View Full Version : Ultimate Wax (Liquid and Paste) don`t like machine application ... for me

05-22-2015, 07:36 PM
I`ve used both waxes now, the liquid and the paste and I can honestly say that neither of them play well for me with my PC. I tried the paste first, and I had to use a ton of product to even get any of the wax onto the paint that I went through a can much faster than I should have. So when I ran out of the paste, I bought the liquid. I took a new (relatively speaking) Lake Country black finishing pad and tried the standard "X" to prime the pad and subsequent 4 drops to reapply wax to the pad. It was worse than the paste. The wax absorbed into the pad and stayed there, it wouldn`t come out and spread onto the paint. I decided not to waste any more liquid wax and used the supplied applicator and applied it by hand from that moment on, which BTW worked excellently, it spread thin and seemed to go forever.

Some other facts: The black pad I have for the PC is MUCH softer and more absorbent than the supplied hand pad and where the supplied hand pad feels like a yellow polishing pad, the black pad for the PC feels more like a soft bath sponge. Could this be the issue?

I`m not really complaining, I like getting up close and personal when applying a LSP to a car, but I just completed my father in law`s 1500 Silverado (with a bed cap) and applying wax, even one as cooperative as Ultimate Liquid, was a bit of a chore. Even so, I still prefer to remove LSPs by hand.

Any thoughts?

05-22-2015, 07:52 PM
I never had a problem applying Ult Liquid Wax with a LC flat black on my Griots.

What are you doing prior to applying the Meguiars?
Wash, clay, etc....

05-22-2015, 07:58 PM
I never had a problem applying Ult Liquid Wax with a LC flat black on my Griots.

What are you doing prior to applying the Meguiars?
Wash, clay, etc....

This was on my FIL`s truck, I had used UC before trying to apply the ULW. I don`t have the flat pad, I have one of the old VC (variable contact) pads.

05-22-2015, 08:03 PM
I tried the paste and didn`t like it at all as it didn`t buff off well, like it was sticky.

05-22-2015, 09:07 PM
I have the same issue! I`ll keep an eye on this form for when someone has a solution.

05-23-2015, 03:35 AM
Although I hate to *waste* a polishing pad by using ULW on it (I say wasting the pad, because It doesn`t wash out easily) I think that will be my next step in an attempt to apply ULW my machine for those bigger jobs. Or maybe I`ll just continue to apply it by hand.

05-23-2015, 07:02 AM
Don--I don`t regularly use ULW, but I had a sample last year that I wanted to try. Applied it with my Griots and a 5.5" red Buff & Shine pad with no problems. The B&S red pad is very soft with no cut, but has very small dense pores so it doesn`t seem to absorb much LSP. I use them for all LSP application with great success. Also, their hand pads are the same foam as the 5.5" red pad.

05-23-2015, 07:07 AM
I apply it with a 3" Griots and a black Griots pad and it goes a long way, more so if you use the liquid version.

I do understand however what MiVor says, it does feel "sticky" on a microfiber when buffing it off, but that`s probably the polymer base that makes it that way. Also, if it`s put on thick like most tend to do it`s more of a bear to get off. ULW and UPW both work best in my experience put on very very thin.

05-23-2015, 07:13 AM
I have no experience with the B&S pads, only the old LC VC pads and Megs new 5" pads. I have been using the black LC variable contact pads (7" pads cut down to 5" fur my 5" bp) and after doing 3.25 cars with the LC pads with the same results (all were used after compounding or polishing) uneven application, collapsing pads excessive product usage ... I decided I would try it once more with the firmer polishing pad and if that didn`t work, Id just stay with hand application as it`s not all that bad (except on big trucks like my FIL`s Silverado ... MANY BIG flat panels).

05-23-2015, 07:27 AM
I do understand however what MiVor says, it does feel "sticky" on a microfiber when buffing it off, but that`s probably the polymer base that makes it that way. Also, if it`s put on thick like most tend to do it`s more of a bear to get off. ULW and UPW both work best in my experience put on very very thin.

That`s how it is when I try to apply it with my PC, I know it`s on too thick, but so far I haven`t had any success getting it on thin. I guess since my car needs washed (It sat for 3 days near a pine tree and it sprinkled, so now it has pollen/sap/dirt water spots on it) I`ll give the polishing pad a try

05-23-2015, 01:01 PM

So like I mentioned earlier, I was going to use a Meguiar`s yellow polishing pad to see if I had any better luck applying the Ult Liquid... MAN DID I EVER! 4 dime sized drops to prime the pad and that amount did the entire hood, 4 more drops, the entire roof and 2 drops the trunk lid. After that 4 drops would do two complete panels. I did have to go over each panel several times, because I couldn`t really see for sure where it had been applied and where it hadn`t.

For removal, there was no buffing involved, just an easy wipe with a clean microfiber, this is where I found out for sure I had covered every bit of the car, there was a light tug, then smoothness on the second pass. There were no oily swirls, streaks, dark patches, nothing but paint with a super high gloss ... I`m extremely pleased with the process and the results. My suggestion to anyone having trouble like I was ... switch to a slightly firmer pad, it makes a world of a difference