View Full Version : No white "concrete" on textured black trim

04-19-2015, 03:32 PM
We all know that getting wax on black textured trim is a big no-no because it`s almost impossible to remove. Well I detailed my In-law`s Ford Edge yesterday without taping off the trim, because the Ult Paste has not stained the trim pieces on my car. I was still careful, but got some on the black texture anyways. I know the trim on my wife`s `03 Explorer is the devil when it comes to wax on trim as were most other cars (mainly Fords). After polishing (oh man, did this car need clayed, but they didn`t give me enough time to go all out) I applied the wax panel by panel, wiping it off as I went. I can`t say I was too surprised but when I got to the areas of trim that I had inadvertently went over with wax, it buffed right off, leaving only a slightly shiny spot. So it looks like Ult Liquid isn`t the only one not to stain trim

04-19-2015, 03:37 PM
Don, do you have any advice on how to rid wax stains on textured black trim?

04-19-2015, 07:00 PM
Don, do you have any advice on how to rid wax stains on textured black trim?

Unfortunately, the BEST way is not to get it on the trim in the first place. I did have some luck on my wife`s Explorer when I taped off the trim (when it already had wax on it) and when I buffed over the tape, the tape pulled the previous wax off the trim. All I can say is when in doubt, tape.

04-19-2015, 08:56 PM
Don, do you have any advice on how to rid wax stains on textured black trim?

Have you tried alcohol or mineral spirits?

The Guz
04-19-2015, 11:11 PM
APC and a small bristled brush works well to remove wax or polish from textured trim.

04-20-2015, 06:52 AM
Mothers trim restorer kit, works very well.

04-20-2015, 01:05 PM
WaxAddict- If none of the previous suggestions work for you, some products that`ve worked for me include:

-GR40 (forget who makes it or where I got it)
-Griot`s Dried-On Wax Remover
-Griot`s Rubber Prep (IMO everybody oughta have this on the shelf anyhow)
-ValuGard`s "A"
-FK1119 (nasty stuff..)