddening. Politicians have too many masters to serve from lobbyists and special interests, to their own party, to environmentalists and the list goes on. We need to get back to the point where the only master that matters is "The People".

I personally believe that all people (with the exception of those who are handicapped) come to this world with the ability to discern good from bad, it`s instinctive. Though it might be fun to do everyone knows that throwing rocks through the neighbors windows is wrong. That said, the bad that is around us is a such a continual barage. The net effect is that it wears us down and pretty soon we either no longer have the aility to feel those impressions or we just no longer care. It isn`t about partisan politcs or the left or the right. Any one issue can be diluted, restated, rewritten or repeated out of context to the point that you can find what ever it is you`re looking for from 0 to 180 degrees just simply looking at the same issue. Congressional bills designed simply to please all, when all that is needed is to get from A to B are destroying us. We don`t need the XYZ`s to get from A to B. If we`re not firmly grounded, knowing in advance where we stand the wind will blow us where it may. I believe that in many cases there are Good, Better and Best scenarios and far to often we opt for the Good or Better while leaving the Best on the table, smiling as we wallk away.

Lastly, I believe that nothing on this earth is brand new, the real issues are still the same. Sure we might enhance the speed at which we move but much of what was written centuries ago is still correct in principle. The quote I posted is a good example of this but I don`t think you have to look much further than The Constitution to prove this true. Why do we continually try to have it rewritten?

Yeah, just my .02 cents, stepping down from my soap box. :horse:

06-03-2015, 04:02 PM
stuff just got REAL in here, and I like it. good thread

06-03-2015, 04:07 PM
stuff just got REAL in here, and I like it. good thread

About where someone goes off on a tangent blaming Obama usually. :blink:

06-03-2015, 04:20 PM
About where someone goes off on a tangent blaming Obama usually. :blink:
Now look who started down that line. It was fairly innocuous, general speak and non partisan until you mentioned a name. ;)

Fortunately for the most part Autopia members have been able to have reasonable political discussions without resorting to gutter scraping. I`ve been impressed by level of integrity this forum has. There have been times where these conversations turn bad but it`s the exception as opposed to the rule. We may not, nor should we always agree but still allow civil conversation. I frequent a gun forum where once politics are mentioned threads ALWAYS go straight to the basement, vast contrast between here and other forums.

06-03-2015, 04:30 PM
those we do not speak of. only 1 more year, folks. then we can complain about all of the same things, but simply change the persons name who is "at fault".

06-03-2015, 04:42 PM
those we do not speak of. only 1 more year, folks. then we can complain about all of the same things, but simply change the persons name who is "at fault".

One name never changes, congress will still be congress. :)

06-03-2015, 05:43 PM
Dan, how does that saying go? Something along the lines of there`s a difference between being "in the world" as opposed to being "of the world". If that is actually the case then it`s fair to state that though we can accept a broad cross section of viewpoints and behaviors doesn`t neccesarily mean that we approve of or promote those same viewpoints and behaviors.

There are no doubt wolves in sheeps clothing among us and one needs to really stay on their toes in order to discern that which is benificial from that which is harmful. It`s a real challenge when so much of what`s around us is designed to lull us into a state of complacency or to literally put us to sleep on current issues. I further believe that one of the circumstances that is most evident is the seeming indifference we seem to have where our government is concerned. As a nation our inability to come together on what`s best for humanity is saddening. Politicians have too many masters to serve from lobbyists and special interests, to their own party, to environmentalists and the list goes on. We need to get back to the point where the only master that matters is "The People".

I personally believe that all people (with the exception of those who are handicapped) come to this world with the ability to discern good from bad, it`s instinctive. Though it might be fun to do everyone knows that throwing rocks through the neighbors windows is wrong. That said, the bad that is around us is a such a continual barage. The net effect is that it wears us down and pretty soon we either no longer have the aility to feel those impressions or we just no longer care. It isn`t about partisan politcs or the left or the right. Any one issue can be diluted, restated, rewritten or repeated out of context to the point that you can find what ever it is you`re looking for from 0 to 180 degrees just simply looking at the same issue. Congressional bills designed simply to please all, when all that is needed is to get from A to B are destroying us. We don`t need the XYZ`s to get from A to B. If we`re not firmly grounded, knowing in advance where we stand the wind will blow us where it may. I believe that in many cases there are Good, Better and Best scenarios and far to often we opt for the Good or Better while leaving the Best on the table, smiling as we wallk away.

Lastly, I believe that nothing on this earth is brand new, the real issues are still the same. Sure we might enhance the speed at which we move but much of what was written centuries ago is still correct in principle. The quote I posted is a good example of this but I don`t think you have to look much further than The Constitution to prove this true. Why do we continually try to have it rewritten?

Yeah, just my .02 cents, stepping down from my soap box. :horse:

My family and extended families choose unanimously, to stand next to this man and his loved ones !

And yes, we all need to be In the world, but not necessarily OF the world ..
Dan F

06-03-2015, 07:23 PM
Great empires rises and great empires fall. It is only a matter of when not if!

Rome fell when they granted in-state tuition rates to the Barbarians.

06-04-2015, 08:12 AM
One name never changes, congress will still be congress. :)

Or the saying, if pro is the opposite of con, then what is the opposite of progress?

06-04-2015, 08:21 AM
Good One!