View Full Version : Collinite still in the can question

05-30-2015, 07:20 PM
I opened the 476s and 885 the other day temp was in the 80`s in the garage. The 476s was normal but noticed some pooling liquid in the 885. Today temp is 106, 476 looks normal, 885 has a minor lake. Should I be worried ?. I also received the latest order which included FK High Temp paste. That stuff smells awful but it was dry earlier, just reopened and it appears to be sweating it out in the can. I have been using liquids for the last 30 years so is this normal for paste waxes ?.


05-31-2015, 07:04 AM
MANY paste waxes will soften or even melt under high temps, I had a can of Megs Ult Paste that I let sit on a the floorboards of a car while I sealed the outside of the car. When I returned to the can to reapply it to the applicator, there were a few "islands" of semi-solid wax floating in a lake of liquid wax, I had to put it in the freezer for a few minutes so it would solidify again so I could use it. I often melt paste waxes on purpose when I get near the end of the can so all the crumbled and cracked pieces melt together into one larger block again.

tom p.
05-31-2015, 07:36 AM
Dave, that doesn`t sound normal. Also, I`d never store my products (except glass cleaner) in a hot or cold garage unless I intend to throw them away.

05-31-2015, 08:15 AM
Thanks guy`s, I moved them into the Air Conditioned house last night. I am a little surprised I saw this in the 885 and not the 476s tho, although the 885 has a larger pot hole at the center of the wax, maybe I should put it out on the concrete at 106+ and let it melt to fill in the pot hole.


05-31-2015, 08:38 AM
Indeed, in a hot humid garage, all my paste waxes will sweat and a few will become hard to use in this state. Over the long term, sweating in summer and drying back up in winter, I think the solvents evaporate and the wax can become too hard. IME, purposefully melting a wax to "reset" it is possible, but you can`t keep doing it. And it depends on the wax. Softer paste waxes can handle it, but I ruined some Blue Velvet by melting it.

05-31-2015, 10:15 AM
Indeed, in a hot humid garage, all my paste waxes will sweat and a few will become hard to use in this state. Over the long term, sweating in summer and drying back up in winter, I think the solvents evaporate and the wax can become too hard. IME, purposefully melting a wax to "reset" it is possible, but you can`t keep doing it. And it depends on the wax. Softer paste waxes can handle it, but I ruined some Blue Velvet by melting it.

I was wondering If the so called polymers (what ever they are} would separate if I let it melt and ruin the wax. With the 885 I put a large pot hole in the middle when I tried to scoop some out to apply to the DA pad with my fingers when I was adding a coat to the RV. My traditional way to do this was/is to use a yellow hand applicator in the can then apply that to the DA pad.


06-18-2015, 04:05 PM
Heat is not product-friendly to most carnauba waxes; which is why wax-connoisseurs will store their high-end carnaubas in refrigerators. Even on hot, humid days some detailers will (lightly) mist ice water on wax applications to prevent the hazy, smeary, look that can happen when wiping off carnauba wax.

That said, I do like the idea of "heating" carnauba waxes that are "chunks" in a container and melting them together. I`ve got some 5-year old Autoglym HD Wax (from a Wal-mart closeout, where else!) that I may need to try this suggestion on. The wax is very "sticky" when trying to wipe it off. (Or I just apply too much trying to use it up).

06-19-2015, 10:37 AM
My waxes typically last for many years per tin; I have a *LOT* of still-OK LSPs that are over a dozen years old and even a little jar of Zymol (sold under the BHMA label) for interior wood that dates to the `80s. And my previous shop got *HOT*. Just don`t seem to have problems with such stuff going bad. But that tin of 885 would give me pause.

06-19-2015, 10:52 AM
do not keep any of your products in the garage in areas like Arizona. get a plastic tote container and keep them all in there, then bring them in the house and throw in the back of a closet or something after using them. well, unless you don`t mind them going bad, that is.

06-19-2015, 11:07 AM
My waxes typically last for many years per tin; I have a *LOT* of still-OK LSPs that are over a dozen years old and even a little jar of Zymol (sold under the BHMA label) for interior wood that dates to the `80s. And my previous shop got *HOT*. Just don`t seem to have problems with such stuff going bad. But that tin of 885 would give me pause.

BHMA ?!?!?

You must be old like Ronkh

06-19-2015, 11:37 AM
Trouble- Yeah...sigh...I`m getting up there. I don`t seem to be exactly "old like Ronkh" though, he`s always saying that he *feels* old and that he`s out of shape ;)

But yeah...[old codger voice] "Seems like just yesterday I was ordering from BHMA and MG Mitten!" [/old codger voice] I recently used the term "mimeograph" (instead of saying "Xerox" or "copy") and only one person in the room knew what I meant :o