View Full Version : Leery of polishing headlights and tailights

05-12-2015, 05:48 PM
I have successfully RESTORED ugly headlights on a few cars, but I have never polished headlights that still look good but might have some light marring or swirls. I`m worried that by doing so, I`ll remove the factory protective coating (assuming there is one), and then I`ll be stuck in an endless loop of polishing because I`ve opened up the plastic to the elements. Is my concern valid?

If I want to take this plunge, what are the recommendations for pads, polish, and speed?

I`d rather not buy polish, as I have so many already. I have a light chemical polish: Poorboy`s Professional, and a few light abrasives like Menzerna 4000. I also have a few pre-wax cleaners and AIO`s.

Any advice is appreciated. Again, this is for heads and tails that still look clear, but have minor issues.

05-12-2015, 07:48 PM
I`d rather not touch headlights that have light marring, but you can always give it a quick once over with something mild like Optimum Hyper Polish, and then coat it. But if coating is not what you want to do, I wouldn`t touch it until the original coating fails. Just my 2 cents.

05-12-2015, 07:49 PM
I always polish the taillights with my AIO light polish/wax... removes some of the swirlmarks on them and improves clarity by a lot. I don`t see them having a `coating` that I am removing.

05-12-2015, 07:54 PM
I came here to say this. As detailers we cannot apply the same level of protection that a factory can. If you polish off the protective uv coating. You will be in a annual ritual of polishing and revealing them. I`m there with 2 of my vehicles. Both needed it bad before I started.

I`d rather not touch headlights that have light marring, but you can always give it a quick once over with something mild like Optimum Hyper Polish, and then coat it. But if coating is not what you want to do, I wouldn`t touch it until the original coating fails. Just my 2 cents.

05-13-2015, 06:06 AM
I use a light polish like Wolfgang or Blackfire AIO no issues.
I either put 845 or a sealant on.

05-13-2015, 06:09 AM
I would suggest a coating for greater durability. Something like opti lens (best), gloss coat, CQuartz , or any other coating with uv protection.

I use a light polish like Wolfgang or Blackfire AIO no issues.
I either put 845 or a sealant on.

05-13-2015, 06:34 AM
I ALWAYS wax (non-abrasive sealant) my headlights whenever I wax the car, but I sometimes I will use a cleaner wax to help clear away any built up crud that washing doesn`t remove.

05-13-2015, 06:59 AM
As old Ben Franklin said, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I`ve used Plexus on my lenses since new and a quick spray/wipe every 2-3 months has kept them looking perfectly clear for years.

05-13-2015, 08:12 AM
Megs (and others) has a headlight restore kit that I believe has their headlight protectant (also sold separately). If when polished, this "should" protect into the future.?

05-13-2015, 08:27 AM
Megs (and others) has a headlight restore kit that I believe has their headlight protectant (also sold separately). If when polished, this "should" protect into the future.?

It`ll do it`s job for a while but will need to be reapplied every so often.

05-13-2015, 08:38 AM
It`ll do it`s job for a while but will need to be reapplied every so often.
yep, just like washing, `waxing` and window cleaning.

05-13-2015, 01:40 PM
I only LSP my headlights, but I polish/LSP the other exterior lights as needed just like the paint. Noting that my vehicles don`t get all that marred up (but are sometimes bought in terribly marred condition), I`ve never had a problem from polishing those other lights even on vehicles I keep for a long, long time (decades).

05-13-2015, 02:18 PM
Thanks for the replies all. I think I will continue to hold off on headlights until cloudiness starts, but I`ll go ahead and polish tails. I`m thinking AIO.

05-13-2015, 02:21 PM
.. I will continue to hold off on headlights until cloudiness starts, but I`ll go ahead and polish tails. I`m thinking AIO.

The headlights might never *get* cloudy...mine never have (IMO because they`re always LSPed). If your AIO is nonabrasive (e.g., KAIO) it`ll help with oxidation and general appearance, just not any marring (well, gee...obviously, I suppose). FWIW, I don`t like using ZAIO on plastics, and I REALLY don`t like how M205 acts on them.